@ -40,16 +40,16 @@ Now CouchDB takes care of the couchmagick process.
; Optional username and password
username = mein-user
password = secure
; Number of simultanous streams. Default is 1.
streams = 8
; Number of simultanous streams of changes feeds in parallel. Default is 1.
streams = 1
; Concurrency level (number of simultanous convert processes). Default is 1
concurrency = 8
concurrency = 1
; Timeout for convert process in ms. Default is 60000 (1min)
convert_process_timeout = 1000
convert_process_timeout = 60000
; Timeout for changes feed in ms. Default is 10000
changes_feed_timeout = 1000
changes_feed_timeout = 10000
; Batch size. Default is 100
limit = 10
limit = 100
Imagemagick Configuration