// MySQL Table Builder & Compiler // ------- var inherits = require('inherits'); var TableCompiler = require('../../../schema/tablecompiler'); var helpers = require('../../../helpers'); var Promise = require('../../../promise'); var assign = require('lodash/object/assign'); // Table Compiler // ------ function TableCompiler_MySQL() { TableCompiler.apply(this, arguments); } inherits(TableCompiler_MySQL, TableCompiler); assign(TableCompiler_MySQL.prototype, { createQuery: function(columns, ifNot) { var createStatement = ifNot ? 'create table if not exists ' : 'create table '; var client = this.client, conn = {}, sql = createStatement + this.tableName() + ' (' + columns.sql.join(', ') + ')'; // Check if the connection settings are set. if (client.connectionSettings) { conn = client.connectionSettings; } var charset = this.single.charset || conn.charset || ''; var collation = this.single.collate || conn.collate || ''; var engine = this.single.engine || ''; // var conn = builder.client.connectionSettings; if (charset) sql += ' default character set ' + charset; if (collation) sql += ' collate ' + collation; if (engine) sql += ' engine = ' + engine; if (this.single.comment) { var comment = (this.single.comment || ''); if (comment.length > 60) helpers.warn('The max length for a table comment is 60 characters'); sql += " comment = '" + comment + "'"; } this.pushQuery(sql); }, addColumnsPrefix: 'add ', dropColumnPrefix: 'drop ', // Compiles the comment on the table. comment: function(comment) { this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + " comment = '" + comment + "'"); }, changeType: function() { // alter table + table + ' modify ' + wrapped + '// type'; }, // Renames a column on the table. renameColumn: function(from, to) { var compiler = this; var table = this.tableName(); var wrapped = this.formatter.wrap(from) + ' ' + this.formatter.wrap(to); this.pushQuery({ sql: 'show fields from ' + table + ' where field = ' + this.formatter.parameter(from), output: function(resp) { var column = resp[0]; var runner = this; return compiler.getFKRefs(runner).get(0) .then(function (refs) { return Promise.try(function () { if (!refs.length) { return; } return compiler.dropFKRefs(runner, refs); }).then(function () { return runner.query({ sql: 'alter table ' + table + ' change ' + wrapped + ' ' + column.Type }); }).then(function () { if (!refs.length) { return; } return compiler.createFKRefs(runner, refs.map(function (ref) { if (ref.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME === from) { ref.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME = to; } if (ref.COLUMN_NAME === from) { ref.COLUMN_NAME = to; } return ref; })); }); }); } }); }, getFKRefs: function (runner) { var formatter = this.client.formatter(); var sql = 'SELECT KCU.CONSTRAINT_NAME, KCU.TABLE_NAME, KCU.COLUMN_NAME, '+ ' KCU.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, KCU.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME, '+ ' RC.UPDATE_RULE, RC.DELETE_RULE '+ 'FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS KCU '+ 'JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS AS RC '+ ' USING(CONSTRAINT_NAME)' + 'WHERE KCU.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = ' + formatter.parameter(this.tableNameRaw) + ' '+ ' AND KCU.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = ' + formatter.parameter(this.client.database()) + ' '+ ' AND RC.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = ' + formatter.parameter(this.client.database()); return runner.query({ sql: sql, bindings: formatter.bindings }); }, dropFKRefs: function (runner, refs) { var formatter = this.client.formatter(); return Promise.all(refs.map(function (ref) { var constraintName = formatter.wrap(ref.CONSTRAINT_NAME); var tableName = formatter.wrap(ref.TABLE_NAME); return runner.query({ sql: 'alter table ' + tableName + ' drop foreign key ' + constraintName }); })); }, createFKRefs: function (runner, refs) { var formatter = this.client.formatter(); return Promise.all(refs.map(function (ref) { var tableName = formatter.wrap(ref.TABLE_NAME); var keyName = formatter.wrap(ref.CONSTRAINT_NAME); var column = formatter.columnize(ref.COLUMN_NAME); var references = formatter.columnize(ref.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME); var inTable = formatter.wrap(ref.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME); var onUpdate = ' ON UPDATE ' + ref.UPDATE_RULE; var onDelete = ' ON DELETE ' + ref.DELETE_RULE; return runner.query({ sql: 'alter table ' + tableName + ' add constraint ' + keyName + ' ' + 'foreign key (' + column + ') references ' + inTable + ' (' + references + ')' + onUpdate + onDelete }); })); }, index: function(columns, indexName) { indexName = indexName || this._indexCommand('index', this.tableNameRaw, columns); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + " add index " + indexName + "(" + this.formatter.columnize(columns) + ")"); }, primary: function(columns, indexName) { indexName = indexName || this._indexCommand('primary', this.tableNameRaw, columns); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + " add primary key " + indexName + "(" + this.formatter.columnize(columns) + ")"); }, unique: function(columns, indexName) { indexName = indexName || this._indexCommand('unique', this.tableNameRaw, columns); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + " add unique " + indexName + "(" + this.formatter.columnize(columns) + ")"); }, // Compile a drop index command. dropIndex: function(columns, indexName) { indexName = indexName || this._indexCommand('index', this.tableNameRaw, columns); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' drop index ' + indexName); }, // Compile a drop foreign key command. dropForeign: function(columns, indexName) { indexName = indexName || this._indexCommand('foreign', this.tableNameRaw, columns); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' drop foreign key ' + indexName); }, // Compile a drop primary key command. dropPrimary: function() { this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' drop primary key'); }, // Compile a drop unique key command. dropUnique: function(column, indexName) { indexName = indexName || this._indexCommand('unique', this.tableNameRaw, column); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' drop index ' + indexName); } }) module.exports = TableCompiler_MySQL;