форк від Squatconf/Talks
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Dmytri Kleiner 0fb0c7bba2 add Mr. Peel Goes To Cyberspace 8 роки тому
proposed add Mr. Peel Goes To Cyberspace 8 роки тому
README.md Minor copy cleanup 8 роки тому
submitTalk.md Minor copy cleanup 8 роки тому


SquatConf Call For Papers Berlin 2016

Welcome to SquatConf CFP repository. you can also mail your submission to talks@squatconf.eu please copy this model and mail it.

Submit a talk

  • Fork this repo
  • cp submitTalk.md proposed/my_talk.md
  • Edit your talk
  • Submit a pull request

or use the email submission (see paragraph above).


All talks are welcome, but we are not here to promote "how we X helped the company Y to become the biggest in Z". We are here to have some good conversations, with an emphasis on those that free our minds.

When proposing a talk, please let us know if you can afford the price of your trip. This is not mandatory, nor is it a no-go for a talk, but due to the format of the conference, we might end up not being able to refund your trip.

We are NOT looking for company sponsored trips, unless they expect nothing in return (not even being mentioned on stage), besides getting to send you to an interesting place with interesting people.

You will most likely be hosted by some Berliner or in a squat, and meet loads of cool people.

SquatConf is an experience, it is up to you to try it.