You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

14 lines
433 B

var textarea;
function deleteLine(ta){
let startPos = ta.selectionStart;
let endPos = ta.selectionEnd;
let text = ta.value;
let lStart = startPos-1;
while(lStart>=0 && text.charAt(lStart)!='\n') lStart--;
let lEnd = endPos;
let len = text.length;
while(lEnd<len && text.charAt(lEnd)!='\n') lEnd++;
ta.value = text.substring(0,lStart+1) + text.substring(lEnd+1);
ta.selectionStart = ta.selectionEnd = lStart +1;