You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
3.8 KiB

// Raw
// -------
var inherits = require('inherits')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var assign = require('lodash/object/assign')
var reduce = require('lodash/collection/reduce')
var isPlainObject = require('lodash/lang/isPlainObject')
var _ = require('lodash');
function Raw(client) {
this.client = client
this.sql = ''
this.bindings = []
this._cached = undefined
// Todo: Deprecate
this._wrappedBefore = undefined
this._wrappedAfter = undefined
this._debug = client && client.config && client.config.debug
inherits(Raw, EventEmitter)
assign(Raw.prototype, {
set: function(sql, bindings) {
this._cached = undefined
this.sql = sql
this.bindings = (_.isObject(bindings) || _.isUndefined(bindings)) ? bindings : [bindings]
return this
// Wraps the current sql with `before` and `after`.
wrap: function(before, after) {
this._cached = undefined
this._wrappedBefore = before
this._wrappedAfter = after
return this
// Calls `toString` on the Knex object.
toString: function() {
return this.toQuery()
// Returns the raw sql for the query.
toSQL: function() {
if (this._cached) return this._cached
if (Array.isArray(this.bindings)) {
this._cached = replaceRawArrBindings(this)
} else if (this.bindings && isPlainObject(this.bindings)) {
this._cached = replaceKeyBindings(this)
} else {
this._cached = {
method: 'raw',
sql: this.sql,
bindings: this.bindings
if (this._wrappedBefore) {
this._cached.sql = this._wrappedBefore + this._cached.sql
if (this._wrappedAfter) {
this._cached.sql = this._cached.sql + this._wrappedAfter
this._cached.options = reduce(this._options, assign, {})
return this._cached
function replaceRawArrBindings(raw) {
var expectedBindings = raw.bindings.length
var values = raw.bindings
var client = raw.client
var index = 0;
var bindings = []
var sql = raw.sql.replace(/\\?\?\??/g, function(match) {
if (match === '\\?') {
return match
var value = values[index++]
if (value && typeof value.toSQL === 'function') {
var bindingSQL = value.toSQL()
if (bindingSQL.bindings !== undefined) {
bindings = bindings.concat(bindingSQL.bindings)
return bindingSQL.sql
if (match === '??') {
return client.formatter().columnize(value)
return '?'
if (expectedBindings !== index) {
throw new Error('Expected ' + expectedBindings + ' bindings, saw ' + index)
return {
method: 'raw',
sql: sql,
bindings: bindings
function replaceKeyBindings(raw) {
var values = raw.bindings
var client = raw.client
var sql = raw.sql, bindings = []
var regex = new RegExp('(^|\\s)(\\:\\w+\\:?)', 'g')
sql = raw.sql.replace(regex, function(full) {
var key = full.trim();
var isIdentifier = key[key.length - 1] === ':'
var value = isIdentifier ? values[key.slice(1, -1)] : values[key.slice(1)]
if (value === undefined) return ''
if (value && typeof value.toSQL === 'function') {
var bindingSQL = value.toSQL()
if (bindingSQL.bindings !== undefined) {
bindings = bindings.concat(bindingSQL.bindings)
return full.replace(key, bindingSQL.sql)
if (isIdentifier) {
return full.replace(key, client.formatter().columnize(value))
return full.replace(key, '?')
return {
method: 'raw',
sql: sql,
bindings: bindings
// Allow the `Raw` object to be utilized with full access to the relevant
// promise API.
module.exports = Raw