
Only the termux versions provided along with uweb browser can work seamlessly.

Termux bookmarks

Long pressing the following links then either "commands"->"bookmark" to add bookmarks or "open in new tab" to execute.
GNU bc (basic calculator)
bc with all extensions





.profile : only for kshell with naked termux (no initial packages, need the following fix for termux quick crash to be launched)

Copy existing termux installation to other devices

Using uweb to copy (Long pressing the following links and "open in new tab" to fix/send/receive):

Using ssh to copy


File system navigation:
With z.sh and commacd, user can reach any folder with few key stokes. Run "v" to launch uweb file manager on the current working directory, long click any file link to share.

Last Modified: 20 August 2023
reword in termux.md