connected disconnected user changed status user changed display name (DB ack) user started typing user paused typing user resumed typing user stopped typing friend changed status friend changed display name friend started typing friend paused typing friend resumed typing friend stopped typing message received from friend - realtime & delayed (DB ack) message sent to friend (DB ack) message was delivered to friend message was queued for offline delivery added friend removed friend received friend request accepted friend request rejected friend request ## Security levels ================== Low: Unauthenticated other party Normal: Authenticated other party, history readable by any new device High: Authenticated other party, no logs/history ## OLM ====== All public keys are published. Ed25519 fingerprint keypair: Signing messages(?), device identification Curve25519 identity keypair: Shared secret establishment, Olm session establishment Curve25519 one-time keypairs: Olm session establishment but only single-use (offline messages?) Megolm key: Group message encryption, via AES256 and HMAC-SHA256 derivation, derived after each sent message Ed25519 Megolm signing keypair: Signing messages, specific to each Megolm session, public key shared with each praticipant KEY GENERATION EVENTS --------------------- First device start: (via olm_create_account) Fingerprint keypair Identity keypair When needed as one-time keys run out: (via olm_account_generate_one_time_keys and olm_account_mark_keys_as_published) One-time keypairs Group chat creation: -- FOR LATER: what if the DB breaks before a message-receipt notification is processed? the message will forever look unreceived? --- react-hot-loader@4.4.0-1: version "4.4.0-1" resolved "" integrity sha512-0dlxQMQ4ndEzV4h1u/GfHgM7U6HXR4C7PIQ9sy59Lr0O8zCygj6lGf9HMfOEHSsO8+p2dVR0DbKbfZAMKImVLQ== dependencies: fast-levenshtein "^2.0.6" global "^4.3.0" hoist-non-react-statics "^2.5.0" prop-types "^15.6.1" react-lifecycles-compat "^3.0.4" shallowequal "^1.0.2" source-map "^0.7.3" ------- Broken hot-reloading: - Exported components - Redux-connected components Working hot-reloading: - Everything else (including when referenced *from* a broken component!) ------- Important project-wide FIXMEs before deployment: - Verify that all client-side logicHandler validation code has a server-side equivalent ------- Long-term improvements: - Find a more optimized hooks API for Redux, so that we don't have to re-render the entire tree every time the store contents change. ------ Attached vs. Detached request/form state - Attached: Request/form state is related to a particular resource (eg. deleting an existing resource) Should be stored within the resource itself? As it should affect all UIs for that resource. - Detached: Form state for free-standing forms that are not associated with any particular resource (yet), and that therefore can't usually conflict with other forms, eg. "create new resource" forms. Should be stored in separate FormState data, since the state is only relevant to the specific form. Possibly could be scoped, though? If the same "create X" form exists for multiple resources... maybe could be done with statePath?