You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

402 lines
8.7 KiB

13 years ago
* CPHP is more free software. It is licensed under the WTFPL, which
* allows you to do pretty much anything with it, without having to
* ask permission. Commercial use is allowed, and no attribution is
* required. We do politely request that you share your modifications
* to benefit other developers, but you are under no enforced
* obligation to do so :)
* Please read the accompanying LICENSE document for the full WTFPL
* licensing text.
if($_CPHP !== true) { die(); }
function random_string($length)
$output = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
$output .= substr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", mt_rand(0, 61), 1);
return $output;
function extract_globals()
$vars = array();
foreach($GLOBALS as $key => $value){
$vars[] = "$".$key;
return "global " . join(",", $vars) . ";";
function utf8entities($utf8)
// Credits to (
$encodeTags = true;
$result = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($utf8); $i++)
$char = $utf8[$i];
$ascii = ord($char);
if ($ascii < 128)
$result .= ($encodeTags) ? htmlentities($char) : $char;
else if ($ascii < 192)
// Do nothing.
else if ($ascii < 224)
$result .= htmlentities(substr($utf8, $i, 2), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
else if ($ascii < 240)
$ascii1 = ord($utf8[$i+1]);
$ascii2 = ord($utf8[$i+2]);
$unicode = (15 & $ascii) * 4096 +
(63 & $ascii1) * 64 +
(63 & $ascii2);
$result .= "&#$unicode;";
$i += 2;
else if ($ascii < 248)
$ascii1 = ord($utf8[$i+1]);
$ascii2 = ord($utf8[$i+2]);
$ascii3 = ord($utf8[$i+3]);
$unicode = (15 & $ascii) * 262144 +
(63 & $ascii1) * 4096 +
(63 & $ascii2) * 64 +
(63 & $ascii3);
$result .= "&#$unicode;";
$i += 3;
return $result;
function clean_array($arr)
$result = array();
foreach($arr as $key => $value)
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;
function pretty_dump($input)
$output = ob_get_contents();
while(preg_match("/^[ ]*[ ]/m", $output) == 1)
$output = preg_replace("/^([ ]*)[ ]/m", "$1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", $output);
$output = nl2br($output);
function rgb_from_hex($hex)
if(strlen($hex) == 6)
$r = substr($hex, 0, 2);
$g = substr($hex, 2, 2);
$b = substr($hex, 4, 2);
$rgb['r'] = base_convert($r, 16, 10);
$rgb['g'] = base_convert($g, 16, 10);
$rgb['b'] = base_convert($b, 16, 10);
return $rgb;
return false;
function hex_from_rgb($rgb)
if(!empty($rgb['r']) && !empty($rgb['g']) && !empty($rgb['b']))
return base_convert($rgb['r'], 10, 16) . base_convert($rgb['g'], 10, 16) . base_convert($rgb['b'], 10, 16);
return false;
function strip_tags_attr($string, $allowtags = NULL, $allowattributes = NULL)
/* Thanks to ( */
$string = strip_tags($string,$allowtags);
if (!is_null($allowattributes))
$allowattributes = explode(",",$allowattributes);
$allowattributes = implode(")(?<!",$allowattributes);
if (strlen($allowattributes) > 0)
$allowattributes = "(?<!".$allowattributes.")";
$string = preg_replace_callback("/<[^>]*>/i",create_function('$matches', 'return preg_replace("/ [^ =]*'.$allowattributes.'=(\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\')/i", "", $matches[0]);'),$string);
return $string;
function cut_text($input, $length)
if(strlen($input) > $length)
if(preg_match("/^(.{0,{$length}})\W/s", $input, $matches))
return $matches[1] . "...";
return "";
return $input;
function filter_html($input)
return strip_tags_attr($input, "<a><b><i><u><span><div><p><img><br><hr><font><ul><li><ol><dt><dd><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><h7><del><map><area><strong><em><big><small><sub><sup><ins><pre><blockquote><cite><q><center><marquee><table><tr><td><th>", "href,src,alt,class,style,align,valign,color,face,size,width,height,shape,coords,target,border,cellpadding,cellspacing,colspan,rowspan");
function filter_html_strict($input)
return strip_tags_attr($input, "<strong><em><br><hr><img><a><span><p><div>", "src,href,style");
function parse_rss($url)
$rss = new DOMDocument();
$items = array();
foreach($rss->getElementsByTagName('item') as $item)
$items[] = array(
'title' => $item->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'description' => $item->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'url' => $item->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'date' => strtotime($item->getElementsByTagName('pubDate')->item(0)->nodeValue)
return $items;
function fix_utf8($input)
return utf8_encode(utf8_decode($input));
function generate_pagination($min, $max, $current, $around, $start, $end)
/* Generates an array with pages that should be shown in a pagination bar.
* $min The first page number (this will usually be 1).
* $max The last page number (this is usually the total amount of pages).
* $current The page the user is currently on.
* $around The amount of pages that should at least be shown around the current page.
* $start The amount of pages that should at least be shown at the start.
* $end The amount of pages that should at least be shown at the end.
* Returns:
* Array, containing integers (for the pages) and null objects (for the boundaries). */
if($max < ($start + $end + ($around * 2) + 1))
/* There are less pages than there would be elements. */
$return_array = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= $max; $i++)
$return_array[] = $i;
return $return_array;
/* Calculation time... */
$return_array = array();
/* Start with the left segment. */
for($i = 1; $i <= $start; $i++)
$return_array[] = $i;
/* Now the middle segment. */
if($start + $around >= $current - 1)
$left_start = $i;
$return_array[] = null;
$left_start = $current - $around;
for($i = $left_start; $i <= $current + $around; $i++)
if($i >= $max)
$return_array[] = $i;
/* And finally the right segment. */
if($max - ($end + $around) <= $current + 1)
$right_start = $i;
$return_array[] = null;
$right_start = $max - $end;
for($i = $right_start; $i <= $max; $i++)
$return_array[] = $i;
/* All done! */
return $return_array;
function ends_with($haystack, $needle)
return (substr($haystack, -strlen($needle)) == $needle);
function redirect($target)
header("Location: {$target}");
function ceil_precision($value, $precision = 0)
$multiplier = pow(10, $precision);
return ceil($value * $multiplier) / $multiplier;
function str_lreplace($search, $replace, $subject)
$pos = strrpos($subject, $search);
if($pos !== false)
$subject = substr_replace($subject, $replace, $pos, strlen($search));
return $subject;
function http_status_code($code)
$codes = array(
100 => "Continue",
101 => "Switching Protocols",
200 => "OK",
201 => "Created",
202 => "Accepted",
203 => "Non-Authoritative Information",
204 => "No Content",
205 => "Reset Content",
206 => "Partial Content",
300 => "Multiple Choices",
301 => "Moved Permanently",
302 => "Moved Temporarily",
303 => "See Other",
304 => "Not Modified",
305 => "Use Proxy",
400 => "Bad Request",
401 => "Unauthorized",
402 => "Payment Required",
403 => "Forbidden",
404 => "Not Found",
405 => "Method Not Allowed",
406 => "Not Acceptable",
407 => "Proxy Authentication Required",
408 => "Request Time-out",
409 => "Conflict",
410 => "Gone",
411 => "Length Required",
412 => "Precondition Failed",
413 => "Request Entity Too Large",
414 => "Request-URI Too Large",
415 => "Unsupported Media Type",
418 => "I'm a teapot",
422 => "Unprocessable Entity",
500 => "Internal Server Error",
501 => "Not Implemented",
502 => "Bad Gateway",
503 => "Service Unavailable",
504 => "Gateway Time-out",
505 => "HTTP Version not supported",
if(array_key_exists($code, $codes))
$text = $codes[$code];
throw new Exception("The specified HTTP status code does not exist.");
if(strpos(php_sapi_name(), "cgi") !== false)
header("Status: {$code} {$text}");
$protocol = (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0');
header("{$protocol} {$code} {$text}");