custom_query)) { $requestpath = $this->custom_query; } else { if(!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $requestpath = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } else { $requestpath = "/"; } } // Save request path in Router object to make it accessible to other scripts. $this->uRequestPath = $requestpath; if($this->ignore_query === true) { if(strpos($requestpath, "?") !== false) { list($requestpath, $bogus) = explode("?", $requestpath, 2); } } $found = false; // Workaround because a break after an include apparently doesn't work in PHP. foreach($this->routes as $priority) { foreach($priority as $route_regex => $route_destination) { if($found === false) { if($this->allow_slash === true) { if(strpos($route_regex, "$") !== false) { $route_regex = str_replace("$", "/?$", $route_regex); } else { $route_regex = "{$route_regex}/?"; } } $regex = str_replace("/", "\/", $route_regex); if(preg_match("/{$regex}/i", $requestpath, $matches)) { $this->uParameters = $matches; if(is_array($route_destination)) { // Options were provided. if(!isset($route_destination['target'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Target is missing from CPHPRoute options element."); } if(!isset($route_destination['authenticator'])) { $authenticated = true; } else { if(!isset($route_destination['auth_error'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("When specifying an authenticator, you must also specify a default error destination."); } $sRouterAuthenticated = false; $sRouterErrorDestination = $route_destination['auth_error']; require($route_destination['authenticator']); if($sRouterAuthenticated === true) { $authenticated = true; } } foreach($route_destination as $key => $value) { if(strlen($key) > 1 && substr($key, 0, 1) == "_") { $key = substr($key, 1); $this->uVariables[$key] = $value; } } if($authenticated === true) { $destination = $route_destination['target']; $this->sAuthenticated = true; } else { $destination = $sRouterErrorDestination; $this->sAuthenticated = false; } } else { $destination = $route_destination; } include($destination); $found = true; } } } } if($found === false) { throw new RouterException("No suitable route found"); } } }