# docuri [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jo/docuri.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jo/docuri) Rich document ids for CouchDB: ``` type/id/subtype/index/version ``` For example: `movie/blade-runner/gallery-image/12/medium` Docuris have many advantages: * You can access the doc type (eg. in changes feed) * They sort well in Futon * They tell a lot about the document * You can rely on a schema and construct ids of dependend documents (eg. a specific version of an image) * You can easily delete related documents (eg. by requesting a range from `_all_docs`) ...and I'm sure I forgot to mention the best. Give Docuris a try! ## Usage ### `parse(string)` Parse id string: ```js var docuri = require('docuri'); docuri.parse('mytype/myid/mysubtype/myindex/myversion'); // { // type: 'mytype', // id: 'myid', // subtype: 'mysubtype', // index: 'myindex', // version: 'myversion' // } ``` ### `stringify(object)` Build id string from object: ```js docuri.stringify({ type: 'mytype', id: 'myid', subtype: 'mysubtype', index: 'myindex', version: 'myversion' }); // 'mytype/myid/mysubtype/myindex/myversion' ``` ### `merge(objectOrString)` Change id string components: ```js docuri.merge('mytype/myid/mysubtype/myindex/myversion', { type: 'my_new_type', }); // 'my_new_type/myid/mysubtype/myindex/myversion' ``` ### `parts(objectOrString)` Array of components. Trailing `undefined` components are stripped off: ```js docuri.parts('mytype/myid/'); // ['mytype', 'myid'] docuri.parts({ type: 'mytype', subtype: 'mysubtype' }); // ['mytype', undefined, 'mysubtype'] ``` ### `docuri.definition([array])` Access or use custom definition: ```js docuri.definition(); // ['type', 'id', 'subtype', 'index', 'version'] docuri .definition(['id', 'meta']) .parse('42/answer'); // { // id: '42', // meta: 'answer' // } ``` Note: the (optional) argument to `docuri.definition` MUST be an array of strings containing at least one item. ## Browser support To use docid in your client-side application, browserify it like this: ```shell browserify -s DocURI path/to/docuri/index.js > path/to/your/assets ``` Once added to your DOM, this will leave you with a global DocURI object for use in your e.g. Backbone Models/Collections. ## Development To run the unit tests: ```shell npm test ``` ## License Copyright (c) 2014 Johannes J. Schmidt, null2 GmbH Licensed under the MIT license.