You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
735 B

# Changelog
## 2.0.5
- count() is now O(1), thanks @qbolec
## 2.0.4
- hasOwnProperty() is used to check for the internal expando, thanks @psionski
## 2.0.3
- forEach method accepts a context as 2nd argument (thanks mvayngrib)
## 2.0.2
- Make collisions rarer
## 2.0.1
- AMD CommonJS export is now compatible
## 2.0.0
- Added chaining to all methods with no returned value
- Added multi() method
- Added clone() method
- Added copy() method
- constructor accepts one argument for cloning or several for multi()
## 1.2.0
- Added search() method, (thanks rafalwrzeszcz)
## 1.1.0
- AMD support, (thanks khrome)
## 1.0.1
- forEach() callback receives the hashmap as `this`
- Added keys()
- Added values()
## 1.0.0
- First release