You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

188 lines
4.4 KiB

12 years ago
if(!isset($_ANONNEWS)) { die(); } /* Protect from direct requests */
/* This include contains functions to deal with pre-rendered content. */
function render_comments($table, $id)
/* This function will not use memcache for the MySQL queries, as
* the data returned would be stale - which would obviously be a bad
* idea in a function that's going to either be used to force-update
* the render cache (in which case stale data defeats the point) or
* as first generation (in which case there is no data in memcache
* anyway). */
global $render_dir;
if($table == "ext")
$section = "external-news";
elseif($table == "sites")
$section = "related-sites";
$section = "press";
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE `Id`='{$id}'";
$res = mysql_query($query);
if(mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
$output = "";
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE `ItemId` = '{$id}' AND `Section` = '{$table}' AND `Visible` = '1' ORDER BY `Posted` ASC");
if(mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))
$obj->id = $row['Id'];
$obj->itemid = $row['ItemId'];
$obj->name = $row['Name'];
$obj->body = $row['Body'];
$obj->parentid = $row['ParentId'];
$obj->postdate = $row['Posted'];
$obj->linecount = $row['LineCount'];
$obj->children = array();
$dataset[$obj->id] = clone $obj;
foreach($dataset as $element)
if($element->parentid == 0)
$top[] = $element;
$dataset[$element->parentid]->children[] = $element;
foreach($top as $comment)
$output .= print_comment($comment, $table);
$output .= "<div class=\"c-spacer\"></div>";
$output = "No comments have been posted on this entry yet.";
$output .= "
<div class=\"c-comment\">
<div class=\"c-reply-header\">
Post a new comment
<form method=\"post\" action=\"/{$section}/item/{$id}/comments/post/\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"Anonymous\" class=\"c-inline\">
<textarea name=\"body\" class=\"c-inline\"></textarea>
<div class=\"button\">
<button type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\">Post comment</button>
$path = "{$render_dir}/c-{$table}-{$id}.render";
file_put_contents($path, $output);
mc_delete(md5($path) . md5($path . "x"));
return $output;
return false;
function print_comment($comment, $table)
$output = "";
if($table == "ext")
$sect = "external-news";
elseif($table == "sites")
$sect = "related-sites";
$sect = "press";
$c_name = utf8entities(stripslashes($comment->name));
$c_date = utf8entities($comment->postdate);
$c_body = nl2br(utf8entities(stripslashes($comment->body)), false);
if($comment->linecount == 1)
$output .= "
<div class=\"c-small\">
<a name=\"c-{$comment->id}\"></a>
<div class=\"c-small-actions\">
<a class=\"c-actions-button\" alt=\"Respond to this comment\" href=\"/{$sect}/item/{$comment->itemid}/comments/post/{$comment->id}/\" onclick=\"return replyToComment(this);\">Reply</a>
<a class=\"c-actions-button\" alt=\"Permalink to this comment\" href=\"/{$sect}/item/{$comment->itemid}/comments/#c-{$comment->id}\">Perma</a>
<div class=\"c-small-inner\">
<div class=\"clear\"></div>
$output .= "
<div class=\"c-outer\">
<a name=\"c-{$comment->id}\"></a>
<div class=\"c-meta\">
<span class=\"c-meta-name\">{$c_name}</span>
<span class=\"c-meta-date\">{$c_date}</span>
<div class=\"clear\"></div>
<div class=\"c-actions\">
<a class=\"c-actions-button\" alt=\"Respond to this comment\" href=\"/{$sect}/item/{$comment->itemid}/comments/post/{$comment->id}/\" onclick=\"return replyToComment(this);\">Reply</a>
<a class=\"c-actions-button\" alt=\"Permalink to this comment\" href=\"/{$sect}/item/{$comment->itemid}/comments/#c-{$comment->id}\">Perma</a>
<div class=\"c-body\">
$output .= "
<div class=\"c-reply\">
<div class=\"c-children\">
foreach($comment->children as $child)
$output .= print_comment($child, $table);
$output .= "</div>";
return $output;