# @modular-matrix/autodiscover-client-configuration Automatically discovers the Matrix homeserver and identity server for a given hostname, according to the process described in the [Client-Server API specification](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.5.0#server-discovery). This module currently deviates from the specification in an important way: it *also* directly attempts to detect a homeserver running on the specified hostname, if none of the discovery methods in the specification were successful. As a lot of homeserver providers do not support the `.well-known` discovery method, this is necessary to make a Matrix client work in practice. Part of the [Modular Matrix](https://modular-matrix.cryto.net/) toolkit, a set of modular libraries for working with the [Matrix](https://matrix.org/) protocol. ## Example ```js "use strict"; const Promise = require("bluebird"); const autodiscoverClientConfiguration = require("@modular-matrix/autodiscover-client-configuration"); return Promise.try(() => { return autodiscoverClientConfiguration.discover("pixie.town"); }).then((data) => { console.log(data); /* { method: 'wellKnown', homeserver: 'https://pixie.town', identityServer: 'https://pixie.town', raw: { 'm.homeserver': { base_url: 'https://pixie.town' }, 'm.identity_server': { base_url: 'https://pixie.town' } } } */ }).catch(autodiscoverClientConfiguration.LookupFailed, (error) => { console.error(error.message); }); ``` ## API ### autodiscoverClientConfiguration.discover(hostname) Attempt to determine the homeserver and identity server associated with the specified `hostname`. - __hostname:__ The hostname to apply autodiscovery for. This may be either an explicitly-specified hostname (not a URL!), or the hostname ("server name") extracted from a Matrix ID. If no homeserver could be discovered, the returned Promise rejects with an `autodiscoverClientConfiguration.LookupFailed` error. If the autodiscovery was successful, it will resolve with an object with the following structure: - __method:__ The method by which the homeserver information was determined. Currently one of `wellKnown` (using a `.well-known/matrix/client` file) or `direct` (connecting directly to the specified `hostname`). - __homeserver:__ The base URL of the autodiscovered homeserver. - __identityServer:__ *Optional.* The base URL of the identity server, if one was discovered. - __raw:__ *Optional.* The method-specific raw data that was used for autodiscovery. You don't need this unless you need to read out custom keys. - For `wellKnown` results, this data is the parsed response of `.well-known/matrix/client`. - For `direct` results, this property does not exist, as there *is* no raw data. ### autodiscoverClientConfiguration.LookupFailed An error type that signifies that this library could not determine a homeserver URL for the specified hostname. This error type correctly inherits from `Error`, and can be used with `instanceof` and utilities that use it, such as Bluebird's [filtered `.catch`](http://bluebirdjs.com/docs/api/catch.html#filtered-catch). ## Changelog ### 1.0.2 (August 31, 2019) - DNS errors now also result in a `LookupFailed` error, like they should. ### 1.0.1 (August 30, 2019) - Added input validation with an informative error to the `discover` method. ### 1.0.0 (August 30, 2019) Initial release.