// MSSQL Client // ------- var _ = require('lodash') var inherits = require('inherits') var assign = require('lodash/object/assign') var Formatter = require('./formatter') var Client = require('../../client') var Promise = require('../../promise') var helpers = require('../../helpers') var Transaction = require('./transaction') var QueryCompiler = require('./query/compiler') var SchemaCompiler = require('./schema/compiler') var TableCompiler = require('./schema/tablecompiler') var ColumnCompiler = require('./schema/columncompiler') // Always initialize with the "QueryBuilder" and "QueryCompiler" // objects, which extend the base 'lib/query/builder' and // 'lib/query/compiler', respectively. function Client_MSSQL(config) { Client.call(this, config); } inherits(Client_MSSQL, Client); assign(Client_MSSQL.prototype, { dialect: 'mssql', driverName: 'mssql', _driver: function() { return require('mssql'); }, Transaction: Transaction, Formatter: Formatter, QueryCompiler: QueryCompiler, SchemaCompiler: SchemaCompiler, TableCompiler: TableCompiler, ColumnCompiler: ColumnCompiler, wrapIdentifier: function(value) { return (value !== '*' ? '[' + value.replace(/\[/g, '\[') + ']' : '*') }, // Get a raw connection, called by the `pool` whenever a new // connection needs to be added to the pool. acquireRawConnection: function() { var client = this; var connection = new this.driver.Connection(this.connectionSettings); return new Promise(function(resolver, rejecter) { connection.connect(function(err) { if (err) return rejecter(err); connection.on('error', connectionErrorHandler.bind(null, client, connection)); connection.on('end', connectionErrorHandler.bind(null, client, connection)); resolver(connection); }); }); }, // Used to explicitly close a connection, called internally by the pool // when a connection times out or the pool is shutdown. destroyRawConnection: function(connection, cb) { connection.close(cb); }, // Position the bindings for the query. positionBindings: function(sql) { var questionCount = -1 return sql.replace(/\?/g, function() { questionCount += 1 return '@p' + questionCount }) }, prepBindings: function(bindings) { return _.map(bindings, function(value) { if (value === undefined) { return this.valueForUndefined } return value }, this) }, // Grab a connection, run the query via the MSSQL streaming interface, // and pass that through to the stream we've sent back to the client. _stream: function(connection, obj, stream, options) { options = options || {} if (!obj || typeof obj === 'string') obj = {sql: obj} // convert ? params into positional bindings (@p1) obj.sql = this.positionBindings(obj.sql); obj.bindings = this.prepBindings(obj.bindings) || []; return new Promise(function(resolver, rejecter) { stream.on('error', rejecter); stream.on('end', resolver); var sql = obj.sql if (!sql) return resolver() if (obj.options) sql = assign({sql: sql}, obj.options).sql var req = (connection.tx_ || connection).request(); //req.verbose = true; req.multiple = true; req.stream = true; if (obj.bindings) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.bindings.length; i++) { req.input('p'+i, obj.bindings[i]) } } req.pipe(stream) req.query(sql) }) }, // Runs the query on the specified connection, providing the bindings // and any other necessary prep work. _query: function(connection, obj) { if (!obj || typeof obj === 'string') obj = {sql: obj} // convert ? params into positional bindings (@p1) obj.sql = this.positionBindings(obj.sql); obj.bindings = this.prepBindings(obj.bindings) || []; return new Promise(function(resolver, rejecter) { var sql = obj.sql if (!sql) return resolver() if (obj.options) sql = assign({sql: sql}, obj.options).sql var req = (connection.tx_ || connection).request(); // req.verbose = true; req.multiple = true; if (obj.bindings) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.bindings.length; i++) { req.input('p'+i, obj.bindings[i]) } } req.query(sql, function(err, recordset) { if (err) return rejecter(err) obj.response = recordset[0] resolver(obj) }) }) }, // Process the response as returned from the query. processResponse: function(obj, runner) { if (obj == null) return; var response = obj.response var method = obj.method if (obj.output) return obj.output.call(runner, response) switch (method) { case 'select': case 'pluck': case 'first': response = helpers.skim(response) if (method === 'pluck') return _.pluck(response, obj.pluck) return method === 'first' ? response[0] : response case 'insert': case 'del': case 'update': case 'counter': if (obj.returning) { if (obj.returning === '@@rowcount') { return response[0][''] } if ((Array.isArray(obj.returning) && obj.returning.length > 1) || obj.returning[0] === '*') { return response; } // return an array with values if only one returning value was specified return _.flatten(_.map(response, _.values)); } return response; default: return response } } }) // MSSQL Specific error handler function connectionErrorHandler(client, connection, err) { if (connection && err && err.fatal) { if (connection.__knex__disposed) return; connection.__knex__disposed = true; client.pool.destroy(connection); } } module.exports = Client_MSSQL