You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

78 lines
2.5 KiB

"use strict";
const indentString = require("indent-string");
const supportsColor = require("supports-color");
const matchVirtualProperty = require("@validatem/match-virtual-property");
const AggregrateValidationError = require("./aggregrate-validation-error");
// TODO: Omit the "At (root)" for path-less errors, to avoid confusion when singular values are being compared?
// TODO: Move out the path generating logic into a separate module, to better support custom error formatting code
function joinPathSegments(segments) {
return (segments.length > 0)
? segments.join(" -> ")
: "(root)";
// NOTE: We do some manual ANSI escape code stuff here for now, because using `chalk` would significantly inflate the bundle size of the core.
// TODO: Find a better solution for this.
let openHighlight, openDim, closeColor;
if (supportsColor.stderr) {
openHighlight = `\u001b[36m`; // cyan
openDim = `\u001b[90m`; // gray
closeColor = `\u001b[39m`;
} else {
openHighlight = "";
openDim = "";
closeColor = "";
function renderErrorList(errors, isSubErrors = false) {
let rephrasedErrors =, i) => {
let pathSegments = => {
if (segment == null) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected empty path segment encountered; this is a bug, please report it!`);
} else if (typeof segment === "string" || typeof segment === "number") {
return openHighlight + String(segment) + closeColor;
} else if (matchVirtualProperty(segment)) {
return openDim + `(${})` + closeColor;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unexpected path segment encountered: ${segment}; this is a bug, please report it!`);
let lineCharacter = (i < errors.length - 1)
? "├─"
: "└─";
let mainLine = (isSubErrors)
// ? `... -> ${joinPathSegments(pathSegments)}: ${error.message}`
? ` ${lineCharacter} ${joinPathSegments(pathSegments)}: ${error.message}`
: ` - At ${joinPathSegments(pathSegments)}: ${error.message}`;
if (error.subErrors != null && error.subErrors.length > 0) {
let renderedSubErrors = renderErrorList(error.subErrors, true);
return mainLine + "\n" + indentString(renderedSubErrors, 2);
} else {
return mainLine;
return => {
return `${error}`;
module.exports = function aggregrateAndThrowErrors(errors) {
let detailLines = renderErrorList(errors);
if (errors.length > 0) {
return new AggregrateValidationError(`One or more validation errors occurred:\n${detailLines}`, {
errors: errors