2015-02-02 / 1.3.1 ================== * Fix regression where status can be overwritten in `createError` `props` 2015-02-01 / 1.3.0 ================== * Construct errors using defined constructors from `createError` * Fix error names that are not identifiers - `createError["I'mateapot"]` is now `createError.ImATeapot` * Set a meaningful `name` property on constructed errors 2014-12-09 / 1.2.8 ================== * Fix stack trace from exported function * Remove `arguments.callee` usage 2014-10-14 / 1.2.7 ================== * Remove duplicate line 2014-10-02 / 1.2.6 ================== * Fix `expose` to be `true` for `ClientError` constructor 2014-09-28 / 1.2.5 ================== * deps: statuses@1 2014-09-21 / 1.2.4 ================== * Fix dependency version to work with old `npm`s 2014-09-21 / 1.2.3 ================== * deps: statuses@~1.1.0 2014-09-21 / 1.2.2 ================== * Fix publish error 2014-09-21 / 1.2.1 ================== * Support Node.js 0.6 * Use `inherits` instead of `util` 2014-09-09 / 1.2.0 ================== * Fix the way inheriting functions * Support `expose` being provided in properties argument 2014-09-08 / 1.1.0 ================== * Default status to 500 * Support provided `error` to extend 2014-09-08 / 1.0.1 ================== * Fix accepting string message 2014-09-08 / 1.0.0 ================== * Initial release