import lxml.html, requests, urlparse, re from lxml import etree from datetime import datetime endpoint = "" def get_date(string): # Because for whatever reason, strptime doesn't work month, year = string.split() month_map = { "Jan": 1, "Feb": 2, "Mar": 3, "Apr": 4, "May": 5, "Jun": 6, "Jul": 7, "Aug": 8, "Sep": 9, "Oct": 10, "Nov": 11, "Dec": 12 } return (int(year), month_map[month]) # We'll retrieve a list of all book IDs for this installation response = requests.get("%s/browse/category/allbooks" % endpoint) xml = lxml.html.fromstring(response.text.encode("utf-8")) book_ids = {} for item in xml.xpath("//*[@id='booklist']/div[@class='page']/div[@class='load_data']/@title"): response ="%s/browse/booklist_page" % endpoint, data={"ids": item}) xml_titles = lxml.html.fromstring(response.json().encode("utf-8")) title_map = {} for subitem in xml_titles.xpath("//div[@class='summary']"): #print str(etree.tostring(subitem)) id_ = subitem.xpath("div[@class='details-href']/@title")[0].split("/")[-1] title = subitem.xpath("div/div[@class='title']/strong/text()") book_ids[id_] = title print "Done %s..." % item for id_, title in book_ids.iteritems(): details_url = "/browse/details/%s" % id_ cover_url = "/get/cover/%s" % id_ response = requests.get(endpoint + details_url) xml = lxml.html.fromstring(response.json().encode("utf-8")) #print etree.tostring(xml) downloads = {} for item in xml.xpath("//div[@class='field formats']/a"): filetype = item.get("title") url = endpoint + item.get("href") downloads[filetype.lower()] = url isbn = xml.xpath("//div[@class='field']/a[starts-with(@title,'isbn:')]/text()") amazon = xml.xpath("//div[@class='field']/a[starts-with(@title,'amazon:')]/@href") google = xml.xpath("//div[@class='field']/a[starts-with(@title,'google:')]/@href") tags = xml.xpath("//div[@class='field']/a[starts-with(@title,'Browse books by tags:')]/text()") publish_date = [get_date(date) for date in xml.xpath("//div[@class='field' and strong/text() = 'Published: ']/text()")] language = xml.xpath("//div[@class='field' and strong/text() = 'Languages: ']/text()") publishers = xml.xpath("//div[@class='field']/a[starts-with(@title,'Browse books by publisher:')]/text()") authors = xml.xpath("//div[@class='field']/a[starts-with(@title,'Browse books by authors:')]/text()") series = xml.xpath("//div[@class='field']/a[starts-with(@title,'Browse books by series:')]/text()") if len(series) > 0: try: series_title, series_id = re.match("(.+) \[(.+)\]$", series[0]).groups(1) except AttributeError, e: series_title, series_id = (None, None) else: series_title, series_id = (None, None) print "%s: %s" % (series_title, series_id) obj = { "ids": { "isbn": isbn, "amazon": amazon, "google": google, }, "title": title, "authors": authors, "publishers": publishers, "publish_date": publish_date, "language": language, "tags": tags, "urls": downloads, "cover_url": cover_url, "series": [ { "title": series_title, "item": series_id } ] } print obj