import urllib, urllib2, re, _mysql, time, math, threading, htmlentitydefs from collections import deque from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup # Don't forget to configure the database login at the bottom of the code! class GoogleCrawler (threading.Thread): def run(self): google_start() class CalibreCrawler (threading.Thread): def run(self): calibre_loop() def crawl_page(url): try: opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.874.92 Safari/535.2")] response = page_contents = find_links(page_contents) time.sleep(4) next_url = find_next(page_contents) if next_url == "": print "Done." else: crawl_page("" + next_url) except: crawl_page(url) def find_links(page): soup = BeautifulSoup(page) for subsoup in soup.findAll("li", "g"): url = subsoup.find("a", "l")['href'] url_matcher = re.compile("(https?:\/\/[^/]*.*\/)browse\/.*") url = url_matcher.match(url).group(1) if url not in calibre_urls: print url calibre_urls.append(url) def find_next(page): global current_start soup = BeautifulSoup(page) subsoup = soup.find("table", attrs={'id':'nav'}) for item in subsoup.findAll("a", "pn"): new_start = find_start(item['href']) if new_start == current_start + 10: current_start = new_start return item['href'] return "" def find_start(url): url_match ="start=([0-9]+)", url) if url_match is None: return 0 else: return int( def google_start(): crawl_page(base_url) def calibre_crawl(url): try: url_matcher = re.compile("(https?:\/\/[^/]*).*") base = url_matcher.match(url).group(1) print "Starting crawl on %s ..." % url response = urllib2.urlopen(url + "browse/category/allbooks") page_contents = matcher = re.compile("
") for result in matcher.finditer(page_contents): try: query = list_url = url + "browse/booklist_page" data = urllib.urlencode({'ids': query}) req = urllib2.Request(list_url, data) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) page_contents =[1:-1].replace("\\n", "").replace("\\\"", "\"") soup = BeautifulSoup(page_contents) for subsoup in soup.findAll("div", "summary"): try: title = subsoup.find("div", "title").strong.string authors = subsoup.find("div", "authors").string description = subsoup.find("div", "comments").prettify() try: thumbnail = base + subsoup.find("div", "left").img['src'] except: thumbnail = "" urls = [] urls.append(subsoup.find("a", "read")['href']) formats_list = subsoup.find("div", "formats") for format_url in formats_list.findAll("a"): urls.append(format_url['href']) s_title = db.escape_string(title) s_authors = db.escape_string(authors) s_description = db.escape_string(description) s_thumbnail = db.escape_string(thumbnail) sql_query = "SELECT * FROM books WHERE `Thumbnail` = '%s'" % s_thumbnail db.query(sql_query) sql_result = db.store_result() if sql_result.num_rows() == 0: sql_query = "INSERT INTO books (`Title`, `Authors`, `Description`, `Thumbnail`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (s_title, s_authors, s_description, s_thumbnail) #print sql_query db.query(sql_query) ins_id = db.insert_id() for format_url in urls: url_matcher = re.compile(".*\/get\/([^/]+)\/.*") m = url_matcher.match(format_url) filetype = download_url = db.escape_string(base + format_url) s_filetype = db.escape_string(filetype) s_url = db.escape_string(download_url) sql_query = "INSERT INTO files (`BookId`, `Format`, `Url`) VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%s')" % (ins_id, s_filetype, s_url) db.query(sql_query) print "SUCCESS: %s" % s_title else: print "SKIP: %s" % title time.sleep(0.1) except: print "FAIL: %s" % title time.sleep(2) except: pass except: pass def calibre_loop(): global calibre_urls while True: if len(calibre_urls) > 0: current_url = calibre_urls.popleft() calibre_crawl(current_url) time.sleep(1) calibre_urls = deque([]) current_start = 0 base_url = "" db = _mysql.connect("localhost", "root", "", "ebooks") GoogleCrawler().start() CalibreCrawler().start()