'use strict' var assert = require('assert') var constaninople = require('../') describe('isConstant(src)', function () { it('handles "[5 + 3 + 10]"', function () { assert(constaninople.isConstant('[5 + 3 + 10]') === true) }) it('handles "/[a-z]/.test(\'a\')"', function () { assert(constaninople.isConstant('/[a-z]/.test(\'a\')') === true) }) it('handles "{\'class\': [(\'data\')]}"', function () { assert(constaninople.isConstant('{\'class\': [(\'data\')]}') === true) }) it('handles "Math.random()"', function () { assert(constaninople.isConstant('Math.random()') === false) }) it('handles "Math.random("', function () { assert(constaninople.isConstant('Math.random(') === false) }) it('handles "Math.floor(10.5)" with {Math: Math} as constants', function () { assert(constaninople.isConstant('Math.floor(10.5)', {Math: Math}) === true) }) it('handles "this.myVar"', function () { assert(constaninople.isConstant('this.myVar') === false) }) it('handles "(function () { while (true); return 10; }())"', function () { assert(constaninople.isConstant('(function () { while (true); return 10; }())') === false) }) }) describe('toConstant(src)', function () { it('handles "[5 + 3 + 10]"', function () { assert.deepEqual(constaninople.toConstant('[5 + 3 + 10]'), [5 + 3 + 10]) }) it('handles "/[a-z]/.test(\'a\')"', function () { assert(constaninople.toConstant('/[a-z]/.test(\'a\')') === true) }) it('handles "{\'class\': [(\'data\')]}"', function () { assert.deepEqual(constaninople.toConstant('{\'class\': [(\'data\')]}'), {'class': ['data']}) }) it('handles "Math.random()"', function () { try { constaninople.toConstant('Math.random()') } catch (ex) { return } assert(false, 'Math.random() should result in an error') }) it('handles "Math.random("', function () { try { constaninople.toConstant('Math.random(') } catch (ex) { return } assert(false, 'Math.random( should result in an error') }) it('handles "Math.floor(10.5)" with {Math: Math} as constants', function () { assert(constaninople.toConstant('Math.floor(10.5)', {Math: Math}) === 10) }) it('handles "(function () { while (true); return 10; }())"', function () { try { constaninople.toConstant('(function () { while (true); return 10; }())') } catch (ex) { return } assert(false, '(function () { while (true); return 10; }()) should result in an error') }) })