2.6.0 / 2014-12-30 ================== * added `Command#allowUnknownOption` method. Close #138 #318 @doozr @zhiyelee * Add application description to the help msg. Close #112 @dalssoft 2.5.1 / 2014-12-15 ================== * fixed two bugs incurred by variadic arguments. Close #291 @Quentin01 #302 @zhiyelee 2.5.0 / 2014-10-24 ================== * add support for variadic arguments. Closes #277 @whitlockjc 2.4.0 / 2014-10-17 ================== * fixed a bug on executing the coercion function of subcommands option. Closes #270 * added `Command.prototype.name` to retrieve command name. Closes #264 #266 @tonylukasavage * added `Command.prototype.opts` to retrieve all the options as a simple object of key-value pairs. Closes #262 @tonylukasavage * fixed a bug on subcommand name. Closes #248 @jonathandelgado * fixed function normalize doesn’t honor option terminator. Closes #216 @abbr 2.3.0 / 2014-07-16 ================== * add command alias'. Closes PR #210 * fix: Typos. Closes #99 * fix: Unused fs module. Closes #217 2.2.0 / 2014-03-29 ================== * add passing of previous option value * fix: support subcommands on windows. Closes #142 * Now the defaultValue passed as the second argument of the coercion function. 2.1.0 / 2013-11-21 ================== * add: allow cflag style option params, unit test, fixes #174 2.0.0 / 2013-07-18 ================== * remove input methods (.prompt, .confirm, etc) 1.3.2 / 2013-07-18 ================== * add support for sub-commands to co-exist with the original command 1.3.1 / 2013-07-18 ================== * add quick .runningCommand hack so you can opt-out of other logic when running a sub command 1.3.0 / 2013-07-09 ================== * add EACCES error handling * fix sub-command --help 1.2.0 / 2013-06-13 ================== * allow "-" hyphen as an option argument * support for RegExp coercion 1.1.1 / 2012-11-20 ================== * add more sub-command padding * fix .usage() when args are present. Closes #106 1.1.0 / 2012-11-16 ================== * add git-style executable subcommand support. Closes #94 1.0.5 / 2012-10-09 ================== * fix `--name` clobbering. Closes #92 * fix examples/help. Closes #89 1.0.4 / 2012-09-03 ================== * add `outputHelp()` method. 1.0.3 / 2012-08-30 ================== * remove invalid .version() defaulting 1.0.2 / 2012-08-24 ================== * add `--foo=bar` support [arv] * fix password on node 0.8.8. Make backward compatible with 0.6 [focusaurus] 1.0.1 / 2012-08-03 ================== * fix issue #56 * fix tty.setRawMode(mode) was moved to tty.ReadStream#setRawMode() (i.e. process.stdin.setRawMode()) 1.0.0 / 2012-07-05 ================== * add support for optional option descriptions * add defaulting of `.version()` to package.json's version 0.6.1 / 2012-06-01 ================== * Added: append (yes or no) on confirmation * Added: allow node.js v0.7.x 0.6.0 / 2012-04-10 ================== * Added `.prompt(obj, callback)` support. Closes #49 * Added default support to .choose(). Closes #41 * Fixed the choice example 0.5.1 / 2011-12-20 ================== * Fixed `password()` for recent nodes. Closes #36 0.5.0 / 2011-12-04 ================== * Added sub-command option support [itay] 0.4.3 / 2011-12-04 ================== * Fixed custom help ordering. Closes #32 0.4.2 / 2011-11-24 ================== * Added travis support * Fixed: line-buffered input automatically trimmed. Closes #31 0.4.1 / 2011-11-18 ================== * Removed listening for "close" on --help 0.4.0 / 2011-11-15 ================== * Added support for `--`. Closes #24 0.3.3 / 2011-11-14 ================== * Fixed: wait for close event when writing help info [Jerry Hamlet] 0.3.2 / 2011-11-01 ================== * Fixed long flag definitions with values [felixge] 0.3.1 / 2011-10-31 ================== * Changed `--version` short flag to `-V` from `-v` * Changed `.version()` so it's configurable [felixge] 0.3.0 / 2011-10-31 ================== * Added support for long flags only. Closes #18 0.2.1 / 2011-10-24 ================== * "node": ">= 0.4.x < 0.7.0". Closes #20 0.2.0 / 2011-09-26 ================== * Allow for defaults that are not just boolean. Default peassignment only occurs for --no-*, optional, and required arguments. [Jim Isaacs] 0.1.0 / 2011-08-24 ================== * Added support for custom `--help` output 0.0.5 / 2011-08-18 ================== * Changed: when the user enters nothing prompt for password again * Fixed issue with passwords beginning with numbers [NuckChorris] 0.0.4 / 2011-08-15 ================== * Fixed `Commander#args` 0.0.3 / 2011-08-15 ================== * Added default option value support 0.0.2 / 2011-08-15 ================== * Added mask support to `Command#password(str[, mask], fn)` * Added `Command#password(str, fn)` 0.0.1 / 2010-01-03 ================== * Initial release