You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// TableBuilder
// Takes the function passed to the "createTable" or "table/editTable"
// functions and calls it with the "TableBuilder" as both the context and
// the first argument. Inside this function we can specify what happens to the
// method, pushing everything we want to do onto the "allStatements" array,
// which is then compiled into sql.
// ------
var _ = require('lodash');
var helpers = require('../helpers');
function TableBuilder(client, method, tableName, fn) {
this.client = client
this._fn = fn;
this._method = method;
this._schemaName = undefined;
this._tableName = tableName;
this._statements = [];
this._single = {};
TableBuilder.prototype.setSchema = function(schemaName) {
this._schemaName = schemaName;
// Convert the current tableBuilder object "toSQL"
// giving us additional methods if we're altering
// rather than creating the table.
TableBuilder.prototype.toSQL = function() {
if (this._method === 'alter') {
_.extend(this, AlterMethods);
}, this);
return this.client.tableCompiler(this).toSQL();
// Each of the index methods can be called individually, with the
// column name to be used, e.g. table.unique('column').
'index', 'primary', 'unique',
// Key specific
'dropPrimary', 'dropUnique', 'dropIndex', 'dropForeign'
], function(method) {
TableBuilder.prototype[method] = function() {
grouping: 'alterTable',
method: method,
args: _.toArray(arguments)
return this;
// Warn if we're not in MySQL, since that's the only time these
// three are supported.
var specialMethods = ['engine', 'charset', 'collate'];
_.each(specialMethods, function(method) {
TableBuilder.prototype[method] = function(value) {
if (false) {
helpers.warn('Knex only supports ' + method + ' statement with mysql.');
} if (this._method === 'alter') {
helpers.warn('Knex does not support altering the ' + method + ' outside of the create table, please use knex.raw statement.');
this._single[method] = value;
// Each of the column types that we can add, we create a new ColumnBuilder
// instance and push it onto the statements array.
var columnTypes = [
// Numeric
// Date / Time
// String
// Increments, Aliases, and Additional
// For each of the column methods, create a new "ColumnBuilder" interface,
// push it onto the "allStatements" stack, and then return the interface,
// with which we can add indexes, etc.
_.each(columnTypes, function(type) {
TableBuilder.prototype[type] = function() {
var args = _.toArray(arguments);
// The "timestamps" call is really a compound call to set the
// `created_at` and `updated_at` columns.
if (type === 'timestamps') {
if (args[0] === true) {
} else {
var builder = this.client.columnBuilder(this, type, args);
grouping: 'columns',
builder: builder
return builder;
// Set the comment value for a table, they're only allowed to be called
// once per table.
TableBuilder.prototype.comment = function(value) {
this._single.comment = value;
// Set a foreign key on the table, calling
// `table.foreign('column_name').references('column').on('table').onDelete()...
// Also called from the ColumnBuilder context when chaining.
TableBuilder.prototype.foreign = function(column) {
var foreignData = {column: column};
grouping: 'alterTable',
method: 'foreign',
args: [foreignData]
var returnObj = {
references: function(tableColumn) {
var pieces;
if (_.isString(tableColumn)) {
pieces = tableColumn.split('.');
if (!pieces || pieces.length === 1) {
foreignData.references = pieces ? pieces[0] : tableColumn;
return {
on: function(tableName) {
foreignData.inTable = tableName;
return returnObj;
inTable: function() {
return this.on.apply(this, arguments);
foreignData.inTable = pieces[0];
foreignData.references = pieces[1];
return returnObj;
onUpdate: function(statement) {
foreignData.onUpdate = statement;
return returnObj;
onDelete: function(statement) {
foreignData.onDelete = statement;
return returnObj;
_columnBuilder: function(builder) {
_.extend(builder, returnObj);
returnObj = builder;
return builder;
return returnObj;
var AlterMethods = {
// Renames the current column `from` the current
// TODO: this.column(from).rename(to)
renameColumn: function(from, to) {
grouping: 'alterTable',
method: 'renameColumn',
args: [from, to]
return this;
dropTimestamps: function() {
return this.dropColumns(['created_at', 'updated_at']);
// TODO: changeType
// Drop a column from the current table.
// TODO: Enable this.column(columnName).drop();
AlterMethods.dropColumn =
AlterMethods.dropColumns = function() {
grouping: 'alterTable',
method: 'dropColumn',
args: _.toArray(arguments)
return this;
module.exports = TableBuilder;