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"use strict";
const Promise = require("bluebird");
const path = require("path");
const stream = require("../stream");
const createFilePostprocessor = require("../postcss/postprocess");
const loaderShimPath = require("../loader-shim-path");
// NOTE: This stream is inserted directly after the 'dedupe' phase, and *not* before the 'pack' phase like in postcssify-icss, because that would break `extract-css` - which inserts itself before the 'label' phase that comes after the 'dedupe' phase, and by which time all the CSS needs to be prepared.
module.exports = function (state) {
const isCss = require("../is-css")(state);
return function createDedupeBundleCssStream(options) {
// TODO: Reuse instance?
let processFile = createFilePostprocessor(options);
let allCss = "";
let loaderItem;
let entryPoint = (options._flags.entries != null)
// Get the (absolute!) path of the folder containing the initial entry file, as a reference point for relative paths in the output
? path.dirname(path.resolve(options._flags.entries[0]))
// ... or, if no entry file is specified, go off the current working directory
4 years ago
: process.cwd();
return stream((item) => {
// And the same for the loader shim path. All this relative-path stuff is to prevent absolute filesystem URLs from leaking into the output, as those might contain sensitive information.
let relativeLoaderPath = path.relative(path.dirname(item.file), loaderShimPath);
if (isCss(item)) {
return Promise.try(() => {
return processFile(item);
}).then(({ result, icssExports }) => {
allCss += `/* from ${path.relative(entryPoint, item.file)} */\n\n${result.css}\n\n`;
if (!item.__icssify__discardable) {
return {
... item,
source: `require(${JSON.stringify(relativeLoaderPath)}); module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(icssExports)};`
} else if (item.file === loaderShimPath) {
// Stockpile this item, to emit at the very end, right before the browser-pack operation (because by that time, we'll have processed and therefore concatenated all the CSS files)
loaderItem = item;
return null;
} else {
return item;
}, () => {
if (allCss.length > 0) {
if (loaderItem != null) {
return {
... loaderItem,
source: loaderItem.source.replace('"## CONTENT MARKER ##"', JSON.stringify(allCss))
} else {
throw new Error("Processed CSS, but global loader was not encountered. This should never happen, please report it as a bug!");