Couchmagick runs ImageMagicks convert on CouchDB documents. Reliable.
You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Andreas Pieper 1bc433b272 Update
Added some explanations to all config params
10 years ago
.gitignore Initial commit 11 years ago
.jshintrc Initial commit 11 years ago Update 10 years ago
index.js fix config 10 years ago
package.json fix couchmagick-stream versaion interpolation 10 years ago


Run ImageMagicks convert on CouchDB documents.

couchmagick runs as an os_daemon, which means that CouchDB manages the process and you can configure it using CouchDBs configuration mechanism, which is both a huge win.

The versions and commandline arguments are defined in design documents under a couchmagick section.

couchmagicks Stream based implementation provides low memory footprint.


The installation of couchmagick is dead simple.

Make sure you have ImageMagick installed, eg on Debian:

apt-get install imagemagick

Install couchmagick via npm:

npm install couchmagick -g

Daemon Configuration

Add couchmagick to os_daemons config section:

couchmagick = couchmagick

Now CouchDB takes care of the couchmagick process.

; Optional username and password, used by the workers to access the database
username = mein-user
password = secure
; Number of simultaneous changes feeds in parallel. Default is 1.
; Increase it to at least  the number of your databases, to get best performance.
; If streams is less than the number of databases, all databases will still be queried
; but in intervals of the changes_feed_timeout (see below). You should keep the 
; streams parameter equal to or larger than the number of databases in the server
; usually.
streams = 20
; Concurrency level (number of simultanous convert processes per stream). Default is 1.
; this should be set to the number of cores of your cpu for optimum performance, but
; it really depends on the number of databases and their usage patterns.
concurrency = 1
; Timeout for a convert process in ms. Default is 60000 (1min). This should be plenty
; for the usual image resizes, increase it if you deal with really large images and complex
; imagemagick processing.
convert_process_timeout = 60000
; Timeout for changes feed in ms. Default is 10000. See the 'streams' parameter above
; if you have a really large number of databases in your server and cannot afford to
; have a changes feed open to each of them.
changes_feed_timeout = 10000
; Batch size. This limits the batches the workers will take from the changes feed.
; It basically translates to a limit parameter on the changes feed. Default is 100
limit = 100

Imagemagick Configuration

Add a couchmagick property to a design document. couchmagick will process all databases which have such a design document.

  "_id": "_design/my-couchmagick-config",
  "_rev": "1-a653b27246b01cf9204fa9f5dee7cc64",
  "couchmagick": {
    "versions": {
      "thumbnail": {
        "args": [
          "-resize", "x100"

See couchmagick-stream for available options.


Lint your code via npm run jshint.


Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Johannes J. Schmidt, null2 GmbH

Licensed under the MIT license.