You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

141 lines
3.3 KiB

var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var assign = require('lodash/object/assign');
var Migrator = require('../migrate')
var Seeder = require('../seed')
var FunctionHelper = require('../functionhelper')
var QueryInterface = require('../query/methods')
var helpers = require('../helpers')
var Promise = require('../promise')
var _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = function makeKnex(client) {
// The object we're potentially using to kick off an initial chain.
function knex(tableName) {
var qb = knex.queryBuilder()
if (!tableName) {
helpers.warn('calling knex without a tableName is deprecated. Use knex.queryBuilder() instead.')
return tableName ? qb.table(tableName) : qb
assign(knex, {
Promise: require('../promise'),
// A new query builder instance
queryBuilder: function() {
return client.queryBuilder()
raw: function() {
return client.raw.apply(client, arguments)
batchInsert: function(table, batch, chunkSize = 1000) {
if (!_.isNumber(chunkSize) || chunkSize < 1) {
throw new TypeError("Invalid chunkSize: " + chunkSize);
return this.transaction((tr) => {
//Avoid unnecessary call
if(chunkSize !== 1) {
batch = _.chunk(batch, chunkSize)
return Promise.all( => {
return tr(table).insert(items)
// Runs a new transaction, taking a container and returning a promise
// for when the transaction is resolved.
transaction: function(container, config) {
return client.transaction(container, config)
// Typically never needed, initializes the pool for a knex client.
initialize: function(config) {
return client.initialize(config)
// Convenience method for tearing down the pool.
destroy: function(callback) {
return client.destroy(callback)
// The `__knex__` is used if you need to duck-type check whether this
// is a knex builder, without a full on `instanceof` check.
knex.VERSION = knex.__knex__ = '0.10.0'
// Hook up the "knex" object as an EventEmitter.
var ee = new EventEmitter()
for (var key in ee) {
knex[key] = ee[key]
// Allow chaining methods from the root object, before
// any other information is specified.
QueryInterface.forEach(function(method) {
knex[method] = function() {
var builder = knex.queryBuilder()
return builder[method].apply(builder, arguments)
knex.client = client
Object.defineProperties(knex, {
schema: {
get: function() {
return client.schemaBuilder()
migrate: {
get: function() {
return new Migrator(knex)
seed: {
get: function() {
return new Seeder(knex)
fn: {
get: function() {
return new FunctionHelper(client)
// Passthrough all "start" and "query" events to the knex object.
client.on('start', function(obj) {
knex.emit('start', obj)
client.on('query', function(obj) {
knex.emit('query', obj)
client.on('query-error', function(err, obj) {
knex.emit('query-error', err, obj)
client.makeKnex = function(client) {
return makeKnex(client)
return knex