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// Transaction
// -------
'use strict';
var Promise = require('./promise');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var inherits = require('inherits');
var makeKnex = require('./util/make-knex');
var assign = require('lodash/object/assign');
var uniqueId = require('lodash/utility/uniqueId');
var debug = require('debug')('knex:tx');
// Acts as a facade for a Promise, keeping the internal state
// and managing any child transactions.
function Transaction(client, container, config, outerTx) {
var _this = this;
var txid = this.txid = uniqueId('trx');
this.client = client;
this.outerTx = outerTx;
this.trxClient = undefined;
this._debug = client.config && client.config.debug;
debug('%s: Starting %s transaction', txid, outerTx ? 'nested' : 'top level');
this._promise = Promise.using(this.acquireConnection(client, config, txid), function (connection) {
var trxClient = _this.trxClient = makeTxClient(_this, client, connection);
var init = client.transacting ? _this.savepoint(connection) : _this.begin(connection);
init.then(function () {
return makeTransactor(_this, connection, trxClient);
}).then(function (transactor) {
var result = container(transactor);
// If we've returned a "thenable" from the transaction container,
// and it's got the transaction object we're running for this, assume
// the rollback and commit are chained to this object's success / failure.
if (result && result.then && typeof result.then === 'function') {
result.then(function (val) {
})['catch'](function (err) {
})['catch'](function (e) {
return _this._rejecter(e);
return new Promise(function (resolver, rejecter) {
_this._resolver = resolver;
_this._rejecter = rejecter;
this._completed = false;
// If there is more than one child transaction,
// we queue them, executing each when the previous completes.
this._childQueue = [];
// The queue is a noop unless we have child promises.
this._queue = this._queue || Promise.resolve(true);
// If there's a wrapping transaction, we need to see if there are
// any current children in the pending queue.
if (outerTx) {
// If there are other promises pending, we just wait until that one
// settles (commit or rollback) and then we can continue.
if (outerTx._childQueue.length > 0) {
this._queue = this._queue.then(function () {
return Promise.settle(outerTx._childQueue[outerTx._childQueue.length - 1]);
// Push the current promise onto the queue of promises.
inherits(Transaction, EventEmitter);
assign(Transaction.prototype, {
isCompleted: function isCompleted() {
return this._completed || this.outerTx && this.outerTx.isCompleted() || false;
begin: function begin(conn) {
return this.query(conn, 'BEGIN;');
savepoint: function savepoint(conn) {
return this.query(conn, 'SAVEPOINT ' + this.txid + ';');
commit: function commit(conn, value) {
return this.query(conn, 'COMMIT;', 1, value);
release: function release(conn, value) {
return this.query(conn, 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT ' + this.txid + ';', 1, value);
rollback: function rollback(conn, error) {
return this.query(conn, 'ROLLBACK;', 2, error);
rollbackTo: function rollbackTo(conn, error) {
return this.query(conn, 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ' + this.txid, 2, error);
query: function query(conn, sql, status, value) {
var _this2 = this;
var q = this.trxClient.query(conn, sql)['catch'](function (err) {
status = 2;
value = err;
_this2._completed = true;
debug('%s error running transaction query', _this2.txid);
}).tap(function () {
if (status === 1) _this2._resolver(value);
if (status === 2) _this2._rejecter(value);
if (status === 1 || status === 2) {
this._completed = true;
return q;
debug: function debug(enabled) {
this._debug = arguments.length ? enabled : true;
return this;
_skipping: function _skipping(sql) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Transaction ' + this.txid + ' has already been released skipping: ' + sql));
// Acquire a connection and create a disposer - either using the one passed
// via config or getting one off the client. The disposer will be called once
// the original promise is marked completed.
acquireConnection: function acquireConnection(client, config, txid) {
var configConnection = config && config.connection;
return Promise['try'](function () {
return configConnection || client.acquireConnection();
}).disposer(function (connection) {
if (!configConnection) {
debug('%s: releasing connection', txid);
} else {
debug('%s: not releasing external connection', txid);
// The transactor is a full featured knex object, with a "commit",
// a "rollback" and a "savepoint" function. The "savepoint" is just
// sugar for creating a new transaction. If the rollback is run
// inside a savepoint, it rolls back to the last savepoint - otherwise
// it rolls back the transaction.
function makeTransactor(trx, connection, trxClient) {
var transactor = makeKnex(trxClient);
transactor.transaction = function (container, options) {
return new trxClient.Transaction(trxClient, container, options, trx);
transactor.savepoint = function (container, options) {
return transactor.transaction(container, options);
if (trx.client.transacting) {
transactor.commit = function (value) {
return trx.release(connection, value);
transactor.rollback = function (error) {
return trx.rollbackTo(connection, error);
} else {
transactor.commit = function (value) {
return trx.commit(connection, value);
transactor.rollback = function (error) {
return trx.rollback(connection, error);
return transactor;
// We need to make a client object which always acquires the same
// connection and does not release back into the pool.
function makeTxClient(trx, client, connection) {
var trxClient = Object.create(client.constructor.prototype);
trxClient.config = client.config;
trxClient.driver = client.driver;
trxClient.connectionSettings = client.connectionSettings;
trxClient.transacting = true;
trxClient.on('query', function (arg) {
trx.emit('query', arg);
client.emit('query', arg);
trxClient.on('query-error', function (err, obj) {
trx.emit('query-error', err, obj);
client.emit('query-error', err, obj);
var _query = trxClient.query;
trxClient.query = function (conn, obj) {
var completed = trx.isCompleted();
return Promise['try'](function () {
if (conn !== connection) throw new Error('Invalid connection for transaction query.');
if (completed) completedError(trx, obj);
return, conn, obj);
var _stream =; = function (conn, obj, stream, options) {
var completed = trx.isCompleted();
return Promise['try'](function () {
if (conn !== connection) throw new Error('Invalid connection for transaction query.');
if (completed) completedError(trx, obj);
return, conn, obj, stream, options);
trxClient.acquireConnection = function () {
return trx._queue.then(function () {
return connection;
trxClient.releaseConnection = function () {
return Promise.resolve();
return trxClient;
function completedError(trx, obj) {
var sql = typeof obj === 'string' ? obj : obj && obj.sql;
debug('%s: Transaction completed: %s',, sql);
throw new Error('Transaction query already complete, run with DEBUG=knex:tx for more info');
var promiseInterface = ['then', 'bind', 'catch', 'finally', 'asCallback', 'spread', 'map', 'reduce', 'tap', 'thenReturn', 'return', 'yield', 'ensure', 'nodeify', 'exec'];
// Creates a method which "coerces" to a promise, by calling a
// "then" method on the current `Target`
promiseInterface.forEach(function (method) {
Transaction.prototype[method] = function () {
return this._promise = this._promise[method].apply(this._promise, arguments);
module.exports = Transaction;