'use strict'; var test = require('tap').test; var parse = require('../').parse; test('using connection string in client constructor', function(t){ var subject = parse('postgres://brian:pw@boom:381/lala'); t.equal(subject.user,'brian'); t.equal(subject.password, 'pw'); t.equal(subject.host, 'boom'); t.equal(subject.port, '381'); t.equal(subject.database, 'lala'); t.end(); }); test('escape spaces if present', function(t){ var subject = parse('postgres://localhost/post gres'); t.equal(subject.database, 'post gres'); t.end(); }); test('do not double escape spaces', function(t){ var subject = parse('postgres://localhost/post%20gres'); t.equal(subject.database, 'post gres'); t.end(); }); test('initializing with unix domain socket', function(t){ var subject = parse('/var/run/'); t.equal(subject.host, '/var/run/'); t.end(); }); test('initializing with unix domain socket and a specific database, the simple way', function(t){ var subject = parse('/var/run/ mydb'); t.equal(subject.host, '/var/run/'); t.equal(subject.database, 'mydb'); t.end(); }); test('initializing with unix domain socket, the health way', function(t){ var subject = parse('socket:/some path/?db=my[db]&encoding=utf8'); t.equal(subject.host, '/some path/'); t.equal(subject.database, 'my[db]', 'must to be escaped and unescaped trough "my%5Bdb%5D"'); t.equal(subject.client_encoding, 'utf8'); t.end(); }); test('initializing with unix domain socket, the escaped health way', function(t){ var subject = parse('socket:/some%20path/?db=my%2Bdb&encoding=utf8'); t.equal(subject.host, '/some path/'); t.equal(subject.database, 'my+db'); t.equal(subject.client_encoding, 'utf8'); t.end(); }); test('password contains < and/or > characters', function(t){ var sourceConfig = { user:'brian', password: 'helloe', port: 5432, host: 'localhost', database: 'postgres' }; var connectionString = 'postgres://' + sourceConfig.user + ':' + sourceConfig.password + '@' + sourceConfig.host + ':' + sourceConfig.port + '/' + sourceConfig.database; var subject = parse(connectionString); t.equal(subject.password, sourceConfig.password); t.end(); }); test('password contains colons', function(t){ var sourceConfig = { user:'brian', password: 'hello:pass:world', port: 5432, host: 'localhost', database: 'postgres' }; var connectionString = 'postgres://' + sourceConfig.user + ':' + sourceConfig.password + '@' + sourceConfig.host + ':' + sourceConfig.port + '/' + sourceConfig.database; var subject = parse(connectionString); t.equal(subject.password, sourceConfig.password); t.end(); }); test('username or password contains weird characters', function(t){ var strang = 'pg://my f%irst name:is&%awesome!@localhost:9000'; var subject = parse(strang); t.equal(subject.user, 'my f%irst name'); t.equal(subject.password, 'is&%awesome!'); t.equal(subject.host, 'localhost'); t.end(); }); test('url is properly encoded', function(t){ var encoded = 'pg://bi%25na%25%25ry%20:s%40f%23@localhost/%20u%2520rl'; var subject = parse(encoded); t.equal(subject.user, 'bi%na%%ry '); t.equal(subject.password, 's@f#'); t.equal(subject.host, 'localhost'); t.equal(subject.database, ' u%20rl'); t.end(); }); test('relative url sets database', function(t){ var relative = 'different_db_on_default_host'; var subject = parse(relative); t.equal(subject.database, 'different_db_on_default_host'); t.end(); }); test('no pathname returns null database', function (t) { var subject = parse('pg://myhost'); t.equal(subject.host, 'myhost'); t.type(subject.database, 'null'); t.end(); }); test('pathname of "/" returns null database', function (t) { var subject = parse('pg://myhost/'); t.equal(subject.host, 'myhost'); t.type(subject.database, 'null'); t.end(); });