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// Migrator
// -------
"use strict";
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var _ = require('lodash');
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var Promise = require('../promise');
var helpers = require('../helpers');
var assign = require('lodash/object/assign');
var inherits = require('inherits');
function LockError(msg) { = 'MigrationLocked';
this.message = msg;
inherits(LockError, Error);
// The new migration we're performing, typically called from the `knex.migrate`
// interface on the main `knex` object. Passes the `knex` instance performing
// the migration.
export default class Migrator {
constructor(knex) {
this.knex = knex
this.config = this.setConfig(knex.client.config.migrations);
// Migrators to the latest configuration.
latest(config) {
this.config = this.setConfig(config);
return this._migrationData()
.spread((all, completed) => {
return this._runBatch(_.difference(all, completed), 'up');
// Rollback the last "batch" of migrations that were run.
rollback(config) {
return Promise.try(() => {
this.config = this.setConfig(config);
return this._migrationData()
.then((val) => this._getLastBatch(val))
.then((migrations) => {
return this._runBatch(_.pluck(migrations, 'name'), 'down');
status(config) {
this.config = this.setConfig(config);
return Promise.all([
.spread(function(db, code) {
return db.length - code.length;
// Retrieves and returns the current migration version
// we're on, as a promise. If there aren't any migrations run yet,
// return "none" as the value for the `currentVersion`.
currentVersion(config) {
this.config = this.setConfig(config);
return this._listCompleted(config)
.then((completed) => {
var val = _.chain(completed).map(function(value) {
return value.split('_')[0];
return (val === -Infinity ? 'none' : val);
forceFreeMigrationsLock(config) {
this.config = this.setConfig(config);
var lockTable = this._getLockTableName();
return this.knex.schema.hasTable(lockTable)
.then(exist => exist && this._freeLock());
// Creates a new migration, with a given name.
make(name, config) {
this.config = this.setConfig(config);
if (!name) Promise.rejected(new Error('A name must be specified for the generated migration'));
return this._ensureFolder(config)
.then((val) => this._generateStubTemplate(val))
.then((val) => this._writeNewMigration(name, val));
// Lists all available migration versions, as a sorted array.
_listAll(config) {
this.config = this.setConfig(config);
return Promise.promisify(fs.readdir, fs)(this._absoluteConfigDir())
.then((migrations) => {
return _.filter(migrations, function(value) {
var extension = path.extname(value);
return _.contains(['.co', '.coffee', '.eg', '.iced', '.js', '.litcoffee', '.ls'], extension);
// Ensures a folder for the migrations exist, dependent on the
// migration config settings.
_ensureFolder() {
var dir = this._absoluteConfigDir();
return Promise.promisify(fs.stat, fs)(dir)
.catch(function() {
return Promise.promisify(mkdirp)(dir);
// Ensures that the proper table has been created,
// dependent on the migration config settings.
_ensureTable() {
var table = this.config.tableName;
var lockTable = this._getLockTableName();
return this.knex.schema.hasTable(table)
.then(exists => !exists && this._createMigrationTable(table))
.then(() => this.knex.schema.hasTable(lockTable))
.then(exists => !exists && this._createMigrationLockTable(lockTable))
.then(() => this.knex(lockTable).select('*'))
.then(data => !data.length && this.knex(lockTable).insert({ is_locked: 0 }));
// Create the migration table, if it doesn't already exist.
_createMigrationTable(tableName) {
return this.knex.schema.createTableIfNotExists(tableName, function(t) {
_createMigrationLockTable(tableName) {
return this.knex.schema.createTableIfNotExists(tableName, function(t) {
_getLockTableName() {
return this.config.tableName + '_lock';
_isLocked(trx) {
var tableName = this._getLockTableName();
return this.knex(tableName)
.then(data => data[0].is_locked);
_lockMigrations(trx) {
var tableName = this._getLockTableName();
return this.knex(tableName)
.update({ is_locked: 1 });
_getLock() {
return this.knex.transaction(trx => {
return this._isLocked(trx)
.then(isLocked => {
if (isLocked) {
throw new Error("Migration table is already locked");
.then(() => this._lockMigrations(trx));
}).catch(err => {
throw new LockError(err.message);
_freeLock() {
var tableName = this._getLockTableName();
return this.knex(tableName)
.update({ is_locked: 0 });
// Run a batch of current migrations, in sequence.
_runBatch(migrations, direction) {
return this._getLock()
.then(() => Promise.all(, this._validateMigrationStructure, this)))
.then(() => this._latestBatchNumber())
.then(batchNo => {
if (direction === 'up') batchNo++;
return batchNo;
.then(batchNo => {
return this._waterfallBatch(batchNo, migrations, direction)
.tap(() => this._freeLock())
.catch(error => {
var cleanupReady = Promise.resolve();
if (error instanceof LockError) {
// if locking error do not free the lock
helpers.warn('Cant take lock to run migrations: ' + error.message);
'If you are sue migrations are not running you can release ' +
'lock manually by deleting all the rows from migrations lock table: ' +
} else {
helpers.warn('migrations failed with error: ' + error.message)
// If the error was not due to a locking issue, then
// remove the lock.
cleanupReady = this._freeLock();
return cleanupReady.finally(function() {
throw error;
// Validates some migrations by requiring and checking for an `up` and `down` function.
_validateMigrationStructure(name) {
var migration = require(path.join(this._absoluteConfigDir(), name));
if (typeof migration.up !== 'function' || typeof migration.down !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Invalid migration: ' + name + ' must have both an up and down function');
return name;
// Lists all migrations that have been completed for the current db, as an array.
_listCompleted() {
var tableName = this.config.tableName
return this._ensureTable(tableName)
.then(() => this.knex(tableName).orderBy('id').select('name'))
.then((migrations) => _.pluck(migrations, 'name'))
// Gets the migration list from the specified migration directory,
// as well as the list of completed migrations to check what
// should be run.
_migrationData() {
return Promise.all([
// Generates the stub template for the current migration, returning a compiled template.
_generateStubTemplate() {
var stubPath = this.config.stub || path.join(__dirname, 'stub', this.config.extension + '.stub');
return Promise.promisify(fs.readFile, fs)(stubPath).then(function(stub) {
return _.template(stub.toString(), null, {variable: 'd'});
// Write a new migration to disk, using the config and generated filename,
// passing any `variables` given in the config to the template.
_writeNewMigration(name, tmpl) {
var config = this.config;
var dir = this._absoluteConfigDir();
if (name[0] === '-') name = name.slice(1);
var filename = yyyymmddhhmmss() + '_' + name + '.' + config.extension;
return Promise.promisify(fs.writeFile, fs)(
path.join(dir, filename),
tmpl(config.variables || {})
).return(path.join(dir, filename));
// Get the last batch of migrations, by name, ordered by insert id
// in reverse order.
_getLastBatch() {
var tableName = this.config.tableName;
return this.knex(tableName)
.where('batch', function(qb) {
.orderBy('id', 'desc');
// Returns the latest batch number.
_latestBatchNumber() {
return this.knex(this.config.tableName)
.max('batch as max_batch').then(function(obj) {
return (obj[0].max_batch || 0);
// If transaction conf for a single migration is defined, use that.
// Otherwise, rely on the common config. This allows enabling/disabling
// transaction for a single migration by will, regardless of the common
// config.
_useTransaction(migration, allTransactionsDisabled) {
var singleTransactionValue = _.get(migration, 'config.transaction');
return _.isBoolean(singleTransactionValue) ?
singleTransactionValue :
// Runs a batch of `migrations` in a specified `direction`,
// saving the appropriate database information as the migrations are run.
_waterfallBatch(batchNo, migrations, direction) {
var knex = this.knex;
var {tableName, disableTransactions} = this.config
var directory = this._absoluteConfigDir()
var current = Promise.bind({failed: false, failedOn: 0});
var log = [];
_.each(migrations, (migration) => {
var name = migration;
migration = require(directory + '/' + name);
// We're going to run each of the migrations in the current "up"
current = current.then(() => {
if (this._useTransaction(migration, disableTransactions)) {
return this._transaction(migration, direction, name)
return warnPromise(migration[direction](knex, Promise), name)
.then(() => {
log.push(path.join(directory, name));
if (direction === 'up') {
return knex(tableName).insert({
name: name,
batch: batchNo,
migration_time: new Date()
if (direction === 'down') {
return knex(tableName).where({name: name}).del();
return current.thenReturn([batchNo, log]);
_transaction(migration, direction, name) {
return this.knex.transaction((trx) => {
return warnPromise(migration[direction](trx, Promise), name, () => {
_absoluteConfigDir() {
return path.resolve(process.cwd(),;
setConfig(config) {
return assign({
extension: 'js',
tableName: 'knex_migrations',
directory: './migrations'
}, this.config || {}, config);
// Validates that migrations are present in the appropriate directories.
function validateMigrationList(migrations) {
var all = migrations[0];
var completed = migrations[1];
var diff = _.difference(completed, all);
if (!_.isEmpty(diff)) {
throw new Error(
'The migration directory is corrupt, the following files are missing: ' + diff.join(', ')
function warnPromise(value, name, fn) {
if (!value || typeof value.then !== 'function') {
helpers.warn(`migration ${name} did not return a promise`);
if (fn && typeof fn === 'function') fn()
return value;
// Ensure that we have 2 places for each of the date segments
function padDate(segment) {
segment = segment.toString();
return segment[1] ? segment : '0' + segment;
// Get a date object in the correct format, without requiring
// a full out library like "moment.js".
function yyyymmddhhmmss() {
var d = new Date();
return d.getFullYear().toString() +
padDate(d.getMonth() + 1) +
padDate(d.getDate()) +
padDate(d.getHours()) +
padDate(d.getMinutes()) +