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var inherits = require('inherits')
var assign = require('lodash/object/assign');
var Promise = require('../../promise')
var Transaction = require('../../transaction')
var debug = require('debug')('knex:tx')
function Transaction_MSSQL() {
Transaction.apply(this, arguments)
inherits(Transaction_MSSQL, Transaction)
assign(Transaction_MSSQL.prototype, {
begin: function(conn) {
debug('%s: begin', this.txid)
return conn.tx_.begin()
.then(this._resolver, this._rejecter)
savepoint: function(conn) {
debug('%s: savepoint at', this.txid)
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => this.query(conn, 'SAVE TRANSACTION ' + this.txid))
commit: function(conn, value) {
this._completed = true
debug('%s: commit', this.txid)
return conn.tx_.commit()
.then(() => this._resolver(value), this._rejecter)
release: function(conn, value) {
return this._resolver(value)
rollback: function(conn, error) {
this._completed = true
debug('%s: rolling back', this.txid)
return conn.tx_.rollback()
.then(() => this._rejecter(error))
rollbackTo: function(conn, error) {
debug('%s: rolling backTo', this.txid)
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => this.query(conn, 'ROLLBACK TRANSACTION ' + this.txid, 2, error))
.then(() => this._rejecter(error))
// Acquire a connection and create a disposer - either using the one passed
// via config or getting one off the client. The disposer will be called once
// the original promise is marked completed.
acquireConnection: function(config) {
var t = this
var configConnection = config && config.connection
return Promise.try(function() {
return (t.outerTx ? t.outerTx.conn : null) || configConnection || t.client.acquireConnection()
}).tap(function(conn) {
if (!t.outerTx) {
t.conn = conn
conn.tx_ = conn.transaction()
}).disposer(function(conn) {
if (t.outerTx) return;
if (conn.tx_) {
if (!t._completed) {
debug('%s: unreleased transaction', t.txid)
conn.tx_ = null;
t.conn = null
if (!configConnection) {
debug('%s: releasing connection', t.txid)
} else {
debug('%s: not releasing external connection', t.txid)
module.exports = Transaction_MSSQL