"use strict"; const Promise = require("bluebird"); const bl = require("bl"); const through2 = require("through2"); const path = require("path"); const isCss = require("./is-css"); const createFilePreprocessor = require("./postcss/preprocess"); const loaderShimPath = require("./loader-shim-path"); module.exports = function createTransform(file, options) { // TODO: Reuse instance? let preprocessFile = createFilePreprocessor(options); if (isCss({ file: file })) { let buffer = new bl.BufferList(); function chunkHandler(chunk, encoding, callback) { // NOTE: We check the `chunk` here, not the `encoding`, because in at least one instance a Buffer was passed in claiming to be a "utf8" string according to the `encoding` argument if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) { buffer.append(chunk); callback(); } else { throw new Error(`Expected Buffer, got string instead (encoding = ${encoding})`); } } function endHandler(callback) { return Promise.try(() => { return preprocessFile({ file: file, source: buffer.toString() }); }).then((result) => { let imports = result.messages .filter((message) => { return ( message.pluginName === "postcss-icss-find-imports" && message.type === "import" ); }) .map((message) => message.url); imports.forEach((importUrl) => { this.emit("dep", importUrl); }); // This ensures that whenever *any* CSS file is processed, the global loader file gets included as well (which is the file that eventually inserts the concatenated CSS) let relativeLoaderPath = path.relative(path.dirname(file), loaderShimPath); this.emit("dep", relativeLoaderPath); this.push(result.css); callback(); }).catch((error) => { callback(error); }); } return through2.obj(chunkHandler, endHandler); } else { return through2.obj(); } };