class_map)) { die("No class map was specified. Refer to the CPHP manual for instructions."); } $this->ConstructDataset($uDataSource); $this->EventConstructed(); } public function __get($name) { /* TODO: Don't overwrite current value in uVariable when sVariable is requested and uVariable is already set. */ if($name[0] == "s" || $name[0] == "u") { $actual_name = substr($name, 1); $found = false; foreach($this->prototype as $type => $dataset) { if(isset($dataset[$actual_name])) { $found = true; $found_type = $type; $found_field = $dataset[$actual_name]; } } if($found === false) { $classname = get_class($this); throw new PrototypeException("The {$actual_name} variable was not found in the prototype of the {$classname} class."); } $this->SetField($found_type, $actual_name, $found_field); return $this->$name; } } public function RefreshData() { $this->PurgeCache(); $this->ConstructDataset($this->sId, 0); if($this->autoloading === true) { $this->PurgeVariables(); } } public function PurgeVariables() { foreach($this->prototype as $type => $dataset) { foreach($dataset as $key => $field) { $variable_name_safe = "s" . $key; $variable_name_unsafe = "u" . $key; unset($this->$variable_name_safe); unset($this->$variable_name_unsafe); } } } public function ConstructDataset($uDataSource, $expiry = -1) { global $database; $bind_datasets = true; if(is_object($uDataSource)) { if(isset($uDataSource->data[0])) { $uDataSource = $uDataSource->data[0]; } else { throw new NotFoundException("No result set present in object."); } } elseif(is_array($uDataSource)) { if(isset($uDataSource[0])) { $uDataSource = $uDataSource[0]; } } elseif(is_string($uDataSource) || is_numeric($uDataSource)) { if($uDataSource != 0) { if(!empty($this->fill_query)) { /* TODO: Figure out a way to store the ID internally without post-processing... */ $this->sId = htmlspecialchars($uDataSource); $expiry = ($expiry == -1) ? $this->query_cache : $expiry; /* Use PDO to fetch the object from the database. */ if($result = $database->CachedQuery($this->fill_query, array(":Id" => (string) $uDataSource), $expiry)) { $uDataSource = $result->data[0]; } else { $classname = get_class($this); throw new NotFoundException("Could not locate {$classname} {$uDataSource} in database.", 0, null, ""); } } else { $classname = get_class($this); throw new PrototypeException("No fill query defined for {$classname} class."); } } else { $bind_datasets = false; $this->FillDefaults(); } } else { $classname = get_class($this); throw new ConstructorException("Invalid type passed on to constructor for object of type {$classname}."); } if($bind_datasets === true) { $this->sId = htmlspecialchars($uDataSource[$this->id_field]); $this->sIsNewObject = false; $this->uData = $uDataSource; if($this->autoloading === false) { foreach($this->prototype as $type => $dataset) { $this->BindDataset($type, $dataset, $defaultable); } } $this->sFound = true; } else { $this->sFound = false; } } public function BindDataset($type, $dataset, $defaultable) { global $cphp_config; if(is_array($dataset)) { foreach($dataset as $variable_name => $column_name) { $this->SetField($type, $variable_name, $column_name); } } else { $classname = get_class($this); throw new Exception("Invalid dataset passed on to {$classname}.BindDataset."); } } public function SetField($type, $variable_name, $column_name) { global $cphp_config; if(!isset($this->uData[$column_name])) { throw new Exception("The column name {$column_name} was not found in the resultset - ensure the prototype corresponds to the table schema."); } $original_value = $this->uData[$column_name]; if($original_value === "" && ($type == "timestamp" || $type == "numeric" || $type == "boolean")) { $variable_name_safe = "s" . $variable_name; $this->$variable_name_safe = null; $variable_name_unsafe = "u" . $variable_name; $this->$variable_name_unsafe = null; } else { switch($type) { case "string": $value = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($original_value)); $variable_type = CPHP_VARIABLE_SAFE; break; case "html": $value = filter_html(stripslashes($original_value)); $variable_type = CPHP_VARIABLE_SAFE; break; case "simplehtml": $value = filter_html_strict(stripslashes($original_value)); $variable_type = CPHP_VARIABLE_SAFE; break; case "nl2br": $value = nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($original_value)), false); $variable_type = CPHP_VARIABLE_SAFE; break; case "numeric": $value = (is_numeric($original_value)) ? $original_value : 0; $variable_type = CPHP_VARIABLE_SAFE; break; case "timestamp": $value = unix_from_mysql($original_value); $variable_type = CPHP_VARIABLE_SAFE; break; case "boolean": $value = (empty($original_value)) ? false : true; $variable_type = CPHP_VARIABLE_SAFE; break; case "none": $value = $original_value; $variable_type = CPHP_VARIABLE_UNSAFE; break; default: $found = false; foreach(get_object_vars($cphp_config->class_map) as $class_type => $class_name) { if($type == $class_type) { try { $value = new $class_name($original_value); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $e->field = $variable_name; throw $e; } $variable_type = CPHP_VARIABLE_SAFE; $found = true; } } if($found == false) { $classname = get_class($this); throw new Exception("Cannot determine type of dataset ({$type}) passed on to {$classname}.BindDataset."); break; } } if($variable_type == CPHP_VARIABLE_SAFE) { $variable_name_safe = "s" . $variable_name; $this->$variable_name_safe = $value; } $variable_name_unsafe = "u" . $variable_name; $this->$variable_name_unsafe = $original_value; } } public function FillDefaults() { foreach($this->prototype as $type => $dataset) { switch($type) { case "string": case "simplehtml": case "html": case "nl2br": case "none": $safe_default_value = ""; $unsafe_default_value = ""; break; case "numeric": $safe_default_value = 0; $unsafe_default_value = "0"; break; case "boolean": $safe_default_value = false; $unsafe_default_value = "0"; break; case "timestamp": $safe_default_value = null; $unsafe_default_value = null; break; default: continue 2; } foreach($dataset as $property) { $safe_variable_name = "s" . $property; $this->$safe_variable_name = $safe_default_value; $unsafe_variable_name = "u" . $property; $this->$unsafe_variable_name = $unsafe_default_value; } } } public function DoRenderInternalTemplate() { /* DEPRECATED: Please do not use this function. * Class-specific templater functions have been discontinued. Instead, you can use * Templater::AdvancedParse for rendering templates without instantiating a Templater * yourself. */ if(!empty($this->render_template)) { $strings = array(); foreach($this->prototype_render as $template_var => $object_var) { $variable_name = "s" . $object_var; $strings[$template_var] = $this->$variable_name; } return $this->DoRenderTemplate($this->render_template, $strings); } else { $classname = get_class($this); throw new Exception("Cannot render template: no template defined for {$classname} class."); } } public function InsertIntoDatabase($force_data = false) { global $cphp_config, $database; if(!empty($this->verify_query)) { if(strpos($this->verify_query, ":Id") === false) { throw new DeprecatedException("Support for mysql_* has been removed from CPHP. Please update your queries to be in CachedPDO-style."); } if($this->sIsNewObject === true) { $insert_mode = CPHP_INSERTMODE_INSERT; } else { /* FIXME: This can probably be optimized... */ if($result = $database->CachedQuery($this->verify_query, array(":Id" => $this->sId), 0)) { $insert_mode = CPHP_INSERTMODE_UPDATE; } else { $insert_mode = CPHP_INSERTMODE_INSERT; } } if($force_data === true) { foreach($this->prototype as $type_key => $type_value) { foreach($type_value as $element_key => $element_value) { $variable_name_unsafe = "u" . $element_key; if(!isset($this->$variable_name_unsafe)) { foreach($this->prototype as $type => $dataset) { if(isset($dataset[$element_key])) { $column_name = $dataset[$element_key]; $this->$variable_name_unsafe = $this->uData[$column_name]; } } } } } } $element_list = array(); foreach($this->prototype as $type_key => $type_value) { foreach($type_value as $element_key => $element_value) { switch($type_key) { case "none": case "numeric": case "boolean": case "timestamp": case "string": case "simplehtml": case "html": case "nl2br": $element_list[$element_value] = array( 'key' => $element_key, 'type' => $type_key ); break; default: break; } } } $sKeyList = array(); $sKeyIdentifierList = array(); $uValueList = array(); foreach($element_list as $sKey => $value) { $variable_name_safe = "s" . $value['key']; $variable_name_unsafe = "u" . $value['key']; if(isset($this->$variable_name_safe) || isset($this->$variable_name_unsafe)) { switch($value['type']) { case "none": $uFinalValue = $this->$variable_name_unsafe; break; case "numeric": $number = (isset($this->$variable_name_unsafe)) ? $this->$variable_name_unsafe : $this->$variable_name_safe; $uFinalValue = (is_numeric($number)) ? $number : 0; break; case "boolean": $bool = (isset($this->$variable_name_unsafe)) ? $this->$variable_name_unsafe : $this->$variable_name_safe; $uFinalValue = ($bool) ? "1" : "0"; break; case "timestamp": if(is_numeric($this->$variable_name_unsafe)) { $uFinalValue = mysql_from_unix($this->$variable_name_unsafe); } else { if(isset($this->$variable_name_safe)) { $uFinalValue = mysql_from_unix($this->$variable_name_safe); } else { $uFinalValue = mysql_from_unix(unix_from_local($this->$variable_name_unsafe)); } } break; case "string": case "simplehtml": case "html": case "nl2br": $uFinalValue = (isset($this->$variable_name_unsafe)) ? $this->$variable_name_unsafe : $this->$variable_name_safe; break; case "default": $uFinalValue = $this->$variable_name_unsafe; break; } $sIdentifier = ":{$sKey}"; $sKeyList[] = "`{$sKey}`"; $sKeyIdentifierList[] = $sIdentifier; $uValueList[$sIdentifier] = $uFinalValue; } else { if($this->autoloading === false) { $classname = get_class($this); throw new Exception("Database insertion failed: prototype property {$value['key']} not found in object of type {$classname}."); } } } if($insert_mode == CPHP_INSERTMODE_INSERT) { if(!empty($this->uId)) { $sIdentifier = ":{$this->id_field}"; $sKeyList[] = "`{$this->id_field}`"; $sKeyIdentifierList[] = $sIdentifier; $uValueList[$sIdentifier] = $this->uId; } $sQueryKeys = implode(", ", $sKeyList); $sQueryKeyIdentifiers = implode(", ", $sKeyIdentifierList); $query = "INSERT INTO {$this->table_name} ({$sQueryKeys}) VALUES ({$sQueryKeyIdentifiers})"; } elseif($insert_mode == CPHP_INSERTMODE_UPDATE) { $sKeysIdentifiersList = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($sKeyList); $i++) { $sKey = $sKeyList[$i]; $sValue = $sKeyIdentifierList[$i]; $sKeysIdentifiersList[] = "{$sKey} = {$sValue}"; } $sQueryKeysIdentifiers = implode(", ", $sKeysIdentifiersList); /* We use :CPHPID here because it's unlikely to be used in the application itself. */ $query = "UPDATE {$this->table_name} SET {$sQueryKeysIdentifiers} WHERE `{$this->id_field}` = :CPHPID"; $uValueList[':CPHPID'] = $this->sId; } try { $result = $database->CachedQuery($query, $uValueList, 0); if($insert_mode == CPHP_INSERTMODE_INSERT) { $this->sId = $database->lastInsertId(); $this->sIsNewObject = false; } $this->RefreshData(); return $result; } catch (DatabaseException $e) { $classname = get_class($this); $error = $database->errorInfo(); if(empty($error[2])) { $errmsg = $e->getMessage(); } else { $errmsg = $error[2]; } throw new DatabaseException("Database insertion query failed in object of type {$classname}. Error message: " . $errmsg); } } else { $classname = get_class($this); throw new Exception("No verification query defined for {$classname} class."); } } public function RetrieveChildren($type, $field) { /* Probably won't ever be fully implemented, now that there is CreateFromQuery. */ if(!isset($cphp_config->class_map->$type)) { $classname = get_class($this); throw new NotFoundException("Non-existent 'type' argument passed on to {$classname}.RetrieveChildren function."); } $parent_type = get_parent_class($cphp_config->class_map->$type); if($parent_type !== "CPHPDatabaseRecordClass") { $parent_type = ($parent_type === false) ? "NONE" : $parent_type; $classname = get_class($this); throw new TypeException("{$classname}.RetrieveChildren expected 'type' argument of parent-type CPHPDatabaseRecordClass, but got {$parent_type} instead."); } $query = ""; } public function PurgeCache() { $parameters = array(":Id" => (string) $this->sId); $query_hash = md5($this->fill_query); $parameter_hash = md5(serialize($parameters)); $cache_hash = $query_hash . $parameter_hash; mc_delete($cache_hash); } public function RenderTemplate($template = "") { if(!empty($template)) { $this->render_template = $template; } return $this->DoRenderInternalTemplate(); } public function Export() { /* This function is DEPRECATED and should not be used. Please manually build your arrays instead. */ $export_array = array(); foreach($this->prototype_export as $field) { $variable_name = "s{$field}"; if(is_object($this->$variable_name)) { if(!empty($this->$variable_name->sId)) { $export_array[$field] = $this->$variable_name->Export(); } else { $export_array[$field] = null; } } else { $export_array[$field] = $this->$variable_name; } } return $export_array; } public static function CreateFromQuery($query, $parameters = array(), $expiry = 0, $first_only = false) { global $database; $result = $database->CachedQuery($query, $parameters, $expiry); if($result) { if($first_only === true) { /* TODO: Try to run the query with LIMIT 1 if only the first result is desired. */ return new static($result); } elseif(count($result->data) == 1) { return array(new static($result)); } else { $result_array = array(); foreach($result->data as $row) { $result_array[] = new static($row); } return $result_array; } } else { throw new NotFoundException("No results for specified query."); } } // Define events protected function EventConstructed() { } }