diff --git a/en/_posts/index.xml b/en/_posts/index.xml
index 46d1025e..5794980a 100644
--- a/en/_posts/index.xml
+++ b/en/_posts/index.xml
@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@
The enhanced hosts files "hosts" and "default.hosts" take effect when the setting option "using hosts" is checked. The enhanced file "hosts" defines IP addresses/attributes for domains. Each line has the following format: where "[[IP address][attributes]]" could be: IP address and response headers, separeded by ';', Ex.: IP address, real domain name and response headers (Experimental), separeded by ';', Ex.: which indicates the domain "uweb.torapp.eu.org" is just a proxy of "www.bing.com", and as such, the cookies of "www.bing.com" would be used for "uweb.torapp.eu.org". To make life easier, use lower-case domain name (the first letter should not be a digital) and capitalize the first letter of response header names. "default.hosts" blocks whole domain trees including all descendant domains. The domains in the hosts file must be 2 or 3 segment domains, such as "yahoo.com" and "finance.yahoo.com". If the length of the last 2 segments is less than 7, such as "com.pl", then it is treated as one segment, so domains like "xxx.xxx.com.pl" are also valid in the hosts file. Each line of the hosts file has the following format: Last Modified: 8 April 2023 Last Modified: 13 April 2023hosts
[[IP address][attributes]][single space][domain name];Access-Control-Allow-Origin;https://www.bing.com;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials;true uweb.torapp.eu.org
+;www.bing.com uweb.torapp.eu.orgdefault.hosts
[rootDomain][space][regex for domain prefix before rootDomain][space][regex for the whole url without "http(s)://"]
The first part [rootDomain] is required and the others are optional. regex is java-grammar regular expression. If the second regex is used, it is recommended to merge the first regex to the second one for performance.
-add cloudflare/bing.js
+simplify bingAI installation
Offline resources locate in the folder "sitecache". With the option "use offline resources" enabled, the corresponding files in "sitecache/[domain name]/[full path including filename, the url path part]" are loaded first before reaching the network.
Install bingChat UI ai.html for censored area (bingChat UI)
-The default proxy "mybing2.xn--xyza.top" needs "bing.com" cookies to establish chat. So copy the cookie before accessing the above UI.
-Click to install link menu to copy "bing.com" cookies to "mybing2.xn--xyza.top"
Click to install url service that extracts web apps to the folder "sitecache/local/": support web extensions (.crx for chrome & .xpi for firefox).
Any folder under "sitecache" can be visited as a local site. Urls with search queries can be dynamically processed by the js/wasm code in the local file.
@@ -66,8 +64,8 @@ -Last Modified: 1 April 2023
-add bingAI UI
Last Modified: 13 April 2023
+simplify bingAI installation
Global redirection is enabled with the setting option "Resource redirection".
When a valid global redirection url is set, the "default.redirect" has no effect, and any url resource is fetched with the new url by appending the original url to the global redirection url.
+Global redirection redirects cookies with the setting option "Hide certificate errors", so use the option with care.
Click the following links to append mirrors to the file "default.redirect":
google recaptcha mirror
Last Modified: 12 April 2023
-global redirection support in config.js
+refine global redirection cookie support
方法1: bingChat自带魔法直接界面
要求: 安装界面html
-复制bing.com cookies至魔法域名
勾选选项“使用离线缓存”, "使用hosts"
-Click to append to "hosts", edit the last part as magic url domain
可配置魔法url, 上述hosts文件作相应修改, 复制bing.com cookies至魔法域名。 详情
Last Modified: 7 April 2023
-bingAI: minor optimization
Last Modified: 13 April 2023
+simplify bingAI installation