diff --git a/en/html5/index.html b/en/html5/index.html index 8bca280b..0115bbeb 100644 --- a/en/html5/index.html +++ b/en/html5/index.html @@ -88,11 +88,12 @@ Click to install the following html5 apps:
  • If you want "app" to be locations other than "/sdcard/Download/app", modify as you like.
  • Press "enter" on the address bar to execute the command.
  • -

    mdict dictionary lookup search engine:


    mdict dictionary lookup search engines:

    Note: the following two mdict.html files are different.


    in which "/.../xxx.mdx,xxx.mdd" is the full path for the mdict dictionary files.



    The dictionary files (mdx, mdd) must locate in the "app" subfolder under the configuration folder. In above example, the files "xxx.mdx" and "xxx.mdd" locate in the folder ".../app/mdict".


    In the above mdict search engine string, the dictionary files (mdx, mdd) must locate in the "app" subfolder under the configuration folder. In above example, the files "xxx.mdx" and "xxx.mdd" locate in the folder ".../app/mdict".

    To make life easier, users can link the "app" subfolder to any public accessible folder.

    Clip to paste commands to the address bar, the commands scan mdx/mdd files under app/mdict and add search engines to home screen.

    After pasting the command to the address bar, press home screen button, then press "enter" on the address bar to execute the command.

    diff --git a/zh/_posts/index.xml b/zh/_posts/index.xml index 2ed0cd9a..d6f8ebde 100644 --- a/zh/_posts/index.xml +++ b/zh/_posts/index.xml @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ mdict字典搜索引擎: 长按底部右箭头弹出系统菜单=>添加搜索引擎=>第三行输入搜索引擎串。对于需要批量添加的用户,显示主屏时,可长按底部时钟按钮,点击编辑器,然后添加保存,清后台重启生效。mdict搜索引擎串有以下两类(推荐第一类)。 i:5ifile:///.../xxx.mdx,xxx.mdd?app=https://uwebzh.netlify.app/en/searchurl/mdict/mdict.html#word=%s -其中"/.../xxx.mdx,xxx.md"为词典文件全路径。 +其中"/.../xxx.mdx,xxx.mdd"为词典文件全路径。 i:5ihttps://uwebzh.netlify.app/zh/searchurl/txt/mdict.html?file=mdict/xxx.mdx,mdict/xxx.mdd#word=%s 对于这类搜索引擎,字典文件必须位于配置目录应用子目录"app"下。上述字典搜索引擎例子中文件"xxx.mdx"及"xxx.mdd"位于".../app/mdict"下。为方便文件操作,用户可符号链接"app"至任意公共目录。 点击安装超大文件阅读器(支持txt, html, markdown) diff --git a/zh/html5/index.html b/zh/html5/index.html index 248474a3..96830f7e 100644 --- a/zh/html5/index.html +++ b/zh/html5/index.html @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@









    点击安装超大文件阅读器(支持txt, html, markdown)
    diff --git a/zh/index.xml b/zh/index.xml index baa22538..3101876e 100644 --- a/zh/index.xml +++ b/zh/index.xml @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ novip:https://www.novipnoad.com/s= mdict字典搜索引擎: 长按底部右箭头弹出系统菜单=>添加搜索引擎=>第三行输入搜索引擎串。对于需要批量添加的用户,显示主屏时,可长按底部时钟按钮,点击编辑器,然后添加保存,清后台重启生效。mdict搜索引擎串有以下两类(推荐第一类)。 i:5ifile:///.../xxx.mdx,xxx.mdd?app=https://uwebzh.netlify.app/en/searchurl/mdict/mdict.html#word=%s -其中"/.../xxx.mdx,xxx.md"为词典文件全路径。 +其中"/.../xxx.mdx,xxx.mdd"为词典文件全路径。 i:5ihttps://uwebzh.netlify.app/zh/searchurl/txt/mdict.html?file=mdict/xxx.mdx,mdict/xxx.mdd#word=%s 对于这类搜索引擎,字典文件必须位于配置目录应用子目录"app"下。上述字典搜索引擎例子中文件"xxx.mdx"及"xxx.mdd"位于".../app/mdict"下。为方便文件操作,用户可符号链接"app"至任意公共目录。 点击安装超大文件阅读器(支持txt, html, markdown)