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32 lines
667 B

5 years ago
"use strict";
const budoExpress = require("budo-express");
const path = require("path");
port: 3000,
debug: true,
expressApp: require("../src/server/app"),
basePath: path.join(__dirname, ".."),
entryPath: "src/client/index.jsx",
publicPath: "public",
bundlePath: "js/bundle.js",
livereload: "**/*.{css,html,js}",
browserify: {
extensions: [".jsx"],
plugin: [
transform: [
["babelify", {
presets: ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"],
// plugins: ["react-hot-loader/babel"]
// ["aliasify", {
// aliases: {
// "react-dom": "@hot-loader/react-dom"
// }
// }]