components as $component) { require("components/component.{$component}.php"); } /* lighttpd (and perhaps some other HTTPds) won't pass on GET parameters * when using the server.error-handler-404 directive that is required to * use the CPHP router. This patch will try to detect such problems, and * manually extract the GET data from the request URI. I admit, it's a * bit of a hack, but there doesn't really seem to be a different way of * solving this issue. */ /* Detect whether the request URI and the $_GET array disagree on the * existence of GET parameters. */ if(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?") !== false && empty($_GET)) { /* Separate the protocol/host/path component from the query string. */ list($uri, $query) = explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2); /* Store the entire query string in the relevant $_SERVER variable - * lighttpds strange behaviour breaks this variable as well. */ $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $query; /* Finally, run the query string through PHPs own internal GET data * parser, and have it store the result in the $_GET variable. This * should yield an identical result to a well-functioning HTTPd. */ parse_str($query, $_GET); } if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { /* By default, get rid of all quoted variables. Magic quotes are evil. */ foreach($_POST as &$var) { $var = stripslashes($var); } foreach($_GET as &$var) { $var = stripslashes($var); } } if(!empty($cphp_config->autoloader)) { function cphp_autoload_class($class_name) { global $_APP; $class_name = str_replace("\\", "/", strtolower($class_name)); if(file_exists("classes/{$class_name}.php")) { require_once("classes/{$class_name}.php"); } } spl_autoload_register('cphp_autoload_class'); } set_exception_handler(function($e){ /* Intentionally not using the templater here; any inner exceptions * cause serious debugging issues. Avoiding potential issues by just * hardcoding the response here, with no code that could raise an * exception. */ $exception_class = get_class($e); $exception_message = $e->getMessage(); $exception_file = $e->getFile(); $exception_line = $e->getLine(); $exception_trace = $e->getTraceAsString(); error_log("Uncaught {$exception_class} in {$exception_file}:{$exception_line} ({$exception_message}). Traceback: {$exception_trace}"); switch(strtolower(ini_get('display_errors'))) { case "1": case "on": case "true": $inner_exceptions = array(); $inner_e = $e; while(true) { $inner_e = $inner_e->getPrevious(); if($inner_e === null) { break; } else { $inner_exceptions[] = array($inner_e->getMessage(), $inner_e->getTraceAsString()); } } if(empty($inner_exceptions)) { $inner_traces = ""; } else { $inner_traces = "

One or more previous exceptions were also recorded.

"; } foreach($inner_exceptions as $inner_e) { $inner_traces .= "


"; } $error_body = "

An uncaught {$exception_class} was thrown, in {$exception_file} on line {$exception_line}.



Important: These errors should never be displayed on a production server! Make sure that display_errors is turned off in your PHP configuration, if you want to hide these tracebacks.

"; break; default: $error_body = "

Something went wrong while creating this page, but we're not yet quite sure what it was.

If the issue persists, please contact the administrator for this application or website.

"; break; } http_status_code(500); echo(" An unexpected error occurred.

An unexpected error occurred.

{$error_body} "); die(); });