$variable_name) && is_numeric($this->$variable_name)) { $timestamp = $this->$variable_name; if($timestamp > time()) { $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-future']; } elseif($timestamp == time()) { $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-now']; } else { $date1 = new DateTime("@{$timestamp}", new DateTimeZone("GMT")); $date2 = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("GMT")); $interval = $date1->diff($date2); $years = (int)$interval->format("%G"); $months = (int)$interval->format("%m"); $weeks = (int)$interval->format("%U"); $days = (int)$interval->format("%d"); $hours = (int)$interval->format("%H"); $minutes = (int)$interval->format("%i"); $seconds = (int)$interval->format("%S"); if($years > 1) { $sTimeAgo = sprintf($locale->strings['event-years-ago'], $years); } elseif($years == 1) { $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-1year-ago']; } elseif($months > 1) { $sTimeAgo = sprintf($locale->strings['event-months-ago'], $months); } elseif($months == 1) { $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-1month-ago']; } elseif($weeks > 1) { $sTimeAgo = sprintf($locale->strings['event-weeks-ago'], $weeks); } elseif($weeks == 1) { $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-1week-ago']; } elseif($days > 1) { $sTimeAgo = sprintf($locale->strings['event-days-ago'], $days); } elseif($days == 1) { $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-1day-ago']; } elseif($hours > 1) { $sTimeAgo = sprintf($locale->strings['event-hours-ago'], $hours); } elseif($hours == 1) { $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-1hour-ago']; } elseif($minutes > 1) { $sTimeAgo = sprintf($locale->strings['event-minutes-ago'], $minutes); } elseif($minutes == 1) { $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-1minute-ago']; } elseif($seconds > 1) { $sTimeAgo = sprintf($locale->strings['event-seconds-ago'], $seconds); } elseif($seconds == 1) { $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-1second-ago']; } else { // If you see this, there's probably something wrong. $sTimeAgo = $locale->strings['event-past']; } } $sDate = local_from_unix($timestamp, $locale->datetime_long); return $this->RenderTemplateExternal($template, array( 'local-time' => $sDate, 'time-ago' => $sTimeAgo, 'timestamp' => $timestamp )); } else { $classname = get_class($this); throw new Exception("Property {$classname}.{$property} does not exist or is not of a valid format."); } } public function RenderTemplateExternal($template, $strings) { /* DEPRECATED: Please do not use this function. * Instead, you can use Templater::AdvancedParse for rendering arbitrary templates * without instantiating a Templater yourself. */ return $this->DoRenderTemplate($template, $strings); } public function DoRenderTemplate($template, $strings) { /* DEPRECATED: Please do not use this function. * Class-specific templater functions have been discontinued. Instead, you can use * Templater::AdvancedParse for rendering templates without instantiating a Templater * yourself. */ global $locale; try { $tpl = new Templater(); $tpl->Load($template); $tpl->Localize($locale->strings); $tpl->Compile($strings); return $tpl->Render(); } catch(Exception $e) { $classname = get_class($this); throw new Exception("Failed to render template {$classname}.{$template}."); } } }