I must be crazy. Reimplemented the whole thing with promises.

Sven Slootweg 11 years ago
parent 081b8b6ec8
commit 57b11d4c58

@ -26,122 +26,243 @@ class FormValidationException extends Exception {
class CPHPFormValidator
class ImmediateAbort extends FormValidationException { }
class CPHPFormValidatorPromiseBaseClass
public function GenerateResultObject($failed, $critical)
public $previous = null;
public $next = null;
public function __construct($creator)
if($failed === true && $critical === true)
$this->previous = $creator;
public function StartResolve()
/* Back and forth! */
if(is_null($this->previous) === true)
$object = new CPHPFormValidatorAbort();
$object = new CPHPFormValidatorResult();
public function ContinueResolve($results)
$own_result = $this->Resolve($results);
if(is_null($own_result) === false)
$results[] = $own_result;
$object->handler = $this->handler;
return $object;
if(is_null($this->next) === false)
public function ValidationFinished($results)
if(count($results) > 0)
throw new FormValidationException("One or more validation steps failed.", $results);
public function Done()
/* Trigger validation routine */
catch (ImmediateAbort $e)
throw new FormValidationException("A critical validation step failed.", $e->exceptions);
/* Operators */
public function Either($error_message)
$this->next = new CPHPFormValidatorOperatorEither($this, $error_message, array_slice(func_get_args(), 1));
return $this->next;
public function All($error_message)
$this->next = new CPHPFormValidatorOperatorAll($this, $error_message, array_slice(func_get_args(), 1));
return $this->next;
/* Validators */
public function RequireKey($key, $critical = false)
return $this->ProcessSingleValidationResult($key, (!isset($this->handler->formdata[$key])), "required", "A value is required for this field.", $critical);
$this->next = new CPHPFormValidatorPromise($this, $this->handler, $key, array(), "required", "A value is required for this field.", $critical, function($key, $value, $args, $handler){
return isset($handler->formdata[$key]);
return $this->next;
public function ValidateEmail($key, $critical = false)
return $this->ProcessValidation($key, function($key, $value){
$this->next = new CPHPFormValidatorPromise($this, $this->handler, $key, array(), "email", "The value is not a valid e-mail address.", $critical, function($key, $value, $args, $handler){
return filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false;
}, "email", "The value is not a valid e-mail address.", $critical);
return $this->next;
class CPHPFormValidatorPromise extends CPHPFormValidatorPromiseBaseClass
public function __construct($creator, $handler, $key, $args, $error_type, $error_message, $critical, $function)
$this->key = $key;
$this->func = $function;
$this->args = $args;
$this->error_type = $error_type;
$this->error_message = $error_message;
$this->critical = $critical;
$this->handler = $handler;
public function ProcessValidation($key, $validator, $error_type, $error_message, $critical)
public function Resolve($results)
$func = $this->func; /* WTF PHP? Why can't I call $this->func directly? */
$exceptions = array();
$values = isset($this->handler->formdata[$this->key]) ? $this->handler->formdata[$this->key] : null;
if(is_array($values) === true)
foreach($this->handler->formdata[$key] as $i => $value)
/* Array */
foreach($values as $i => $value)
$result = $validator($key, $this->handler->formdata[$key], $this->handler);
$return_object = $this->ProcessArrayValueValidationResult($key, $i, $result, $error_type, $error_message, $critical);
if($result !== true && $critical === true)
if($func($this->key, $value, $this->args, $this->handler) !== true)
return $return_object;
$exceptions[] = array(
"type" => "array_value",
"key" => $this->key,
"index" => $i,
"error_type" => $this->error_type,
"error_msg" => $this->error_message
return $return_object;
$result = $validator($key, $this->handler->formdata[$key], $this->handler);
return $this->ProcessSingleValidationResult($key, $result, $error_type, $error_message, $critical);
public function ProcessSingleValidationResult($key, $result, $error_type, $error_message, $critical)
if($result === false)
"type" => "single",
"key" => $key,
"error_type" => $error_type,
"error_msg" => $error_message
$failed = true;
/* Single value */
if($func($this->key, $values, $this->args, $this->handler) !== true)
$exceptions[] = array(
"type" => "single",
"key" => $this->key,
"error_type" => $this->error_type,
"error_msg" => $this->error_message
if(count($exceptions) > 0 && $this->critical === true)
$failed = false;
$results[] = $exceptions;
throw new ImmediateAbort("Critical validation did not pass.", $results);
return $this->GenerateResultObject($failed, $critical);
public function ProcessArrayValueValidationResult($key, $i, $result, $error_type, $error_message, $critical)
if($result === false)
if(count($exceptions) == 0)
"type" => "array_value",
"key" => $key,
"index" => $i,
"error_type" => $error_type,
"error_msg" => $error_message
), $this);
$failed = true;
return null;
$failed = false;
return $exceptions;
return $this->GenerateResultObject($failed, $critical);
public function Done()
public function Either()
class CPHPFormValidatorOperator extends CPHPFormValidatorPromiseBaseClass
public function __construct($creator, $error_message, $children)
$statements =
$this->error_message = $error_message;
$this->children = $children;
public function All()
class CPHPFormValidatorOperatorEither extends CPHPFormValidatorOperator
public function Resolve($results)
$exceptions = array();
foreach($this->children as $child)
$result = $child->Resolve();
if(is_null($result) === false)
$exceptions[] = $result;
if(count($exceptions) == count($this->children))
$exceptions[] = array(
"type" => "operator",
"error_type" => "either",
"error_msg" => $this->error_message,
"children" => $exceptions
return null;
public function ValidateIf($condition, $validation)
class CPHPFormValidatorOperatorAll extends CPHPFormValidatorOperator
public function Resolve($results)
$exceptions = array();
foreach($this->children as $child)
$result = $child->Resolve($results);
if(is_null($result) === false)
$exceptions[] = $result;
if(count($exceptions) > 0)
$exceptions[] = array(
"type" => "operator",
"error_type" => "both",
"error_msg" => $this->error_message,
"children" => $exceptions
return null;
class CPHPFormHandler extends CPHPFormValidator
class CPHPFormHandler extends CPHPFormValidatorPromiseBaseClass
public function __construct($formdata = null, $no_csrf = false)
@ -257,21 +378,3 @@ class CPHPFormHandler extends CPHPFormValidator
class CPHPFormValidatorResult extends CPHPFormValidator
class CPHPFormValidatorAbort
public function Abort()
public function __get($anything)
return $this->Abort;
