diff --git a/updater/bs4/__init__.py b/updater/bs4/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2656b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater/bs4/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+"""Beautiful Soup
+Elixir and Tonic
+"The Screen-Scraper's Friend"
+Beautiful Soup uses a pluggable XML or HTML parser to parse a
+(possibly invalid) document into a tree representation. Beautiful Soup
+provides provides methods and Pythonic idioms that make it easy to
+navigate, search, and modify the parse tree.
+Beautiful Soup works with Python 2.6 and up. It works better if lxml
+and/or html5lib is installed.
+For more than you ever wanted to know about Beautiful Soup, see the
+__author__ = "Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org)"
+__version__ = "4.1.3"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Leonard Richardson"
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__all__ = ['BeautifulSoup']
+import re
+import warnings
+from .builder import builder_registry
+from .dammit import UnicodeDammit
+from .element import (
+ CData,
+ Comment,
+ Declaration,
+ Doctype,
+ NavigableString,
+ PageElement,
+ ProcessingInstruction,
+ ResultSet,
+ SoupStrainer,
+ Tag,
+ )
+# The very first thing we do is give a useful error if someone is
+# running this code under Python 3 without converting it.
+syntax_error = u'You are trying to run the Python 2 version of Beautiful Soup under Python 3. This will not work. You need to convert the code, either by installing it (`python setup.py install`) or by running 2to3 (`2to3 -w bs4`).'
+class BeautifulSoup(Tag):
+ """
+ This class defines the basic interface called by the tree builders.
+ These methods will be called by the parser:
+ reset()
+ feed(markup)
+ The tree builder may call these methods from its feed() implementation:
+ handle_starttag(name, attrs) # See note about return value
+ handle_endtag(name)
+ handle_data(data) # Appends to the current data node
+ endData(containerClass=NavigableString) # Ends the current data node
+ No matter how complicated the underlying parser is, you should be
+ able to build a tree using 'start tag' events, 'end tag' events,
+ 'data' events, and "done with data" events.
+ If you encounter an empty-element tag (aka a self-closing tag,
+ like HTML's
tag), call handle_starttag and then
+ handle_endtag.
+ """
+ ROOT_TAG_NAME = u'[document]'
+ # If the end-user gives no indication which tree builder they
+ # want, look for one with these features.
+ DEFAULT_BUILDER_FEATURES = ['html', 'fast']
+ # Used when determining whether a text node is all whitespace and
+ # can be replaced with a single space. A text node that contains
+ # fancy Unicode spaces (usually non-breaking) should be left
+ # alone.
+ STRIP_ASCII_SPACES = {9: None, 10: None, 12: None, 13: None, 32: None, }
+ def __init__(self, markup="", features=None, builder=None,
+ parse_only=None, from_encoding=None, **kwargs):
+ """The Soup object is initialized as the 'root tag', and the
+ provided markup (which can be a string or a file-like object)
+ is fed into the underlying parser."""
+ if 'convertEntities' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the convertEntities argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. Entities are always converted "
+ "to Unicode characters.")
+ if 'markupMassage' in kwargs:
+ del kwargs['markupMassage']
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the markupMassage argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. The tree builder is responsible "
+ "for any necessary markup massage.")
+ if 'smartQuotesTo' in kwargs:
+ del kwargs['smartQuotesTo']
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the smartQuotesTo argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. Smart quotes are always converted "
+ "to Unicode characters.")
+ if 'selfClosingTags' in kwargs:
+ del kwargs['selfClosingTags']
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the selfClosingTags argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. The tree builder is responsible "
+ "for understanding self-closing tags.")
+ if 'isHTML' in kwargs:
+ del kwargs['isHTML']
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the isHTML argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. You can pass in features='html' "
+ "or features='xml' to get a builder capable of handling "
+ "one or the other.")
+ def deprecated_argument(old_name, new_name):
+ if old_name in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'The "%s" argument to the BeautifulSoup constructor '
+ 'has been renamed to "%s."' % (old_name, new_name))
+ value = kwargs[old_name]
+ del kwargs[old_name]
+ return value
+ return None
+ parse_only = parse_only or deprecated_argument(
+ "parseOnlyThese", "parse_only")
+ from_encoding = from_encoding or deprecated_argument(
+ "fromEncoding", "from_encoding")
+ if len(kwargs) > 0:
+ arg = kwargs.keys().pop()
+ raise TypeError(
+ "__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % arg)
+ if builder is None:
+ if isinstance(features, basestring):
+ features = [features]
+ if features is None or len(features) == 0:
+ builder_class = builder_registry.lookup(*features)
+ if builder_class is None:
+ raise FeatureNotFound(
+ "Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you "
+ "requested: %s. Do you need to install a parser library?"
+ % ",".join(features))
+ builder = builder_class()
+ self.builder = builder
+ self.is_xml = builder.is_xml
+ self.builder.soup = self
+ self.parse_only = parse_only
+ self.reset()
+ if hasattr(markup, 'read'): # It's a file-type object.
+ markup = markup.read()
+ (self.markup, self.original_encoding, self.declared_html_encoding,
+ self.contains_replacement_characters) = (
+ self.builder.prepare_markup(markup, from_encoding))
+ try:
+ self._feed()
+ except StopParsing:
+ pass
+ # Clear out the markup and remove the builder's circular
+ # reference to this object.
+ self.markup = None
+ self.builder.soup = None
+ def _feed(self):
+ # Convert the document to Unicode.
+ self.builder.reset()
+ self.builder.feed(self.markup)
+ # Close out any unfinished strings and close all the open tags.
+ self.endData()
+ while self.currentTag.name != self.ROOT_TAG_NAME:
+ self.popTag()
+ def reset(self):
+ Tag.__init__(self, self, self.builder, self.ROOT_TAG_NAME)
+ self.hidden = 1
+ self.builder.reset()
+ self.currentData = []
+ self.currentTag = None
+ self.tagStack = []
+ self.pushTag(self)
+ def new_tag(self, name, namespace=None, nsprefix=None, **attrs):
+ """Create a new tag associated with this soup."""
+ return Tag(None, self.builder, name, namespace, nsprefix, attrs)
+ def new_string(self, s):
+ """Create a new NavigableString associated with this soup."""
+ navigable = NavigableString(s)
+ navigable.setup()
+ return navigable
+ def insert_before(self, successor):
+ raise NotImplementedError("BeautifulSoup objects don't support insert_before().")
+ def insert_after(self, successor):
+ raise NotImplementedError("BeautifulSoup objects don't support insert_after().")
+ def popTag(self):
+ tag = self.tagStack.pop()
+ #print "Pop", tag.name
+ if self.tagStack:
+ self.currentTag = self.tagStack[-1]
+ return self.currentTag
+ def pushTag(self, tag):
+ #print "Push", tag.name
+ if self.currentTag:
+ self.currentTag.contents.append(tag)
+ self.tagStack.append(tag)
+ self.currentTag = self.tagStack[-1]
+ def endData(self, containerClass=NavigableString):
+ if self.currentData:
+ currentData = u''.join(self.currentData)
+ if (currentData.translate(self.STRIP_ASCII_SPACES) == '' and
+ not set([tag.name for tag in self.tagStack]).intersection(
+ self.builder.preserve_whitespace_tags)):
+ if '\n' in currentData:
+ currentData = '\n'
+ else:
+ currentData = ' '
+ self.currentData = []
+ if self.parse_only and len(self.tagStack) <= 1 and \
+ (not self.parse_only.text or \
+ not self.parse_only.search(currentData)):
+ return
+ o = containerClass(currentData)
+ self.object_was_parsed(o)
+ def object_was_parsed(self, o, parent=None, previous_element=None):
+ """Add an object to the parse tree."""
+ parent = parent or self.currentTag
+ previous_element = previous_element or self.previous_element
+ o.setup(parent, previous_element)
+ if self.previous_element:
+ self.previous_element.next_element = o
+ self.previous_element = o
+ parent.contents.append(o)
+ def _popToTag(self, name, nsprefix=None, inclusivePop=True):
+ """Pops the tag stack up to and including the most recent
+ instance of the given tag. If inclusivePop is false, pops the tag
+ stack up to but *not* including the most recent instqance of
+ the given tag."""
+ #print "Popping to %s" % name
+ if name == self.ROOT_TAG_NAME:
+ return
+ numPops = 0
+ mostRecentTag = None
+ for i in range(len(self.tagStack) - 1, 0, -1):
+ if (name == self.tagStack[i].name
+ and nsprefix == self.tagStack[i].prefix):
+ numPops = len(self.tagStack) - i
+ break
+ if not inclusivePop:
+ numPops = numPops - 1
+ for i in range(0, numPops):
+ mostRecentTag = self.popTag()
+ return mostRecentTag
+ def handle_starttag(self, name, namespace, nsprefix, attrs):
+ """Push a start tag on to the stack.
+ If this method returns None, the tag was rejected by the
+ SoupStrainer. You should proceed as if the tag had not occured
+ in the document. For instance, if this was a self-closing tag,
+ don't call handle_endtag.
+ """
+ # print "Start tag %s: %s" % (name, attrs)
+ self.endData()
+ if (self.parse_only and len(self.tagStack) <= 1
+ and (self.parse_only.text
+ or not self.parse_only.search_tag(name, attrs))):
+ return None
+ tag = Tag(self, self.builder, name, namespace, nsprefix, attrs,
+ self.currentTag, self.previous_element)
+ if tag is None:
+ return tag
+ if self.previous_element:
+ self.previous_element.next_element = tag
+ self.previous_element = tag
+ self.pushTag(tag)
+ return tag
+ def handle_endtag(self, name, nsprefix=None):
+ #print "End tag: " + name
+ self.endData()
+ self._popToTag(name, nsprefix)
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ self.currentData.append(data)
+ def decode(self, pretty_print=False,
+ eventual_encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING,
+ formatter="minimal"):
+ """Returns a string or Unicode representation of this document.
+ To get Unicode, pass None for encoding."""
+ if self.is_xml:
+ # Print the XML declaration
+ encoding_part = ''
+ if eventual_encoding != None:
+ encoding_part = ' encoding="%s"' % eventual_encoding
+ prefix = u'\n' % encoding_part
+ else:
+ prefix = u''
+ if not pretty_print:
+ indent_level = None
+ else:
+ indent_level = 0
+ return prefix + super(BeautifulSoup, self).decode(
+ indent_level, eventual_encoding, formatter)
+class BeautifulStoneSoup(BeautifulSoup):
+ """Deprecated interface to an XML parser."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['features'] = 'xml'
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'The BeautifulStoneSoup class is deprecated. Instead of using '
+ 'it, pass features="xml" into the BeautifulSoup constructor.')
+ super(BeautifulStoneSoup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+class StopParsing(Exception):
+ pass
+class FeatureNotFound(ValueError):
+ pass
+#By default, act as an HTML pretty-printer.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(sys.stdin)
+ print soup.prettify()
diff --git a/updater/bs4/bs4/__init__.py b/updater/bs4/bs4/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2656b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater/bs4/bs4/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+"""Beautiful Soup
+Elixir and Tonic
+"The Screen-Scraper's Friend"
+Beautiful Soup uses a pluggable XML or HTML parser to parse a
+(possibly invalid) document into a tree representation. Beautiful Soup
+provides provides methods and Pythonic idioms that make it easy to
+navigate, search, and modify the parse tree.
+Beautiful Soup works with Python 2.6 and up. It works better if lxml
+and/or html5lib is installed.
+For more than you ever wanted to know about Beautiful Soup, see the
+__author__ = "Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org)"
+__version__ = "4.1.3"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Leonard Richardson"
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__all__ = ['BeautifulSoup']
+import re
+import warnings
+from .builder import builder_registry
+from .dammit import UnicodeDammit
+from .element import (
+ CData,
+ Comment,
+ Declaration,
+ Doctype,
+ NavigableString,
+ PageElement,
+ ProcessingInstruction,
+ ResultSet,
+ SoupStrainer,
+ Tag,
+ )
+# The very first thing we do is give a useful error if someone is
+# running this code under Python 3 without converting it.
+syntax_error = u'You are trying to run the Python 2 version of Beautiful Soup under Python 3. This will not work. You need to convert the code, either by installing it (`python setup.py install`) or by running 2to3 (`2to3 -w bs4`).'
+class BeautifulSoup(Tag):
+ """
+ This class defines the basic interface called by the tree builders.
+ These methods will be called by the parser:
+ reset()
+ feed(markup)
+ The tree builder may call these methods from its feed() implementation:
+ handle_starttag(name, attrs) # See note about return value
+ handle_endtag(name)
+ handle_data(data) # Appends to the current data node
+ endData(containerClass=NavigableString) # Ends the current data node
+ No matter how complicated the underlying parser is, you should be
+ able to build a tree using 'start tag' events, 'end tag' events,
+ 'data' events, and "done with data" events.
+ If you encounter an empty-element tag (aka a self-closing tag,
+ like HTML's
tag), call handle_starttag and then
+ handle_endtag.
+ """
+ ROOT_TAG_NAME = u'[document]'
+ # If the end-user gives no indication which tree builder they
+ # want, look for one with these features.
+ DEFAULT_BUILDER_FEATURES = ['html', 'fast']
+ # Used when determining whether a text node is all whitespace and
+ # can be replaced with a single space. A text node that contains
+ # fancy Unicode spaces (usually non-breaking) should be left
+ # alone.
+ STRIP_ASCII_SPACES = {9: None, 10: None, 12: None, 13: None, 32: None, }
+ def __init__(self, markup="", features=None, builder=None,
+ parse_only=None, from_encoding=None, **kwargs):
+ """The Soup object is initialized as the 'root tag', and the
+ provided markup (which can be a string or a file-like object)
+ is fed into the underlying parser."""
+ if 'convertEntities' in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the convertEntities argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. Entities are always converted "
+ "to Unicode characters.")
+ if 'markupMassage' in kwargs:
+ del kwargs['markupMassage']
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the markupMassage argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. The tree builder is responsible "
+ "for any necessary markup massage.")
+ if 'smartQuotesTo' in kwargs:
+ del kwargs['smartQuotesTo']
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the smartQuotesTo argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. Smart quotes are always converted "
+ "to Unicode characters.")
+ if 'selfClosingTags' in kwargs:
+ del kwargs['selfClosingTags']
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the selfClosingTags argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. The tree builder is responsible "
+ "for understanding self-closing tags.")
+ if 'isHTML' in kwargs:
+ del kwargs['isHTML']
+ warnings.warn(
+ "BS4 does not respect the isHTML argument to the "
+ "BeautifulSoup constructor. You can pass in features='html' "
+ "or features='xml' to get a builder capable of handling "
+ "one or the other.")
+ def deprecated_argument(old_name, new_name):
+ if old_name in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'The "%s" argument to the BeautifulSoup constructor '
+ 'has been renamed to "%s."' % (old_name, new_name))
+ value = kwargs[old_name]
+ del kwargs[old_name]
+ return value
+ return None
+ parse_only = parse_only or deprecated_argument(
+ "parseOnlyThese", "parse_only")
+ from_encoding = from_encoding or deprecated_argument(
+ "fromEncoding", "from_encoding")
+ if len(kwargs) > 0:
+ arg = kwargs.keys().pop()
+ raise TypeError(
+ "__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % arg)
+ if builder is None:
+ if isinstance(features, basestring):
+ features = [features]
+ if features is None or len(features) == 0:
+ builder_class = builder_registry.lookup(*features)
+ if builder_class is None:
+ raise FeatureNotFound(
+ "Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you "
+ "requested: %s. Do you need to install a parser library?"
+ % ",".join(features))
+ builder = builder_class()
+ self.builder = builder
+ self.is_xml = builder.is_xml
+ self.builder.soup = self
+ self.parse_only = parse_only
+ self.reset()
+ if hasattr(markup, 'read'): # It's a file-type object.
+ markup = markup.read()
+ (self.markup, self.original_encoding, self.declared_html_encoding,
+ self.contains_replacement_characters) = (
+ self.builder.prepare_markup(markup, from_encoding))
+ try:
+ self._feed()
+ except StopParsing:
+ pass
+ # Clear out the markup and remove the builder's circular
+ # reference to this object.
+ self.markup = None
+ self.builder.soup = None
+ def _feed(self):
+ # Convert the document to Unicode.
+ self.builder.reset()
+ self.builder.feed(self.markup)
+ # Close out any unfinished strings and close all the open tags.
+ self.endData()
+ while self.currentTag.name != self.ROOT_TAG_NAME:
+ self.popTag()
+ def reset(self):
+ Tag.__init__(self, self, self.builder, self.ROOT_TAG_NAME)
+ self.hidden = 1
+ self.builder.reset()
+ self.currentData = []
+ self.currentTag = None
+ self.tagStack = []
+ self.pushTag(self)
+ def new_tag(self, name, namespace=None, nsprefix=None, **attrs):
+ """Create a new tag associated with this soup."""
+ return Tag(None, self.builder, name, namespace, nsprefix, attrs)
+ def new_string(self, s):
+ """Create a new NavigableString associated with this soup."""
+ navigable = NavigableString(s)
+ navigable.setup()
+ return navigable
+ def insert_before(self, successor):
+ raise NotImplementedError("BeautifulSoup objects don't support insert_before().")
+ def insert_after(self, successor):
+ raise NotImplementedError("BeautifulSoup objects don't support insert_after().")
+ def popTag(self):
+ tag = self.tagStack.pop()
+ #print "Pop", tag.name
+ if self.tagStack:
+ self.currentTag = self.tagStack[-1]
+ return self.currentTag
+ def pushTag(self, tag):
+ #print "Push", tag.name
+ if self.currentTag:
+ self.currentTag.contents.append(tag)
+ self.tagStack.append(tag)
+ self.currentTag = self.tagStack[-1]
+ def endData(self, containerClass=NavigableString):
+ if self.currentData:
+ currentData = u''.join(self.currentData)
+ if (currentData.translate(self.STRIP_ASCII_SPACES) == '' and
+ not set([tag.name for tag in self.tagStack]).intersection(
+ self.builder.preserve_whitespace_tags)):
+ if '\n' in currentData:
+ currentData = '\n'
+ else:
+ currentData = ' '
+ self.currentData = []
+ if self.parse_only and len(self.tagStack) <= 1 and \
+ (not self.parse_only.text or \
+ not self.parse_only.search(currentData)):
+ return
+ o = containerClass(currentData)
+ self.object_was_parsed(o)
+ def object_was_parsed(self, o, parent=None, previous_element=None):
+ """Add an object to the parse tree."""
+ parent = parent or self.currentTag
+ previous_element = previous_element or self.previous_element
+ o.setup(parent, previous_element)
+ if self.previous_element:
+ self.previous_element.next_element = o
+ self.previous_element = o
+ parent.contents.append(o)
+ def _popToTag(self, name, nsprefix=None, inclusivePop=True):
+ """Pops the tag stack up to and including the most recent
+ instance of the given tag. If inclusivePop is false, pops the tag
+ stack up to but *not* including the most recent instqance of
+ the given tag."""
+ #print "Popping to %s" % name
+ if name == self.ROOT_TAG_NAME:
+ return
+ numPops = 0
+ mostRecentTag = None
+ for i in range(len(self.tagStack) - 1, 0, -1):
+ if (name == self.tagStack[i].name
+ and nsprefix == self.tagStack[i].prefix):
+ numPops = len(self.tagStack) - i
+ break
+ if not inclusivePop:
+ numPops = numPops - 1
+ for i in range(0, numPops):
+ mostRecentTag = self.popTag()
+ return mostRecentTag
+ def handle_starttag(self, name, namespace, nsprefix, attrs):
+ """Push a start tag on to the stack.
+ If this method returns None, the tag was rejected by the
+ SoupStrainer. You should proceed as if the tag had not occured
+ in the document. For instance, if this was a self-closing tag,
+ don't call handle_endtag.
+ """
+ # print "Start tag %s: %s" % (name, attrs)
+ self.endData()
+ if (self.parse_only and len(self.tagStack) <= 1
+ and (self.parse_only.text
+ or not self.parse_only.search_tag(name, attrs))):
+ return None
+ tag = Tag(self, self.builder, name, namespace, nsprefix, attrs,
+ self.currentTag, self.previous_element)
+ if tag is None:
+ return tag
+ if self.previous_element:
+ self.previous_element.next_element = tag
+ self.previous_element = tag
+ self.pushTag(tag)
+ return tag
+ def handle_endtag(self, name, nsprefix=None):
+ #print "End tag: " + name
+ self.endData()
+ self._popToTag(name, nsprefix)
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ self.currentData.append(data)
+ def decode(self, pretty_print=False,
+ eventual_encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING,
+ formatter="minimal"):
+ """Returns a string or Unicode representation of this document.
+ To get Unicode, pass None for encoding."""
+ if self.is_xml:
+ # Print the XML declaration
+ encoding_part = ''
+ if eventual_encoding != None:
+ encoding_part = ' encoding="%s"' % eventual_encoding
+ prefix = u'\n' % encoding_part
+ else:
+ prefix = u''
+ if not pretty_print:
+ indent_level = None
+ else:
+ indent_level = 0
+ return prefix + super(BeautifulSoup, self).decode(
+ indent_level, eventual_encoding, formatter)
+class BeautifulStoneSoup(BeautifulSoup):
+ """Deprecated interface to an XML parser."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['features'] = 'xml'
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'The BeautifulStoneSoup class is deprecated. Instead of using '
+ 'it, pass features="xml" into the BeautifulSoup constructor.')
+ super(BeautifulStoneSoup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+class StopParsing(Exception):
+ pass
+class FeatureNotFound(ValueError):
+ pass
+#By default, act as an HTML pretty-printer.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(sys.stdin)
+ print soup.prettify()
diff --git a/updater/bs4/builder/__init__.py b/updater/bs4/builder/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc7deb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater/bs4/builder/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+import itertools
+import sys
+from bs4.element import (
+ CharsetMetaAttributeValue,
+ ContentMetaAttributeValue,
+ whitespace_re
+ )
+__all__ = [
+ 'HTMLTreeBuilder',
+ 'SAXTreeBuilder',
+ 'TreeBuilder',
+ 'TreeBuilderRegistry',
+ ]
+# Some useful features for a TreeBuilder to have.
+FAST = 'fast'
+PERMISSIVE = 'permissive'
+STRICT = 'strict'
+XML = 'xml'
+HTML = 'html'
+HTML_5 = 'html5'
+class TreeBuilderRegistry(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.builders_for_feature = defaultdict(list)
+ self.builders = []
+ def register(self, treebuilder_class):
+ """Register a treebuilder based on its advertised features."""
+ for feature in treebuilder_class.features:
+ self.builders_for_feature[feature].insert(0, treebuilder_class)
+ self.builders.insert(0, treebuilder_class)
+ def lookup(self, *features):
+ if len(self.builders) == 0:
+ # There are no builders at all.
+ return None
+ if len(features) == 0:
+ # They didn't ask for any features. Give them the most
+ # recently registered builder.
+ return self.builders[0]
+ # Go down the list of features in order, and eliminate any builders
+ # that don't match every feature.
+ features = list(features)
+ features.reverse()
+ candidates = None
+ candidate_set = None
+ while len(features) > 0:
+ feature = features.pop()
+ we_have_the_feature = self.builders_for_feature.get(feature, [])
+ if len(we_have_the_feature) > 0:
+ if candidates is None:
+ candidates = we_have_the_feature
+ candidate_set = set(candidates)
+ else:
+ # Eliminate any candidates that don't have this feature.
+ candidate_set = candidate_set.intersection(
+ set(we_have_the_feature))
+ # The only valid candidates are the ones in candidate_set.
+ # Go through the original list of candidates and pick the first one
+ # that's in candidate_set.
+ if candidate_set is None:
+ return None
+ for candidate in candidates:
+ if candidate in candidate_set:
+ return candidate
+ return None
+# The BeautifulSoup class will take feature lists from developers and use them
+# to look up builders in this registry.
+builder_registry = TreeBuilderRegistry()
+class TreeBuilder(object):
+ """Turn a document into a Beautiful Soup object tree."""
+ features = []
+ is_xml = False
+ preserve_whitespace_tags = set()
+ empty_element_tags = None # A tag will be considered an empty-element
+ # tag when and only when it has no contents.
+ # A value for these tag/attribute combinations is a space- or
+ # comma-separated list of CDATA, rather than a single CDATA.
+ cdata_list_attributes = {}
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.soup = None
+ def reset(self):
+ pass
+ def can_be_empty_element(self, tag_name):
+ """Might a tag with this name be an empty-element tag?
+ The final markup may or may not actually present this tag as
+ self-closing.
+ For instance: an HTMLBuilder does not consider a
tag to be
+ an empty-element tag (it's not in
+ HTMLBuilder.empty_element_tags). This means an empty
+ will be presented as "
", not "".
+ The default implementation has no opinion about which tags are
+ empty-element tags, so a tag will be presented as an
+ empty-element tag if and only if it has no contents.
+ "" will become "", and "bar" will
+ be left alone.
+ """
+ if self.empty_element_tags is None:
+ return True
+ return tag_name in self.empty_element_tags
+ def feed(self, markup):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def prepare_markup(self, markup, user_specified_encoding=None,
+ document_declared_encoding=None):
+ return markup, None, None, False
+ def test_fragment_to_document(self, fragment):
+ """Wrap an HTML fragment to make it look like a document.
+ Different parsers do this differently. For instance, lxml
+ introduces an empty tag, and html5lib
+ doesn't. Abstracting this away lets us write simple tests
+ which run HTML fragments through the parser and compare the
+ results against other HTML fragments.
+ This method should not be used outside of tests.
+ """
+ return fragment
+ def set_up_substitutions(self, tag):
+ return False
+ def _replace_cdata_list_attribute_values(self, tag_name, attrs):
+ """Replaces class="foo bar" with class=["foo", "bar"]
+ Modifies its input in place.
+ """
+ if self.cdata_list_attributes:
+ universal = self.cdata_list_attributes.get('*', [])
+ tag_specific = self.cdata_list_attributes.get(
+ tag_name.lower(), [])
+ for cdata_list_attr in itertools.chain(universal, tag_specific):
+ if cdata_list_attr in dict(attrs):
+ # Basically, we have a "class" attribute whose
+ # value is a whitespace-separated list of CSS
+ # classes. Split it into a list.
+ value = attrs[cdata_list_attr]
+ if isinstance(value, basestring):
+ values = whitespace_re.split(value)
+ else:
+ # html5lib sometimes calls setAttributes twice
+ # for the same tag when rearranging the parse
+ # tree. On the second call the attribute value
+ # here is already a list. If this happens,
+ # leave the value alone rather than trying to
+ # split it again.
+ values = value
+ attrs[cdata_list_attr] = values
+ return attrs
+class SAXTreeBuilder(TreeBuilder):
+ """A Beautiful Soup treebuilder that listens for SAX events."""
+ def feed(self, markup):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ attrs = dict((key[1], value) for key, value in list(attrs.items()))
+ #print "Start %s, %r" % (name, attrs)
+ self.soup.handle_starttag(name, attrs)
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ #print "End %s" % name
+ self.soup.handle_endtag(name)
+ def startElementNS(self, nsTuple, nodeName, attrs):
+ # Throw away (ns, nodeName) for now.
+ self.startElement(nodeName, attrs)
+ def endElementNS(self, nsTuple, nodeName):
+ # Throw away (ns, nodeName) for now.
+ self.endElement(nodeName)
+ #handler.endElementNS((ns, node.nodeName), node.nodeName)
+ def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, nodeValue):
+ # Ignore the prefix for now.
+ pass
+ def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix):
+ # Ignore the prefix for now.
+ # handler.endPrefixMapping(prefix)
+ pass
+ def characters(self, content):
+ self.soup.handle_data(content)
+ def startDocument(self):
+ pass
+ def endDocument(self):
+ pass
+class HTMLTreeBuilder(TreeBuilder):
+ """This TreeBuilder knows facts about HTML.
+ Such as which tags are empty-element tags.
+ """
+ preserve_whitespace_tags = set(['pre', 'textarea'])
+ empty_element_tags = set(['br' , 'hr', 'input', 'img', 'meta',
+ 'spacer', 'link', 'frame', 'base'])
+ # The HTML standard defines these attributes as containing a
+ # space-separated list of values, not a single value. That is,
+ # class="foo bar" means that the 'class' attribute has two values,
+ # 'foo' and 'bar', not the single value 'foo bar'. When we
+ # encounter one of these attributes, we will parse its value into
+ # a list of values if possible. Upon output, the list will be
+ # converted back into a string.
+ cdata_list_attributes = {
+ "*" : ['class', 'accesskey', 'dropzone'],
+ "a" : ['rel', 'rev'],
+ "link" : ['rel', 'rev'],
+ "td" : ["headers"],
+ "th" : ["headers"],
+ "td" : ["headers"],
+ "form" : ["accept-charset"],
+ "object" : ["archive"],
+ # These are HTML5 specific, as are *.accesskey and *.dropzone above.
+ "area" : ["rel"],
+ "icon" : ["sizes"],
+ "iframe" : ["sandbox"],
+ "output" : ["for"],
+ }
+ def set_up_substitutions(self, tag):
+ # We are only interested in tags
+ if tag.name != 'meta':
+ return False
+ http_equiv = tag.get('http-equiv')
+ content = tag.get('content')
+ charset = tag.get('charset')
+ # We are interested in tags that say what encoding the
+ # document was originally in. This means HTML 5-style
+ # tags that provide the "charset" attribute. It also means
+ # HTML 4-style tags that provide the "content"
+ # attribute and have "http-equiv" set to "content-type".
+ #
+ # In both cases we will replace the value of the appropriate
+ # attribute with a standin object that can take on any
+ # encoding.
+ meta_encoding = None
+ if charset is not None:
+ # HTML 5 style:
+ #
+ meta_encoding = charset
+ tag['charset'] = CharsetMetaAttributeValue(charset)
+ elif (content is not None and http_equiv is not None
+ and http_equiv.lower() == 'content-type'):
+ # HTML 4 style:
+ #
+ tag['content'] = ContentMetaAttributeValue(content)
+ return (meta_encoding is not None)
+def register_treebuilders_from(module):
+ """Copy TreeBuilders from the given module into this module."""
+ # I'm fairly sure this is not the best way to do this.
+ this_module = sys.modules['bs4.builder']
+ for name in module.__all__:
+ obj = getattr(module, name)
+ if issubclass(obj, TreeBuilder):
+ setattr(this_module, name, obj)
+ this_module.__all__.append(name)
+ # Register the builder while we're at it.
+ this_module.builder_registry.register(obj)
+# Builders are registered in reverse order of priority, so that custom
+# builder registrations will take precedence. In general, we want lxml
+# to take precedence over html5lib, because it's faster. And we only
+# want to use HTMLParser as a last result.
+from . import _htmlparser
+ from . import _html5lib
+ register_treebuilders_from(_html5lib)
+except ImportError:
+ # They don't have html5lib installed.
+ pass
+ from . import _lxml
+ register_treebuilders_from(_lxml)
+except ImportError:
+ # They don't have lxml installed.
+ pass
diff --git a/updater/bs4/builder/_html5lib.py b/updater/bs4/builder/_html5lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23e26b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater/bs4/builder/_html5lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+__all__ = [
+ 'HTML5TreeBuilder',
+ ]
+import warnings
+from bs4.builder import (
+ HTML_5,
+ HTMLTreeBuilder,
+ )
+from bs4.element import NamespacedAttribute
+import html5lib
+from html5lib.constants import namespaces
+from bs4.element import (
+ Comment,
+ Doctype,
+ NavigableString,
+ Tag,
+ )
+class HTML5TreeBuilder(HTMLTreeBuilder):
+ """Use html5lib to build a tree."""
+ features = ['html5lib', PERMISSIVE, HTML_5, HTML]
+ def prepare_markup(self, markup, user_specified_encoding):
+ # Store the user-specified encoding for use later on.
+ self.user_specified_encoding = user_specified_encoding
+ return markup, None, None, False
+ # These methods are defined by Beautiful Soup.
+ def feed(self, markup):
+ if self.soup.parse_only is not None:
+ warnings.warn("You provided a value for parse_only, but the html5lib tree builder doesn't support parse_only. The entire document will be parsed.")
+ parser = html5lib.HTMLParser(tree=self.create_treebuilder)
+ doc = parser.parse(markup, encoding=self.user_specified_encoding)
+ # Set the character encoding detected by the tokenizer.
+ if isinstance(markup, unicode):
+ # We need to special-case this because html5lib sets
+ # charEncoding to UTF-8 if it gets Unicode input.
+ doc.original_encoding = None
+ else:
+ doc.original_encoding = parser.tokenizer.stream.charEncoding[0]
+ def create_treebuilder(self, namespaceHTMLElements):
+ self.underlying_builder = TreeBuilderForHtml5lib(
+ self.soup, namespaceHTMLElements)
+ return self.underlying_builder
+ def test_fragment_to_document(self, fragment):
+ """See `TreeBuilder`."""
+ return u'%s' % fragment
+class TreeBuilderForHtml5lib(html5lib.treebuilders._base.TreeBuilder):
+ def __init__(self, soup, namespaceHTMLElements):
+ self.soup = soup
+ super(TreeBuilderForHtml5lib, self).__init__(namespaceHTMLElements)
+ def documentClass(self):
+ self.soup.reset()
+ return Element(self.soup, self.soup, None)
+ def insertDoctype(self, token):
+ name = token["name"]
+ publicId = token["publicId"]
+ systemId = token["systemId"]
+ doctype = Doctype.for_name_and_ids(name, publicId, systemId)
+ self.soup.object_was_parsed(doctype)
+ def elementClass(self, name, namespace):
+ tag = self.soup.new_tag(name, namespace)
+ return Element(tag, self.soup, namespace)
+ def commentClass(self, data):
+ return TextNode(Comment(data), self.soup)
+ def fragmentClass(self):
+ self.soup = BeautifulSoup("")
+ self.soup.name = "[document_fragment]"
+ return Element(self.soup, self.soup, None)
+ def appendChild(self, node):
+ # XXX This code is not covered by the BS4 tests.
+ self.soup.append(node.element)
+ def getDocument(self):
+ return self.soup
+ def getFragment(self):
+ return html5lib.treebuilders._base.TreeBuilder.getFragment(self).element
+class AttrList(object):
+ def __init__(self, element):
+ self.element = element
+ self.attrs = dict(self.element.attrs)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return list(self.attrs.items()).__iter__()
+ def __setitem__(self, name, value):
+ "set attr", name, value
+ self.element[name] = value
+ def items(self):
+ return list(self.attrs.items())
+ def keys(self):
+ return list(self.attrs.keys())
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.attrs)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ return self.attrs[name]
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ return name in list(self.attrs.keys())
+class Element(html5lib.treebuilders._base.Node):
+ def __init__(self, element, soup, namespace):
+ html5lib.treebuilders._base.Node.__init__(self, element.name)
+ self.element = element
+ self.soup = soup
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ def appendChild(self, node):
+ if (node.element.__class__ == NavigableString and self.element.contents
+ and self.element.contents[-1].__class__ == NavigableString):
+ # Concatenate new text onto old text node
+ # XXX This has O(n^2) performance, for input like
+ # "aaa..."
+ old_element = self.element.contents[-1]
+ new_element = self.soup.new_string(old_element + node.element)
+ old_element.replace_with(new_element)
+ else:
+ self.soup.object_was_parsed(node.element, parent=self.element)
+ def getAttributes(self):
+ return AttrList(self.element)
+ def setAttributes(self, attributes):
+ if attributes is not None and len(attributes) > 0:
+ converted_attributes = []
+ for name, value in list(attributes.items()):
+ if isinstance(name, tuple):
+ new_name = NamespacedAttribute(*name)
+ del attributes[name]
+ attributes[new_name] = value
+ self.soup.builder._replace_cdata_list_attribute_values(
+ self.name, attributes)
+ for name, value in attributes.items():
+ self.element[name] = value
+ # The attributes may contain variables that need substitution.
+ # Call set_up_substitutions manually.
+ #
+ # The Tag constructor called this method when the Tag was created,
+ # but we just set/changed the attributes, so call it again.
+ self.soup.builder.set_up_substitutions(self.element)
+ attributes = property(getAttributes, setAttributes)
+ def insertText(self, data, insertBefore=None):
+ text = TextNode(self.soup.new_string(data), self.soup)
+ if insertBefore:
+ self.insertBefore(text, insertBefore)
+ else:
+ self.appendChild(text)
+ def insertBefore(self, node, refNode):
+ index = self.element.index(refNode.element)
+ if (node.element.__class__ == NavigableString and self.element.contents
+ and self.element.contents[index-1].__class__ == NavigableString):
+ # (See comments in appendChild)
+ old_node = self.element.contents[index-1]
+ new_str = self.soup.new_string(old_node + node.element)
+ old_node.replace_with(new_str)
+ else:
+ self.element.insert(index, node.element)
+ node.parent = self
+ def removeChild(self, node):
+ node.element.extract()
+ def reparentChildren(self, newParent):
+ while self.element.contents:
+ child = self.element.contents[0]
+ child.extract()
+ if isinstance(child, Tag):
+ newParent.appendChild(
+ Element(child, self.soup, namespaces["html"]))
+ else:
+ newParent.appendChild(
+ TextNode(child, self.soup))
+ def cloneNode(self):
+ tag = self.soup.new_tag(self.element.name, self.namespace)
+ node = Element(tag, self.soup, self.namespace)
+ for key,value in self.attributes:
+ node.attributes[key] = value
+ return node
+ def hasContent(self):
+ return self.element.contents
+ def getNameTuple(self):
+ if self.namespace == None:
+ return namespaces["html"], self.name
+ else:
+ return self.namespace, self.name
+ nameTuple = property(getNameTuple)
+class TextNode(Element):
+ def __init__(self, element, soup):
+ html5lib.treebuilders._base.Node.__init__(self, None)
+ self.element = element
+ self.soup = soup
+ def cloneNode(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/updater/bs4/builder/_htmlparser.py b/updater/bs4/builder/_htmlparser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede5cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater/bs4/builder/_htmlparser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+"""Use the HTMLParser library to parse HTML files that aren't too bad."""
+__all__ = [
+ 'HTMLParserTreeBuilder',
+ ]
+from HTMLParser import (
+ HTMLParser,
+ HTMLParseError,
+ )
+import sys
+import warnings
+# Starting in Python 3.2, the HTMLParser constructor takes a 'strict'
+# argument, which we'd like to set to False. Unfortunately,
+# http://bugs.python.org/issue13273 makes strict=True a better bet
+# before Python 3.2.3.
+# At the end of this file, we monkeypatch HTMLParser so that
+# strict=True works well on Python 3.2.2.
+major, minor, release = sys.version_info[:3]
+ major > 3
+ or (major == 3 and minor > 2)
+ or (major == 3 and minor == 2 and release >= 3))
+from bs4.element import (
+ CData,
+ Comment,
+ Declaration,
+ Doctype,
+ ProcessingInstruction,
+ )
+from bs4.dammit import EntitySubstitution, UnicodeDammit
+from bs4.builder import (
+ HTMLTreeBuilder,
+ )
+HTMLPARSER = 'html.parser'
+class BeautifulSoupHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
+ def handle_starttag(self, name, attrs):
+ # XXX namespace
+ self.soup.handle_starttag(name, None, None, dict(attrs))
+ def handle_endtag(self, name):
+ self.soup.handle_endtag(name)
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ self.soup.handle_data(data)
+ def handle_charref(self, name):
+ # XXX workaround for a bug in HTMLParser. Remove this once
+ # it's fixed.
+ if name.startswith('x'):
+ real_name = int(name.lstrip('x'), 16)
+ else:
+ real_name = int(name)
+ try:
+ data = unichr(real_name)
+ except (ValueError, OverflowError), e:
+ self.handle_data(data)
+ def handle_entityref(self, name):
+ character = EntitySubstitution.HTML_ENTITY_TO_CHARACTER.get(name)
+ if character is not None:
+ data = character
+ else:
+ data = "&%s;" % name
+ self.handle_data(data)
+ def handle_comment(self, data):
+ self.soup.endData()
+ self.soup.handle_data(data)
+ self.soup.endData(Comment)
+ def handle_decl(self, data):
+ self.soup.endData()
+ if data.startswith("DOCTYPE "):
+ data = data[len("DOCTYPE "):]
+ self.soup.handle_data(data)
+ self.soup.endData(Doctype)
+ def unknown_decl(self, data):
+ if data.upper().startswith('CDATA['):
+ cls = CData
+ data = data[len('CDATA['):]
+ else:
+ cls = Declaration
+ self.soup.endData()
+ self.soup.handle_data(data)
+ self.soup.endData(cls)
+ def handle_pi(self, data):
+ self.soup.endData()
+ if data.endswith("?") and data.lower().startswith("xml"):
+ # "An XHTML processing instruction using the trailing '?'
+ # will cause the '?' to be included in data." - HTMLParser
+ # docs.
+ #
+ # Strip the question mark so we don't end up with two
+ # question marks.
+ data = data[:-1]
+ self.soup.handle_data(data)
+ self.soup.endData(ProcessingInstruction)
+class HTMLParserTreeBuilder(HTMLTreeBuilder):
+ is_xml = False
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['strict'] = False
+ self.parser_args = (args, kwargs)
+ def prepare_markup(self, markup, user_specified_encoding=None,
+ document_declared_encoding=None):
+ """
+ :return: A 4-tuple (markup, original encoding, encoding
+ declared within markup, whether any characters had to be
+ """
+ if isinstance(markup, unicode):
+ return markup, None, None, False
+ try_encodings = [user_specified_encoding, document_declared_encoding]
+ dammit = UnicodeDammit(markup, try_encodings, is_html=True)
+ return (dammit.markup, dammit.original_encoding,
+ dammit.declared_html_encoding,
+ dammit.contains_replacement_characters)
+ def feed(self, markup):
+ args, kwargs = self.parser_args
+ parser = BeautifulSoupHTMLParser(*args, **kwargs)
+ parser.soup = self.soup
+ try:
+ parser.feed(markup)
+ except HTMLParseError, e:
+ warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning(
+ "Python's built-in HTMLParser cannot parse the given document. This is not a bug in Beautiful Soup. The best solution is to install an external parser (lxml or html5lib), and use Beautiful Soup with that parser. See http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#installing-a-parser for help."))
+ raise e
+# Patch 3.2 versions of HTMLParser earlier than 3.2.3 to use some
+# 3.2.3 code. This ensures they don't treat markup like as a
+# string.
+# XXX This code can be removed once most Python 3 users are on 3.2.3.
+if major == 3 and minor == 2 and not CONSTRUCTOR_TAKES_STRICT:
+ import re
+ attrfind_tolerant = re.compile(
+ r'\s*((?<=[\'"\s])[^\s/>][^\s/=>]*)(\s*=+\s*'
+ r'(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*"|(?![\'"])[^>\s]*))?')
+ HTMLParserTreeBuilder.attrfind_tolerant = attrfind_tolerant
+ locatestarttagend = re.compile(r"""
+ <[a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9:_]* # tag name
+ (?:\s+ # whitespace before attribute name
+ (?:[a-zA-Z_][-.:a-zA-Z0-9_]* # attribute name
+ (?:\s*=\s* # value indicator
+ (?:'[^']*' # LITA-enclosed value
+ |\"[^\"]*\" # LIT-enclosed value
+ |[^'\">\s]+ # bare value
+ )
+ )?
+ )
+ )*
+ \s* # trailing whitespace
+""", re.VERBOSE)
+ BeautifulSoupHTMLParser.locatestarttagend = locatestarttagend
+ from html.parser import tagfind, attrfind
+ def parse_starttag(self, i):
+ self.__starttag_text = None
+ endpos = self.check_for_whole_start_tag(i)
+ if endpos < 0:
+ return endpos
+ rawdata = self.rawdata
+ self.__starttag_text = rawdata[i:endpos]
+ # Now parse the data between i+1 and j into a tag and attrs
+ attrs = []
+ match = tagfind.match(rawdata, i+1)
+ assert match, 'unexpected call to parse_starttag()'
+ k = match.end()
+ self.lasttag = tag = rawdata[i+1:k].lower()
+ while k < endpos:
+ if self.strict:
+ m = attrfind.match(rawdata, k)
+ else:
+ m = attrfind_tolerant.match(rawdata, k)
+ if not m:
+ break
+ attrname, rest, attrvalue = m.group(1, 2, 3)
+ if not rest:
+ attrvalue = None
+ elif attrvalue[:1] == '\'' == attrvalue[-1:] or \
+ attrvalue[:1] == '"' == attrvalue[-1:]:
+ attrvalue = attrvalue[1:-1]
+ if attrvalue:
+ attrvalue = self.unescape(attrvalue)
+ attrs.append((attrname.lower(), attrvalue))
+ k = m.end()
+ end = rawdata[k:endpos].strip()
+ if end not in (">", "/>"):
+ lineno, offset = self.getpos()
+ if "\n" in self.__starttag_text:
+ lineno = lineno + self.__starttag_text.count("\n")
+ offset = len(self.__starttag_text) \
+ - self.__starttag_text.rfind("\n")
+ else:
+ offset = offset + len(self.__starttag_text)
+ if self.strict:
+ self.error("junk characters in start tag: %r"
+ % (rawdata[k:endpos][:20],))
+ self.handle_data(rawdata[i:endpos])
+ return endpos
+ if end.endswith('/>'):
+ # XHTML-style empty tag:
+ self.handle_startendtag(tag, attrs)
+ else:
+ self.handle_starttag(tag, attrs)
+ if tag in self.CDATA_CONTENT_ELEMENTS:
+ self.set_cdata_mode(tag)
+ return endpos
+ def set_cdata_mode(self, elem):
+ self.cdata_elem = elem.lower()
+ self.interesting = re.compile(r'\s*%s\s*>' % self.cdata_elem, re.I)
+ BeautifulSoupHTMLParser.parse_starttag = parse_starttag
+ BeautifulSoupHTMLParser.set_cdata_mode = set_cdata_mode
diff --git a/updater/bs4/builder/_lxml.py b/updater/bs4/builder/_lxml.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f718ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater/bs4/builder/_lxml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+__all__ = [
+ 'LXMLTreeBuilderForXML',
+ 'LXMLTreeBuilder',
+ ]
+from StringIO import StringIO
+import collections
+from lxml import etree
+from bs4.element import Comment, Doctype, NamespacedAttribute
+from bs4.builder import (
+ HTMLTreeBuilder,
+ TreeBuilder,
+ XML)
+from bs4.dammit import UnicodeDammit
+LXML = 'lxml'
+class LXMLTreeBuilderForXML(TreeBuilder):
+ is_xml = True
+ # Well, it's permissive by XML parser standards.
+ features = [LXML, XML, FAST, PERMISSIVE]
+ CHUNK_SIZE = 512
+ # This namespace mapping is specified in the XML Namespace
+ # standard.
+ DEFAULT_NSMAPS = {'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' : "xml"}
+ @property
+ def default_parser(self):
+ # This can either return a parser object or a class, which
+ # will be instantiated with default arguments.
+ return etree.XMLParser(target=self, strip_cdata=False, recover=True)
+ def __init__(self, parser=None, empty_element_tags=None):
+ if empty_element_tags is not None:
+ self.empty_element_tags = set(empty_element_tags)
+ if parser is None:
+ # Use the default parser.
+ parser = self.default_parser
+ if isinstance(parser, collections.Callable):
+ # Instantiate the parser with default arguments
+ parser = parser(target=self, strip_cdata=False)
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.soup = None
+ self.nsmaps = [self.DEFAULT_NSMAPS]
+ def _getNsTag(self, tag):
+ # Split the namespace URL out of a fully-qualified lxml tag
+ # name. Copied from lxml's src/lxml/sax.py.
+ if tag[0] == '{':
+ return tuple(tag[1:].split('}', 1))
+ else:
+ return (None, tag)
+ def prepare_markup(self, markup, user_specified_encoding=None,
+ document_declared_encoding=None):
+ """
+ :return: A 3-tuple (markup, original encoding, encoding
+ declared within markup).
+ """
+ if isinstance(markup, unicode):
+ return markup, None, None, False
+ try_encodings = [user_specified_encoding, document_declared_encoding]
+ dammit = UnicodeDammit(markup, try_encodings, is_html=True)
+ return (dammit.markup, dammit.original_encoding,
+ dammit.declared_html_encoding,
+ dammit.contains_replacement_characters)
+ def feed(self, markup):
+ if isinstance(markup, basestring):
+ markup = StringIO(markup)
+ # Call feed() at least once, even if the markup is empty,
+ # or the parser won't be initialized.
+ data = markup.read(self.CHUNK_SIZE)
+ self.parser.feed(data)
+ while data != '':
+ # Now call feed() on the rest of the data, chunk by chunk.
+ data = markup.read(self.CHUNK_SIZE)
+ if data != '':
+ self.parser.feed(data)
+ self.parser.close()
+ def close(self):
+ self.nsmaps = [self.DEFAULT_NSMAPS]
+ def start(self, name, attrs, nsmap={}):
+ # Make sure attrs is a mutable dict--lxml may send an immutable dictproxy.
+ attrs = dict(attrs)
+ nsprefix = None
+ # Invert each namespace map as it comes in.
+ if len(self.nsmaps) > 1:
+ # There are no new namespaces for this tag, but
+ # non-default namespaces are in play, so we need a
+ # separate tag stack to know when they end.
+ self.nsmaps.append(None)
+ elif len(nsmap) > 0:
+ # A new namespace mapping has come into play.
+ inverted_nsmap = dict((value, key) for key, value in nsmap.items())
+ self.nsmaps.append(inverted_nsmap)
+ # Also treat the namespace mapping as a set of attributes on the
+ # tag, so we can recreate it later.
+ attrs = attrs.copy()
+ for prefix, namespace in nsmap.items():
+ attribute = NamespacedAttribute(
+ "xmlns", prefix, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+ attrs[attribute] = namespace
+ # Namespaces are in play. Find any attributes that came in
+ # from lxml with namespaces attached to their names, and
+ # turn then into NamespacedAttribute objects.
+ new_attrs = {}
+ for attr, value in attrs.items():
+ namespace, attr = self._getNsTag(attr)
+ if namespace is None:
+ new_attrs[attr] = value
+ else:
+ nsprefix = self._prefix_for_namespace(namespace)
+ attr = NamespacedAttribute(nsprefix, attr, namespace)
+ new_attrs[attr] = value
+ attrs = new_attrs
+ namespace, name = self._getNsTag(name)
+ nsprefix = self._prefix_for_namespace(namespace)
+ self.soup.handle_starttag(name, namespace, nsprefix, attrs)
+ def _prefix_for_namespace(self, namespace):
+ """Find the currently active prefix for the given namespace."""
+ if namespace is None:
+ return None
+ for inverted_nsmap in reversed(self.nsmaps):
+ if inverted_nsmap is not None and namespace in inverted_nsmap:
+ return inverted_nsmap[namespace]
+ return None
+ def end(self, name):
+ self.soup.endData()
+ completed_tag = self.soup.tagStack[-1]
+ namespace, name = self._getNsTag(name)
+ nsprefix = None
+ if namespace is not None:
+ for inverted_nsmap in reversed(self.nsmaps):
+ if inverted_nsmap is not None and namespace in inverted_nsmap:
+ nsprefix = inverted_nsmap[namespace]
+ break
+ self.soup.handle_endtag(name, nsprefix)
+ if len(self.nsmaps) > 1:
+ # This tag, or one of its parents, introduced a namespace
+ # mapping, so pop it off the stack.
+ self.nsmaps.pop()
+ def pi(self, target, data):
+ pass
+ def data(self, content):
+ self.soup.handle_data(content)
+ def doctype(self, name, pubid, system):
+ self.soup.endData()
+ doctype = Doctype.for_name_and_ids(name, pubid, system)
+ self.soup.object_was_parsed(doctype)
+ def comment(self, content):
+ "Handle comments as Comment objects."
+ self.soup.endData()
+ self.soup.handle_data(content)
+ self.soup.endData(Comment)
+ def test_fragment_to_document(self, fragment):
+ """See `TreeBuilder`."""
+ return u'\n%s' % fragment
+class LXMLTreeBuilder(HTMLTreeBuilder, LXMLTreeBuilderForXML):
+ is_xml = False
+ @property
+ def default_parser(self):
+ return etree.HTMLParser
+ def feed(self, markup):
+ self.parser.feed(markup)
+ self.parser.close()
+ def test_fragment_to_document(self, fragment):
+ """See `TreeBuilder`."""
+ return u'%s' % fragment
diff --git a/updater/bs4/dammit.py b/updater/bs4/dammit.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c199cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater/bs4/dammit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Beautiful Soup bonus library: Unicode, Dammit
+This class forces XML data into a standard format (usually to UTF-8 or
+Unicode). It is heavily based on code from Mark Pilgrim's Universal
+Feed Parser. It does not rewrite the XML or HTML to reflect a new
+encoding; that's the tree builder's job.
+import codecs
+from htmlentitydefs import codepoint2name
+import re
+import logging
+# Import a library to autodetect character encodings.
+chardet_type = None
+ # First try the fast C implementation.
+ # PyPI package: cchardet
+ import cchardet
+ def chardet_dammit(s):
+ return cchardet.detect(s)['encoding']
+except ImportError:
+ try:
+ # Fall back to the pure Python implementation
+ # Debian package: python-chardet
+ # PyPI package: chardet
+ import chardet
+ def chardet_dammit(s):
+ return chardet.detect(s)['encoding']
+ #import chardet.constants
+ #chardet.constants._debug = 1
+ except ImportError:
+ # No chardet available.
+ def chardet_dammit(s):
+ return None
+# Available from http://cjkpython.i18n.org/.
+ import iconv_codec
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+xml_encoding_re = re.compile(
+ '^<\?.*encoding=[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*\?>'.encode(), re.I)
+html_meta_re = re.compile(
+ '<\s*meta[^>]+charset\s*=\s*["\']?([^>]*?)[ /;\'">]'.encode(), re.I)
+class EntitySubstitution(object):
+ """Substitute XML or HTML entities for the corresponding characters."""
+ def _populate_class_variables():
+ lookup = {}
+ reverse_lookup = {}
+ characters_for_re = []
+ for codepoint, name in list(codepoint2name.items()):
+ character = unichr(codepoint)
+ if codepoint != 34:
+ # There's no point in turning the quotation mark into
+ # ", unless it happens within an attribute value, which
+ # is handled elsewhere.
+ characters_for_re.append(character)
+ lookup[character] = name
+ # But we do want to turn " into the quotation mark.
+ reverse_lookup[name] = character
+ re_definition = "[%s]" % "".join(characters_for_re)
+ return lookup, reverse_lookup, re.compile(re_definition)
+ CHARACTER_TO_HTML_ENTITY_RE) = _populate_class_variables()
+ "'": "apos",
+ '"': "quot",
+ "&": "amp",
+ "<": "lt",
+ ">": "gt",
+ }
+ BARE_AMPERSAND_OR_BRACKET = re.compile("([<>]|"
+ "&(?!#\d+;|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;|\w+;)"
+ ")")
+ @classmethod
+ def _substitute_html_entity(cls, matchobj):
+ entity = cls.CHARACTER_TO_HTML_ENTITY.get(matchobj.group(0))
+ return "&%s;" % entity
+ @classmethod
+ def _substitute_xml_entity(cls, matchobj):
+ """Used with a regular expression to substitute the
+ appropriate XML entity for an XML special character."""
+ entity = cls.CHARACTER_TO_XML_ENTITY[matchobj.group(0)]
+ return "&%s;" % entity
+ @classmethod
+ def quoted_attribute_value(self, value):
+ """Make a value into a quoted XML attribute, possibly escaping it.
+ Most strings will be quoted using double quotes.
+ Bob's Bar -> "Bob's Bar"
+ If a string contains double quotes, it will be quoted using
+ single quotes.
+ Welcome to "my bar" -> 'Welcome to "my bar"'
+ If a string contains both single and double quotes, the
+ double quotes will be escaped, and the string will be quoted
+ using double quotes.
+ Welcome to "Bob's Bar" -> "Welcome to "Bob's bar"
+ """
+ quote_with = '"'
+ if '"' in value:
+ if "'" in value:
+ # The string contains both single and double
+ # quotes. Turn the double quotes into
+ # entities. We quote the double quotes rather than
+ # the single quotes because the entity name is
+ # """ whether this is HTML or XML. If we
+ # quoted the single quotes, we'd have to decide
+ # between ' and &squot;.
+ replace_with = """
+ value = value.replace('"', replace_with)
+ else:
+ # There are double quotes but no single quotes.
+ # We can use single quotes to quote the attribute.
+ quote_with = "'"
+ return quote_with + value + quote_with
+ @classmethod
+ def substitute_xml(cls, value, make_quoted_attribute=False):
+ """Substitute XML entities for special XML characters.
+ :param value: A string to be substituted. The less-than sign will
+ become <, the greater-than sign will become >, and any
+ ampersands that are not part of an entity defition will
+ become &.
+ :param make_quoted_attribute: If True, then the string will be
+ quoted, as befits an attribute value.
+ """
+ # Escape angle brackets, and ampersands that aren't part of
+ # entities.
+ value = cls.BARE_AMPERSAND_OR_BRACKET.sub(
+ cls._substitute_xml_entity, value)
+ if make_quoted_attribute:
+ value = cls.quoted_attribute_value(value)
+ return value
+ @classmethod
+ def substitute_html(cls, s):
+ """Replace certain Unicode characters with named HTML entities.
+ This differs from data.encode(encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace')
+ in that the goal is to make the result more readable (to those
+ with ASCII displays) rather than to recover from
+ errors. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a UTF-8 string
+ containg a LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE, but replacing that
+ character with "é" will make it more readable to some
+ people.
+ """
+ cls._substitute_html_entity, s)
+class UnicodeDammit:
+ """A class for detecting the encoding of a *ML document and
+ converting it to a Unicode string. If the source encoding is
+ windows-1252, can replace MS smart quotes with their HTML or XML
+ equivalents."""
+ # This dictionary maps commonly seen values for "charset" in HTML
+ # meta tags to the corresponding Python codec names. It only covers
+ # values that aren't in Python's aliases and can't be determined
+ # by the heuristics in find_codec.
+ CHARSET_ALIASES = {"macintosh": "mac-roman",
+ "x-sjis": "shift-jis"}
+ "windows-1252",
+ "iso-8859-1",
+ "iso-8859-2",
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, markup, override_encodings=[],
+ smart_quotes_to=None, is_html=False):
+ self.declared_html_encoding = None
+ self.smart_quotes_to = smart_quotes_to
+ self.tried_encodings = []
+ self.contains_replacement_characters = False
+ if markup == '' or isinstance(markup, unicode):
+ self.markup = markup
+ self.unicode_markup = unicode(markup)
+ self.original_encoding = None
+ return
+ new_markup, document_encoding, sniffed_encoding = \
+ self._detectEncoding(markup, is_html)
+ self.markup = new_markup
+ u = None
+ if new_markup != markup:
+ # _detectEncoding modified the markup, then converted it to
+ # Unicode and then to UTF-8. So convert it from UTF-8.
+ u = self._convert_from("utf8")
+ self.original_encoding = sniffed_encoding
+ if not u:
+ for proposed_encoding in (
+ override_encodings + [document_encoding, sniffed_encoding]):
+ if proposed_encoding is not None:
+ u = self._convert_from(proposed_encoding)
+ if u:
+ break
+ # If no luck and we have auto-detection library, try that:
+ if not u and not isinstance(self.markup, unicode):
+ u = self._convert_from(chardet_dammit(self.markup))
+ # As a last resort, try utf-8 and windows-1252:
+ if not u:
+ for proposed_encoding in ("utf-8", "windows-1252"):
+ u = self._convert_from(proposed_encoding)
+ if u:
+ break
+ # As an absolute last resort, try the encodings again with
+ # character replacement.
+ if not u:
+ for proposed_encoding in (
+ override_encodings + [
+ document_encoding, sniffed_encoding, "utf-8", "windows-1252"]):
+ if proposed_encoding != "ascii":
+ u = self._convert_from(proposed_encoding, "replace")
+ if u is not None:
+ logging.warning(
+ "Some characters could not be decoded, and were "
+ "replaced with REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.")
+ self.contains_replacement_characters = True
+ break
+ # We could at this point force it to ASCII, but that would
+ # destroy so much data that I think giving up is better
+ self.unicode_markup = u
+ if not u:
+ self.original_encoding = None
+ def _sub_ms_char(self, match):
+ """Changes a MS smart quote character to an XML or HTML
+ entity, or an ASCII character."""
+ orig = match.group(1)
+ if self.smart_quotes_to == 'ascii':
+ sub = self.MS_CHARS_TO_ASCII.get(orig).encode()
+ else:
+ sub = self.MS_CHARS.get(orig)
+ if type(sub) == tuple:
+ if self.smart_quotes_to == 'xml':
+ sub = ''.encode() + sub[1].encode() + ';'.encode()
+ else:
+ sub = '&'.encode() + sub[0].encode() + ';'.encode()
+ else:
+ sub = sub.encode()
+ return sub
+ def _convert_from(self, proposed, errors="strict"):
+ proposed = self.find_codec(proposed)
+ if not proposed or (proposed, errors) in self.tried_encodings:
+ return None
+ self.tried_encodings.append((proposed, errors))
+ markup = self.markup
+ # Convert smart quotes to HTML if coming from an encoding
+ # that might have them.
+ if (self.smart_quotes_to is not None
+ and proposed.lower() in self.ENCODINGS_WITH_SMART_QUOTES):
+ smart_quotes_re = b"([\x80-\x9f])"
+ smart_quotes_compiled = re.compile(smart_quotes_re)
+ markup = smart_quotes_compiled.sub(self._sub_ms_char, markup)
+ try:
+ #print "Trying to convert document to %s (errors=%s)" % (
+ # proposed, errors)
+ u = self._to_unicode(markup, proposed, errors)
+ self.markup = u
+ self.original_encoding = proposed
+ except Exception as e:
+ #print "That didn't work!"
+ #print e
+ return None
+ #print "Correct encoding: %s" % proposed
+ return self.markup
+ def _to_unicode(self, data, encoding, errors="strict"):
+ '''Given a string and its encoding, decodes the string into Unicode.
+ %encoding is a string recognized by encodings.aliases'''
+ # strip Byte Order Mark (if present)
+ if (len(data) >= 4) and (data[:2] == '\xfe\xff') \
+ and (data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+ encoding = 'utf-16be'
+ data = data[2:]
+ elif (len(data) >= 4) and (data[:2] == '\xff\xfe') \
+ and (data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+ encoding = 'utf-16le'
+ data = data[2:]
+ elif data[:3] == '\xef\xbb\xbf':
+ encoding = 'utf-8'
+ data = data[3:]
+ elif data[:4] == '\x00\x00\xfe\xff':
+ encoding = 'utf-32be'
+ data = data[4:]
+ elif data[:4] == '\xff\xfe\x00\x00':
+ encoding = 'utf-32le'
+ data = data[4:]
+ newdata = unicode(data, encoding, errors)
+ return newdata
+ def _detectEncoding(self, xml_data, is_html=False):
+ """Given a document, tries to detect its XML encoding."""
+ xml_encoding = sniffed_xml_encoding = None
+ try:
+ if xml_data[:4] == b'\x4c\x6f\xa7\x94':
+ xml_data = self._ebcdic_to_ascii(xml_data)
+ elif xml_data[:4] == b'\x00\x3c\x00\x3f':
+ # UTF-16BE
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16be'
+ xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-16be').encode('utf-8')
+ elif (len(xml_data) >= 4) and (xml_data[:2] == b'\xfe\xff') \
+ and (xml_data[2:4] != b'\x00\x00'):
+ # UTF-16BE with BOM
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16be'
+ xml_data = unicode(xml_data[2:], 'utf-16be').encode('utf-8')
+ elif xml_data[:4] == b'\x3c\x00\x3f\x00':
+ # UTF-16LE
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16le'
+ xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-16le').encode('utf-8')
+ elif (len(xml_data) >= 4) and (xml_data[:2] == b'\xff\xfe') and \
+ (xml_data[2:4] != b'\x00\x00'):
+ # UTF-16LE with BOM
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16le'
+ xml_data = unicode(xml_data[2:], 'utf-16le').encode('utf-8')
+ elif xml_data[:4] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x3c':
+ # UTF-32BE
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32be'
+ xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-32be').encode('utf-8')
+ elif xml_data[:4] == b'\x3c\x00\x00\x00':
+ # UTF-32LE
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32le'
+ xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-32le').encode('utf-8')
+ elif xml_data[:4] == b'\x00\x00\xfe\xff':
+ # UTF-32BE with BOM
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32be'
+ xml_data = unicode(xml_data[4:], 'utf-32be').encode('utf-8')
+ elif xml_data[:4] == b'\xff\xfe\x00\x00':
+ # UTF-32LE with BOM
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32le'
+ xml_data = unicode(xml_data[4:], 'utf-32le').encode('utf-8')
+ elif xml_data[:3] == b'\xef\xbb\xbf':
+ # UTF-8 with BOM
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-8'
+ xml_data = unicode(xml_data[3:], 'utf-8').encode('utf-8')
+ else:
+ sniffed_xml_encoding = 'ascii'
+ pass
+ except:
+ xml_encoding_match = None
+ xml_encoding_match = xml_encoding_re.match(xml_data)
+ if not xml_encoding_match and is_html:
+ xml_encoding_match = html_meta_re.search(xml_data)
+ if xml_encoding_match is not None:
+ xml_encoding = xml_encoding_match.groups()[0].decode(
+ 'ascii').lower()
+ if is_html:
+ self.declared_html_encoding = xml_encoding
+ if sniffed_xml_encoding and \
+ (xml_encoding in ('iso-10646-ucs-2', 'ucs-2', 'csunicode',
+ 'iso-10646-ucs-4', 'ucs-4', 'csucs4',
+ 'utf-16', 'utf-32', 'utf_16', 'utf_32',
+ 'utf16', 'u16')):
+ xml_encoding = sniffed_xml_encoding
+ return xml_data, xml_encoding, sniffed_xml_encoding
+ def find_codec(self, charset):
+ return self._codec(self.CHARSET_ALIASES.get(charset, charset)) \
+ or (charset and self._codec(charset.replace("-", ""))) \
+ or (charset and self._codec(charset.replace("-", "_"))) \
+ or charset
+ def _codec(self, charset):
+ if not charset:
+ return charset
+ codec = None
+ try:
+ codecs.lookup(charset)
+ codec = charset
+ except (LookupError, ValueError):
+ pass
+ return codec
+ def _ebcdic_to_ascii(self, s):
+ c = self.__class__
+ emap = (0,1,2,3,156,9,134,127,151,141,142,11,12,13,14,15,
+ 16,17,18,19,157,133,8,135,24,25,146,143,28,29,30,31,
+ 128,129,130,131,132,10,23,27,136,137,138,139,140,5,6,7,
+ 144,145,22,147,148,149,150,4,152,153,154,155,20,21,158,26,
+ 32,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,91,46,60,40,43,33,
+ 38,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,93,36,42,41,59,94,
+ 45,47,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,124,44,37,95,62,63,
+ 186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,96,58,35,64,39,61,34,
+ 195,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,196,197,198,199,200,
+ 201,202,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,203,204,205,
+ 206,207,208,209,126,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,210,
+ 211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,
+ 225,226,227,228,229,230,231,123,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,
+ 73,232,233,234,235,236,237,125,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,
+ 82,238,239,240,241,242,243,92,159,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,
+ 90,244,245,246,247,248,249,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,
+ 250,251,252,253,254,255)
+ import string
+ c.EBCDIC_TO_ASCII_MAP = string.maketrans(
+ ''.join(map(chr, list(range(256)))), ''.join(map(chr, emap)))
+ return s.translate(c.EBCDIC_TO_ASCII_MAP)
+ # A partial mapping of ISO-Latin-1 to HTML entities/XML numeric entities.
+ MS_CHARS = {b'\x80': ('euro', '20AC'),
+ b'\x81': ' ',
+ b'\x82': ('sbquo', '201A'),
+ b'\x83': ('fnof', '192'),
+ b'\x84': ('bdquo', '201E'),
+ b'\x85': ('hellip', '2026'),
+ b'\x86': ('dagger', '2020'),
+ b'\x87': ('Dagger', '2021'),
+ b'\x88': ('circ', '2C6'),
+ b'\x89': ('permil', '2030'),
+ b'\x8A': ('Scaron', '160'),
+ b'\x8B': ('lsaquo', '2039'),
+ b'\x8C': ('OElig', '152'),
+ b'\x8D': '?',
+ b'\x8E': ('#x17D', '17D'),
+ b'\x8F': '?',
+ b'\x90': '?',
+ b'\x91': ('lsquo', '2018'),
+ b'\x92': ('rsquo', '2019'),
+ b'\x93': ('ldquo', '201C'),
+ b'\x94': ('rdquo', '201D'),
+ b'\x95': ('bull', '2022'),
+ b'\x96': ('ndash', '2013'),
+ b'\x97': ('mdash', '2014'),
+ b'\x98': ('tilde', '2DC'),
+ b'\x99': ('trade', '2122'),
+ b'\x9a': ('scaron', '161'),
+ b'\x9b': ('rsaquo', '203A'),
+ b'\x9c': ('oelig', '153'),
+ b'\x9d': '?',
+ b'\x9e': ('#x17E', '17E'),
+ b'\x9f': ('Yuml', ''),}
+ # A parochial partial mapping of ISO-Latin-1 to ASCII. Contains
+ # horrors like stripping diacritical marks to turn á into a, but also
+ # contains non-horrors like turning “ into ".
+ b'\x80' : 'EUR',
+ b'\x81' : ' ',
+ b'\x82' : ',',
+ b'\x83' : 'f',
+ b'\x84' : ',,',
+ b'\x85' : '...',
+ b'\x86' : '+',
+ b'\x87' : '++',
+ b'\x88' : '^',
+ b'\x89' : '%',
+ b'\x8a' : 'S',
+ b'\x8b' : '<',
+ b'\x8c' : 'OE',
+ b'\x8d' : '?',
+ b'\x8e' : 'Z',
+ b'\x8f' : '?',
+ b'\x90' : '?',
+ b'\x91' : "'",
+ b'\x92' : "'",
+ b'\x93' : '"',
+ b'\x94' : '"',
+ b'\x95' : '*',
+ b'\x96' : '-',
+ b'\x97' : '--',
+ b'\x98' : '~',
+ b'\x99' : '(TM)',
+ b'\x9a' : 's',
+ b'\x9b' : '>',
+ b'\x9c' : 'oe',
+ b'\x9d' : '?',
+ b'\x9e' : 'z',
+ b'\x9f' : 'Y',
+ b'\xa0' : ' ',
+ b'\xa1' : '!',
+ b'\xa2' : 'c',
+ b'\xa3' : 'GBP',
+ b'\xa4' : '$', #This approximation is especially parochial--this is the
+ #generic currency symbol.
+ b'\xa5' : 'YEN',
+ b'\xa6' : '|',
+ b'\xa7' : 'S',
+ b'\xa8' : '..',
+ b'\xa9' : '',
+ b'\xaa' : '(th)',
+ b'\xab' : '<<',
+ b'\xac' : '!',
+ b'\xad' : ' ',
+ b'\xae' : '(R)',
+ b'\xaf' : '-',
+ b'\xb0' : 'o',
+ b'\xb1' : '+-',
+ b'\xb2' : '2',
+ b'\xb3' : '3',
+ b'\xb4' : ("'", 'acute'),
+ b'\xb5' : 'u',
+ b'\xb6' : 'P',
+ b'\xb7' : '*',
+ b'\xb8' : ',',
+ b'\xb9' : '1',
+ b'\xba' : '(th)',
+ b'\xbb' : '>>',
+ b'\xbc' : '1/4',
+ b'\xbd' : '1/2',
+ b'\xbe' : '3/4',
+ b'\xbf' : '?',
+ b'\xc0' : 'A',
+ b'\xc1' : 'A',
+ b'\xc2' : 'A',
+ b'\xc3' : 'A',
+ b'\xc4' : 'A',
+ b'\xc5' : 'A',
+ b'\xc6' : 'AE',
+ b'\xc7' : 'C',
+ b'\xc8' : 'E',
+ b'\xc9' : 'E',
+ b'\xca' : 'E',
+ b'\xcb' : 'E',
+ b'\xcc' : 'I',
+ b'\xcd' : 'I',
+ b'\xce' : 'I',
+ b'\xcf' : 'I',
+ b'\xd0' : 'D',
+ b'\xd1' : 'N',
+ b'\xd2' : 'O',
+ b'\xd3' : 'O',
+ b'\xd4' : 'O',
+ b'\xd5' : 'O',
+ b'\xd6' : 'O',
+ b'\xd7' : '*',
+ b'\xd8' : 'O',
+ b'\xd9' : 'U',
+ b'\xda' : 'U',
+ b'\xdb' : 'U',
+ b'\xdc' : 'U',
+ b'\xdd' : 'Y',
+ b'\xde' : 'b',
+ b'\xdf' : 'B',
+ b'\xe0' : 'a',
+ b'\xe1' : 'a',
+ b'\xe2' : 'a',
+ b'\xe3' : 'a',
+ b'\xe4' : 'a',
+ b'\xe5' : 'a',
+ b'\xe6' : 'ae',
+ b'\xe7' : 'c',
+ b'\xe8' : 'e',
+ b'\xe9' : 'e',
+ b'\xea' : 'e',
+ b'\xeb' : 'e',
+ b'\xec' : 'i',
+ b'\xed' : 'i',
+ b'\xee' : 'i',
+ b'\xef' : 'i',
+ b'\xf0' : 'o',
+ b'\xf1' : 'n',
+ b'\xf2' : 'o',
+ b'\xf3' : 'o',
+ b'\xf4' : 'o',
+ b'\xf5' : 'o',
+ b'\xf6' : 'o',
+ b'\xf7' : '/',
+ b'\xf8' : 'o',
+ b'\xf9' : 'u',
+ b'\xfa' : 'u',
+ b'\xfb' : 'u',
+ b'\xfc' : 'u',
+ b'\xfd' : 'y',
+ b'\xfe' : 'b',
+ b'\xff' : 'y',
+ }
+ # A map used when removing rogue Windows-1252/ISO-8859-1
+ # characters in otherwise UTF-8 documents.
+ #
+ # Note that \x81, \x8d, \x8f, \x90, and \x9d are undefined in
+ # Windows-1252.
+ WINDOWS_1252_TO_UTF8 = {
+ 0x80 : b'\xe2\x82\xac', # €
+ 0x82 : b'\xe2\x80\x9a', # ‚
+ 0x83 : b'\xc6\x92', # ƒ
+ 0x84 : b'\xe2\x80\x9e', # „
+ 0x85 : b'\xe2\x80\xa6', # …
+ 0x86 : b'\xe2\x80\xa0', # †
+ 0x87 : b'\xe2\x80\xa1', # ‡
+ 0x88 : b'\xcb\x86', # ˆ
+ 0x89 : b'\xe2\x80\xb0', # ‰
+ 0x8a : b'\xc5\xa0', # Š
+ 0x8b : b'\xe2\x80\xb9', # ‹
+ 0x8c : b'\xc5\x92', # Œ
+ 0x8e : b'\xc5\xbd', # Ž
+ 0x91 : b'\xe2\x80\x98', # ‘
+ 0x92 : b'\xe2\x80\x99', # ’
+ 0x93 : b'\xe2\x80\x9c', # “
+ 0x94 : b'\xe2\x80\x9d', # ”
+ 0x95 : b'\xe2\x80\xa2', # •
+ 0x96 : b'\xe2\x80\x93', # –
+ 0x97 : b'\xe2\x80\x94', # —
+ 0x98 : b'\xcb\x9c', # ˜
+ 0x99 : b'\xe2\x84\xa2', # ™
+ 0x9a : b'\xc5\xa1', # š
+ 0x9b : b'\xe2\x80\xba', # ›
+ 0x9c : b'\xc5\x93', # œ
+ 0x9e : b'\xc5\xbe', # ž
+ 0x9f : b'\xc5\xb8', # Ÿ
+ 0xa0 : b'\xc2\xa0', #
+ 0xa1 : b'\xc2\xa1', # ¡
+ 0xa2 : b'\xc2\xa2', # ¢
+ 0xa3 : b'\xc2\xa3', # £
+ 0xa4 : b'\xc2\xa4', # ¤
+ 0xa5 : b'\xc2\xa5', # ¥
+ 0xa6 : b'\xc2\xa6', # ¦
+ 0xa7 : b'\xc2\xa7', # §
+ 0xa8 : b'\xc2\xa8', # ¨
+ 0xa9 : b'\xc2\xa9', # ©
+ 0xaa : b'\xc2\xaa', # ª
+ 0xab : b'\xc2\xab', # «
+ 0xac : b'\xc2\xac', # ¬
+ 0xad : b'\xc2\xad', #
+ 0xae : b'\xc2\xae', # ®
+ 0xaf : b'\xc2\xaf', # ¯
+ 0xb0 : b'\xc2\xb0', # °
+ 0xb1 : b'\xc2\xb1', # ±
+ 0xb2 : b'\xc2\xb2', # ²
+ 0xb3 : b'\xc2\xb3', # ³
+ 0xb4 : b'\xc2\xb4', # ´
+ 0xb5 : b'\xc2\xb5', # µ
+ 0xb6 : b'\xc2\xb6', # ¶
+ 0xb7 : b'\xc2\xb7', # ·
+ 0xb8 : b'\xc2\xb8', # ¸
+ 0xb9 : b'\xc2\xb9', # ¹
+ 0xba : b'\xc2\xba', # º
+ 0xbb : b'\xc2\xbb', # »
+ 0xbc : b'\xc2\xbc', # ¼
+ 0xbd : b'\xc2\xbd', # ½
+ 0xbe : b'\xc2\xbe', # ¾
+ 0xbf : b'\xc2\xbf', # ¿
+ 0xc0 : b'\xc3\x80', # À
+ 0xc1 : b'\xc3\x81', # Á
+ 0xc2 : b'\xc3\x82', # Â
+ 0xc3 : b'\xc3\x83', # Ã
+ 0xc4 : b'\xc3\x84', # Ä
+ 0xc5 : b'\xc3\x85', # Å
+ 0xc6 : b'\xc3\x86', # Æ
+ 0xc7 : b'\xc3\x87', # Ç
+ 0xc8 : b'\xc3\x88', # È
+ 0xc9 : b'\xc3\x89', # É
+ 0xca : b'\xc3\x8a', # Ê
+ 0xcb : b'\xc3\x8b', # Ë
+ 0xcc : b'\xc3\x8c', # Ì
+ 0xcd : b'\xc3\x8d', # Í
+ 0xce : b'\xc3\x8e', # Î
+ 0xcf : b'\xc3\x8f', # Ï
+ 0xd0 : b'\xc3\x90', # Ð
+ 0xd1 : b'\xc3\x91', # Ñ
+ 0xd2 : b'\xc3\x92', # Ò
+ 0xd3 : b'\xc3\x93', # Ó
+ 0xd4 : b'\xc3\x94', # Ô
+ 0xd5 : b'\xc3\x95', # Õ
+ 0xd6 : b'\xc3\x96', # Ö
+ 0xd7 : b'\xc3\x97', # ×
+ 0xd8 : b'\xc3\x98', # Ø
+ 0xd9 : b'\xc3\x99', # Ù
+ 0xda : b'\xc3\x9a', # Ú
+ 0xdb : b'\xc3\x9b', # Û
+ 0xdc : b'\xc3\x9c', # Ü
+ 0xdd : b'\xc3\x9d', # Ý
+ 0xde : b'\xc3\x9e', # Þ
+ 0xdf : b'\xc3\x9f', # ß
+ 0xe0 : b'\xc3\xa0', # à
+ 0xe1 : b'\xa1', # á
+ 0xe2 : b'\xc3\xa2', # â
+ 0xe3 : b'\xc3\xa3', # ã
+ 0xe4 : b'\xc3\xa4', # ä
+ 0xe5 : b'\xc3\xa5', # å
+ 0xe6 : b'\xc3\xa6', # æ
+ 0xe7 : b'\xc3\xa7', # ç
+ 0xe8 : b'\xc3\xa8', # è
+ 0xe9 : b'\xc3\xa9', # é
+ 0xea : b'\xc3\xaa', # ê
+ 0xeb : b'\xc3\xab', # ë
+ 0xec : b'\xc3\xac', # ì
+ 0xed : b'\xc3\xad', # í
+ 0xee : b'\xc3\xae', # î
+ 0xef : b'\xc3\xaf', # ï
+ 0xf0 : b'\xc3\xb0', # ð
+ 0xf1 : b'\xc3\xb1', # ñ
+ 0xf2 : b'\xc3\xb2', # ò
+ 0xf3 : b'\xc3\xb3', # ó
+ 0xf4 : b'\xc3\xb4', # ô
+ 0xf5 : b'\xc3\xb5', # õ
+ 0xf6 : b'\xc3\xb6', # ö
+ 0xf7 : b'\xc3\xb7', # ÷
+ 0xf8 : b'\xc3\xb8', # ø
+ 0xf9 : b'\xc3\xb9', # ù
+ 0xfa : b'\xc3\xba', # ú
+ 0xfb : b'\xc3\xbb', # û
+ 0xfc : b'\xc3\xbc', # ü
+ 0xfd : b'\xc3\xbd', # ý
+ 0xfe : b'\xc3\xbe', # þ
+ }
+ (0xc2, 0xdf, 2), # 2-byte characters start with a byte C2-DF
+ (0xe0, 0xef, 3), # 3-byte characters start with E0-EF
+ (0xf0, 0xf4, 4), # 4-byte characters start with F0-F4
+ ]
+ @classmethod
+ def detwingle(cls, in_bytes, main_encoding="utf8",
+ embedded_encoding="windows-1252"):
+ """Fix characters from one encoding embedded in some other encoding.
+ Currently the only situation supported is Windows-1252 (or its
+ subset ISO-8859-1), embedded in UTF-8.
+ The input must be a bytestring. If you've already converted
+ the document to Unicode, you're too late.
+ The output is a bytestring in which `embedded_encoding`
+ characters have been converted to their `main_encoding`
+ equivalents.
+ """
+ if embedded_encoding.replace('_', '-').lower() not in (
+ 'windows-1252', 'windows_1252'):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Windows-1252 and ISO-8859-1 are the only currently supported "
+ "embedded encodings.")
+ if main_encoding.lower() not in ('utf8', 'utf-8'):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "UTF-8 is the only currently supported main encoding.")
+ byte_chunks = []
+ chunk_start = 0
+ pos = 0
+ while pos < len(in_bytes):
+ byte = in_bytes[pos]
+ if not isinstance(byte, int):
+ # Python 2.x
+ byte = ord(byte)
+ if (byte >= cls.FIRST_MULTIBYTE_MARKER
+ and byte <= cls.LAST_MULTIBYTE_MARKER):
+ # This is the start of a UTF-8 multibyte character. Skip
+ # to the end.
+ for start, end, size in cls.MULTIBYTE_MARKERS_AND_SIZES:
+ if byte >= start and byte <= end:
+ pos += size
+ break
+ elif byte >= 0x80 and byte in cls.WINDOWS_1252_TO_UTF8:
+ # We found a Windows-1252 character!
+ # Save the string up to this point as a chunk.
+ byte_chunks.append(in_bytes[chunk_start:pos])
+ # Now translate the Windows-1252 character into UTF-8
+ # and add it as another, one-byte chunk.
+ byte_chunks.append(cls.WINDOWS_1252_TO_UTF8[byte])
+ pos += 1
+ chunk_start = pos
+ else:
+ # Go on to the next character.
+ pos += 1
+ if chunk_start == 0:
+ # The string is unchanged.
+ return in_bytes
+ else:
+ # Store the final chunk.
+ byte_chunks.append(in_bytes[chunk_start:])
+ return b''.join(byte_chunks)
diff --git a/updater/bs4/element.py b/updater/bs4/element.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5989809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater/bs4/element.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1384 @@
+import collections
+import re
+import sys
+import warnings
+from bs4.dammit import EntitySubstitution
+PY3K = (sys.version_info[0] > 2)
+whitespace_re = re.compile("\s+")
+def _alias(attr):
+ """Alias one attribute name to another for backward compatibility"""
+ @property
+ def alias(self):
+ return getattr(self, attr)
+ @alias.setter
+ def alias(self):
+ return setattr(self, attr)
+ return alias
+class NamespacedAttribute(unicode):
+ def __new__(cls, prefix, name, namespace=None):
+ if name is None:
+ obj = unicode.__new__(cls, prefix)
+ elif prefix is None:
+ # Not really namespaced.
+ obj = unicode.__new__(cls, name)
+ else:
+ obj = unicode.__new__(cls, prefix + ":" + name)
+ obj.prefix = prefix
+ obj.name = name
+ obj.namespace = namespace
+ return obj
+class AttributeValueWithCharsetSubstitution(unicode):
+ """A stand-in object for a character encoding specified in HTML."""
+class CharsetMetaAttributeValue(AttributeValueWithCharsetSubstitution):
+ """A generic stand-in for the value of a meta tag's 'charset' attribute.
+ When Beautiful Soup parses the markup '', the
+ value of the 'charset' attribute will be one of these objects.
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, original_value):
+ obj = unicode.__new__(cls, original_value)
+ obj.original_value = original_value
+ return obj
+ def encode(self, encoding):
+ return encoding
+class ContentMetaAttributeValue(AttributeValueWithCharsetSubstitution):
+ """A generic stand-in for the value of a meta tag's 'content' attribute.
+ When Beautiful Soup parses the markup:
+ The value of the 'content' attribute will be one of these objects.
+ """
+ CHARSET_RE = re.compile("((^|;)\s*charset=)([^;]*)", re.M)
+ def __new__(cls, original_value):
+ match = cls.CHARSET_RE.search(original_value)
+ if match is None:
+ # No substitution necessary.
+ return unicode.__new__(unicode, original_value)
+ obj = unicode.__new__(cls, original_value)
+ obj.original_value = original_value
+ return obj
+ def encode(self, encoding):
+ def rewrite(match):
+ return match.group(1) + encoding
+ return self.CHARSET_RE.sub(rewrite, self.original_value)
+class PageElement(object):
+ """Contains the navigational information for some part of the page
+ (either a tag or a piece of text)"""
+ # There are five possible values for the "formatter" argument passed in
+ # to methods like encode() and prettify():
+ #
+ # "html" - All Unicode characters with corresponding HTML entities
+ # are converted to those entities on output.
+ # "minimal" - Bare ampersands and angle brackets are converted to
+ # XML entities: & < >
+ # None - The null formatter. Unicode characters are never
+ # converted to entities. This is not recommended, but it's
+ # faster than "minimal".
+ # A function - This function will be called on every string that
+ # needs to undergo entity substition
+ "html" : EntitySubstitution.substitute_html,
+ "minimal" : EntitySubstitution.substitute_xml,
+ None : None
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def format_string(self, s, formatter='minimal'):
+ """Format the given string using the given formatter."""
+ if not callable(formatter):
+ formatter = self.FORMATTERS.get(
+ formatter, EntitySubstitution.substitute_xml)
+ if formatter is None:
+ output = s
+ else:
+ output = formatter(s)
+ return output
+ def setup(self, parent=None, previous_element=None):
+ """Sets up the initial relations between this element and
+ other elements."""
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.previous_element = previous_element
+ if previous_element is not None:
+ self.previous_element.next_element = self
+ self.next_element = None
+ self.previous_sibling = None
+ self.next_sibling = None
+ if self.parent is not None and self.parent.contents:
+ self.previous_sibling = self.parent.contents[-1]
+ self.previous_sibling.next_sibling = self
+ nextSibling = _alias("next_sibling") # BS3
+ previousSibling = _alias("previous_sibling") # BS3
+ def replace_with(self, replace_with):
+ if replace_with is self:
+ return
+ if replace_with is self.parent:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot replace a Tag with its parent.")
+ old_parent = self.parent
+ my_index = self.parent.index(self)
+ self.extract()
+ old_parent.insert(my_index, replace_with)
+ return self
+ replaceWith = replace_with # BS3
+ def unwrap(self):
+ my_parent = self.parent
+ my_index = self.parent.index(self)
+ self.extract()
+ for child in reversed(self.contents[:]):
+ my_parent.insert(my_index, child)
+ return self
+ replace_with_children = unwrap
+ replaceWithChildren = unwrap # BS3
+ def wrap(self, wrap_inside):
+ me = self.replace_with(wrap_inside)
+ wrap_inside.append(me)
+ return wrap_inside
+ def extract(self):
+ """Destructively rips this element out of the tree."""
+ if self.parent is not None:
+ del self.parent.contents[self.parent.index(self)]
+ #Find the two elements that would be next to each other if
+ #this element (and any children) hadn't been parsed. Connect
+ #the two.
+ last_child = self._last_descendant()
+ next_element = last_child.next_element
+ if self.previous_element is not None:
+ self.previous_element.next_element = next_element
+ if next_element is not None:
+ next_element.previous_element = self.previous_element
+ self.previous_element = None
+ last_child.next_element = None
+ self.parent = None
+ if self.previous_sibling is not None:
+ self.previous_sibling.next_sibling = self.next_sibling
+ if self.next_sibling is not None:
+ self.next_sibling.previous_sibling = self.previous_sibling
+ self.previous_sibling = self.next_sibling = None
+ return self
+ def _last_descendant(self):
+ "Finds the last element beneath this object to be parsed."
+ last_child = self
+ while hasattr(last_child, 'contents') and last_child.contents:
+ last_child = last_child.contents[-1]
+ return last_child
+ # BS3: Not part of the API!
+ _lastRecursiveChild = _last_descendant
+ def insert(self, position, new_child):
+ if new_child is self:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot insert a tag into itself.")
+ if (isinstance(new_child, basestring)
+ and not isinstance(new_child, NavigableString)):
+ new_child = NavigableString(new_child)
+ position = min(position, len(self.contents))
+ if hasattr(new_child, 'parent') and new_child.parent is not None:
+ # We're 'inserting' an element that's already one
+ # of this object's children.
+ if new_child.parent is self:
+ current_index = self.index(new_child)
+ if current_index < position:
+ # We're moving this element further down the list
+ # of this object's children. That means that when
+ # we extract this element, our target index will
+ # jump down one.
+ position -= 1
+ new_child.extract()
+ new_child.parent = self
+ previous_child = None
+ if position == 0:
+ new_child.previous_sibling = None
+ new_child.previous_element = self
+ else:
+ previous_child = self.contents[position - 1]
+ new_child.previous_sibling = previous_child
+ new_child.previous_sibling.next_sibling = new_child
+ new_child.previous_element = previous_child._last_descendant()
+ if new_child.previous_element is not None:
+ new_child.previous_element.next_element = new_child
+ new_childs_last_element = new_child._last_descendant()
+ if position >= len(self.contents):
+ new_child.next_sibling = None
+ parent = self
+ parents_next_sibling = None
+ while parents_next_sibling is None and parent is not None:
+ parents_next_sibling = parent.next_sibling
+ parent = parent.parent
+ if parents_next_sibling is not None:
+ # We found the element that comes next in the document.
+ break
+ if parents_next_sibling is not None:
+ new_childs_last_element.next_element = parents_next_sibling
+ else:
+ # The last element of this tag is the last element in
+ # the document.
+ new_childs_last_element.next_element = None
+ else:
+ next_child = self.contents[position]
+ new_child.next_sibling = next_child
+ if new_child.next_sibling is not None:
+ new_child.next_sibling.previous_sibling = new_child
+ new_childs_last_element.next_element = next_child
+ if new_childs_last_element.next_element is not None:
+ new_childs_last_element.next_element.previous_element = new_childs_last_element
+ self.contents.insert(position, new_child)
+ def append(self, tag):
+ """Appends the given tag to the contents of this tag."""
+ self.insert(len(self.contents), tag)
+ def insert_before(self, predecessor):
+ """Makes the given element the immediate predecessor of this one.
+ The two elements will have the same parent, and the given element
+ will be immediately before this one.
+ """
+ if self is predecessor:
+ raise ValueError("Can't insert an element before itself.")
+ parent = self.parent
+ if parent is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Element has no parent, so 'before' has no meaning.")
+ # Extract first so that the index won't be screwed up if they
+ # are siblings.
+ if isinstance(predecessor, PageElement):
+ predecessor.extract()
+ index = parent.index(self)
+ parent.insert(index, predecessor)
+ def insert_after(self, successor):
+ """Makes the given element the immediate successor of this one.
+ The two elements will have the same parent, and the given element
+ will be immediately after this one.
+ """
+ if self is successor:
+ raise ValueError("Can't insert an element after itself.")
+ parent = self.parent
+ if parent is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Element has no parent, so 'after' has no meaning.")
+ # Extract first so that the index won't be screwed up if they
+ # are siblings.
+ if isinstance(successor, PageElement):
+ successor.extract()
+ index = parent.index(self)
+ parent.insert(index+1, successor)
+ def find_next(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+ """Returns the first item that matches the given criteria and
+ appears after this Tag in the document."""
+ return self._find_one(self.find_all_next, name, attrs, text, **kwargs)
+ findNext = find_next # BS3
+ def find_all_next(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, limit=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """Returns all items that match the given criteria and appear
+ after this Tag in the document."""
+ return self._find_all(name, attrs, text, limit, self.next_elements,
+ **kwargs)
+ findAllNext = find_all_next # BS3
+ def find_next_sibling(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+ """Returns the closest sibling to this Tag that matches the
+ given criteria and appears after this Tag in the document."""
+ return self._find_one(self.find_next_siblings, name, attrs, text,
+ **kwargs)
+ findNextSibling = find_next_sibling # BS3
+ def find_next_siblings(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, limit=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """Returns the siblings of this Tag that match the given
+ criteria and appear after this Tag in the document."""
+ return self._find_all(name, attrs, text, limit,
+ self.next_siblings, **kwargs)
+ findNextSiblings = find_next_siblings # BS3
+ fetchNextSiblings = find_next_siblings # BS2
+ def find_previous(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+ """Returns the first item that matches the given criteria and
+ appears before this Tag in the document."""
+ return self._find_one(
+ self.find_all_previous, name, attrs, text, **kwargs)
+ findPrevious = find_previous # BS3
+ def find_all_previous(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, limit=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """Returns all items that match the given criteria and appear
+ before this Tag in the document."""
+ return self._find_all(name, attrs, text, limit, self.previous_elements,
+ **kwargs)
+ findAllPrevious = find_all_previous # BS3
+ fetchPrevious = find_all_previous # BS2
+ def find_previous_sibling(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+ """Returns the closest sibling to this Tag that matches the
+ given criteria and appears before this Tag in the document."""
+ return self._find_one(self.find_previous_siblings, name, attrs, text,
+ **kwargs)
+ findPreviousSibling = find_previous_sibling # BS3
+ def find_previous_siblings(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None,
+ limit=None, **kwargs):
+ """Returns the siblings of this Tag that match the given
+ criteria and appear before this Tag in the document."""
+ return self._find_all(name, attrs, text, limit,
+ self.previous_siblings, **kwargs)
+ findPreviousSiblings = find_previous_siblings # BS3
+ fetchPreviousSiblings = find_previous_siblings # BS2
+ def find_parent(self, name=None, attrs={}, **kwargs):
+ """Returns the closest parent of this Tag that matches the given
+ criteria."""
+ # NOTE: We can't use _find_one because findParents takes a different
+ # set of arguments.
+ r = None
+ l = self.find_parents(name, attrs, 1)
+ if l:
+ r = l[0]
+ return r
+ findParent = find_parent # BS3
+ def find_parents(self, name=None, attrs={}, limit=None, **kwargs):
+ """Returns the parents of this Tag that match the given
+ criteria."""
+ return self._find_all(name, attrs, None, limit, self.parents,
+ **kwargs)
+ findParents = find_parents # BS3
+ fetchParents = find_parents # BS2
+ @property
+ def next(self):
+ return self.next_element
+ @property
+ def previous(self):
+ return self.previous_element
+ #These methods do the real heavy lifting.
+ def _find_one(self, method, name, attrs, text, **kwargs):
+ r = None
+ l = method(name, attrs, text, 1, **kwargs)
+ if l:
+ r = l[0]
+ return r
+ def _find_all(self, name, attrs, text, limit, generator, **kwargs):
+ "Iterates over a generator looking for things that match."
+ if isinstance(name, SoupStrainer):
+ strainer = name
+ elif text is None and not limit and not attrs and not kwargs:
+ # Optimization to find all tags.
+ if name is True or name is None:
+ return [element for element in generator
+ if isinstance(element, Tag)]
+ # Optimization to find all tags with a given name.
+ elif isinstance(name, basestring):
+ return [element for element in generator
+ if isinstance(element, Tag) and element.name == name]
+ else:
+ strainer = SoupStrainer(name, attrs, text, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ # Build a SoupStrainer
+ strainer = SoupStrainer(name, attrs, text, **kwargs)
+ results = ResultSet(strainer)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ i = next(generator)
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ if i:
+ found = strainer.search(i)
+ if found:
+ results.append(found)
+ if limit and len(results) >= limit:
+ break
+ return results
+ #These generators can be used to navigate starting from both
+ #NavigableStrings and Tags.
+ @property
+ def next_elements(self):
+ i = self.next_element
+ while i is not None:
+ yield i
+ i = i.next_element
+ @property
+ def next_siblings(self):
+ i = self.next_sibling
+ while i is not None:
+ yield i
+ i = i.next_sibling
+ @property
+ def previous_elements(self):
+ i = self.previous_element
+ while i is not None:
+ yield i
+ i = i.previous_element
+ @property
+ def previous_siblings(self):
+ i = self.previous_sibling
+ while i is not None:
+ yield i
+ i = i.previous_sibling
+ @property
+ def parents(self):
+ i = self.parent
+ while i is not None:
+ yield i
+ i = i.parent
+ # Methods for supporting CSS selectors.
+ tag_name_re = re.compile('^[a-z0-9]+$')
+ # /^(\w+)\[(\w+)([=~\|\^\$\*]?)=?"?([^\]"]*)"?\]$/
+ # \---/ \---/\-------------/ \-------/
+ # | | | |
+ # | | | The value
+ # | | ~,|,^,$,* or =
+ # | Attribute
+ # Tag
+ attribselect_re = re.compile(
+ r'^(?P\w+)?\[(?P\w+)(?P[=~\|\^\$\*]?)' +
+ r'=?"?(?P[^\]"]*)"?\]$'
+ )
+ def _attr_value_as_string(self, value, default=None):
+ """Force an attribute value into a string representation.
+ A multi-valued attribute will be converted into a
+ space-separated stirng.
+ """
+ value = self.get(value, default)
+ if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
+ value =" ".join(value)
+ return value
+ def _attribute_checker(self, operator, attribute, value=''):
+ """Create a function that performs a CSS selector operation.
+ Takes an operator, attribute and optional value. Returns a
+ function that will return True for elements that match that
+ combination.
+ """
+ if operator == '=':
+ # string representation of `attribute` is equal to `value`
+ return lambda el: el._attr_value_as_string(attribute) == value
+ elif operator == '~':
+ # space-separated list representation of `attribute`
+ # contains `value`
+ def _includes_value(element):
+ attribute_value = element.get(attribute, [])
+ if not isinstance(attribute_value, list):
+ attribute_value = attribute_value.split()
+ return value in attribute_value
+ return _includes_value
+ elif operator == '^':
+ # string representation of `attribute` starts with `value`
+ return lambda el: el._attr_value_as_string(
+ attribute, '').startswith(value)
+ elif operator == '$':
+ # string represenation of `attribute` ends with `value`
+ return lambda el: el._attr_value_as_string(
+ attribute, '').endswith(value)
+ elif operator == '*':
+ # string representation of `attribute` contains `value`
+ return lambda el: value in el._attr_value_as_string(attribute, '')
+ elif operator == '|':
+ # string representation of `attribute` is either exactly
+ # `value` or starts with `value` and then a dash.
+ def _is_or_starts_with_dash(element):
+ attribute_value = element._attr_value_as_string(attribute, '')
+ return (attribute_value == value or attribute_value.startswith(
+ value + '-'))
+ return _is_or_starts_with_dash
+ else:
+ return lambda el: el.has_attr(attribute)
+ def select(self, selector, recursive=True):
+ """Perform a CSS selection operation on the current element."""
+ tokens = selector.split()
+ current_context = [self]
+ for index, token in enumerate(tokens):
+ if tokens[index - 1] == '>':
+ # already found direct descendants in last step. skip this
+ # step.
+ continue
+ m = self.attribselect_re.match(token)
+ if m is not None:
+ # Attribute selector
+ tag, attribute, operator, value = m.groups()
+ if not tag:
+ tag = True
+ checker = self._attribute_checker(operator, attribute, value)
+ found = []
+ for context in current_context:
+ found.extend(
+ [el for el in context.find_all(tag, recursive=recursive) if checker(el)])
+ current_context = found
+ continue
+ if '#' in token:
+ # ID selector
+ tag, id = token.split('#', 1)
+ if tag == "":
+ tag = True
+ el = current_context[0].find(tag, {'id': id})
+ if el is None:
+ return [] # No match
+ current_context = [el]
+ continue
+ if '.' in token:
+ # Class selector
+ tag_name, klass = token.split('.', 1)
+ if not tag_name:
+ tag_name = True
+ classes = set(klass.split('.'))
+ found = []
+ def classes_match(tag):
+ if tag_name is not True and tag.name != tag_name:
+ return False
+ if not tag.has_attr('class'):
+ return False
+ return classes.issubset(tag['class'])
+ for context in current_context:
+ found.extend(context.find_all(classes_match, recursive=recursive))
+ current_context = found
+ continue
+ if ':' in token:
+ # Pseudoselector
+ tag_name, pseudo = token.split(':', 1)
+ if not tag_name:
+ raise Exception("Pseudoselectors must be prefixed by a tag name.")
+ pseudo_attributes = re.match('([a-zA-Z\d-]+)\(([a-zA-Z\d]+)\)', pseudo)
+ found = []
+ if pseudo_attributes is not None:
+ pseudo_type, pseudo_value = pseudo_attributes.groups()
+ if pseudo_type == 'nth-of-type':
+ try:
+ pseudo_value = int(pseudo_value)
+ except:
+ raise Exception('Only numeric values are supported for the nth-of-type pseudoselector for now.')
+ if pseudo_value < 1:
+ raise Exception('nth-of-type pseudoselector value must be at least 1.')
+ pseudo_value = pseudo_value - 1
+ for context in current_context:
+ all_nodes = context.find_all(tag_name, recursive=recursive)
+ if pseudo_value < len(all_nodes):
+ found.extend([all_nodes[pseudo_value]])
+ current_context = found
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Only the nth-of-type pseudoselector is supported for now.')
+ if token == '*':
+ # Star selector
+ found = []
+ for context in current_context:
+ found.extend(context.find_all(True, recursive=recursive))
+ current_context = found
+ continue
+ if token == '>':
+ # Child selector
+ tag = tokens[index + 1]
+ if not tag:
+ tag = True
+ found = []
+ for context in current_context:
+ found.extend(context.select(tag, recursive=False))
+ current_context = found
+ continue
+ # Here we should just have a regular tag
+ if not self.tag_name_re.match(token):
+ return []
+ found = []
+ for context in current_context:
+ found.extend(context.find_all(token, recursive=recursive))
+ current_context = found
+ return current_context
+ # Old non-property versions of the generators, for backwards
+ # compatibility with BS3.
+ def nextGenerator(self):
+ return self.next_elements
+ def nextSiblingGenerator(self):
+ return self.next_siblings
+ def previousGenerator(self):
+ return self.previous_elements
+ def previousSiblingGenerator(self):
+ return self.previous_siblings
+ def parentGenerator(self):
+ return self.parents
+class NavigableString(unicode, PageElement):
+ PREFIX = ''
+ SUFFIX = ''
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ """Create a new NavigableString.
+ When unpickling a NavigableString, this method is called with
+ the string in DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING. That encoding needs to be
+ passed in to the superclass's __new__ or the superclass won't know
+ how to handle non-ASCII characters.
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, unicode):
+ return unicode.__new__(cls, value)
+ return unicode.__new__(cls, value, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING)
+ def __getnewargs__(self):
+ return (unicode(self),)
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ """text.string gives you text. This is for backwards
+ compatibility for Navigable*String, but for CData* it lets you
+ get the string without the CData wrapper."""
+ if attr == 'string':
+ return self
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, attr))
+ def output_ready(self, formatter="minimal"):
+ output = self.format_string(self, formatter)
+ return self.PREFIX + output + self.SUFFIX
+class PreformattedString(NavigableString):
+ """A NavigableString not subject to the normal formatting rules.
+ The string will be passed into the formatter (to trigger side effects),
+ but the return value will be ignored.
+ """
+ def output_ready(self, formatter="minimal"):
+ """CData strings are passed into the formatter.
+ But the return value is ignored."""
+ self.format_string(self, formatter)
+ return self.PREFIX + self + self.SUFFIX
+class CData(PreformattedString):
+ PREFIX = u''
+class ProcessingInstruction(PreformattedString):
+ PREFIX = u''
+ SUFFIX = u'?>'
+class Comment(PreformattedString):
+ PREFIX = u''
+class Declaration(PreformattedString):
+ PREFIX = u''
+class Doctype(PreformattedString):
+ @classmethod
+ def for_name_and_ids(cls, name, pub_id, system_id):
+ value = name
+ if pub_id is not None:
+ value += ' PUBLIC "%s"' % pub_id
+ if system_id is not None:
+ value += ' "%s"' % system_id
+ elif system_id is not None:
+ value += ' SYSTEM "%s"' % system_id
+ return Doctype(value)
+ PREFIX = u'\n'
+class Tag(PageElement):
+ """Represents a found HTML tag with its attributes and contents."""
+ def __init__(self, parser=None, builder=None, name=None, namespace=None,
+ prefix=None, attrs=None, parent=None, previous=None):
+ "Basic constructor."
+ if parser is None:
+ self.parser_class = None
+ else:
+ # We don't actually store the parser object: that lets extracted
+ # chunks be garbage-collected.
+ self.parser_class = parser.__class__
+ if name is None:
+ raise ValueError("No value provided for new tag's name.")
+ self.name = name
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ if attrs is None:
+ attrs = {}
+ elif builder.cdata_list_attributes:
+ attrs = builder._replace_cdata_list_attribute_values(
+ self.name, attrs)
+ else:
+ attrs = dict(attrs)
+ self.attrs = attrs
+ self.contents = []
+ self.setup(parent, previous)
+ self.hidden = False
+ # Set up any substitutions, such as the charset in a META tag.
+ if builder is not None:
+ builder.set_up_substitutions(self)
+ self.can_be_empty_element = builder.can_be_empty_element(name)
+ else:
+ self.can_be_empty_element = False
+ parserClass = _alias("parser_class") # BS3
+ @property
+ def is_empty_element(self):
+ """Is this tag an empty-element tag? (aka a self-closing tag)
+ A tag that has contents is never an empty-element tag.
+ A tag that has no contents may or may not be an empty-element
+ tag. It depends on the builder used to create the tag. If the
+ builder has a designated list of empty-element tags, then only
+ a tag whose name shows up in that list is considered an
+ empty-element tag.
+ If the builder has no designated list of empty-element tags,
+ then any tag with no contents is an empty-element tag.
+ """
+ return len(self.contents) == 0 and self.can_be_empty_element
+ isSelfClosing = is_empty_element # BS3
+ @property
+ def string(self):
+ """Convenience property to get the single string within this tag.
+ :Return: If this tag has a single string child, return value
+ is that string. If this tag has no children, or more than one
+ child, return value is None. If this tag has one child tag,
+ return value is the 'string' attribute of the child tag,
+ recursively.
+ """
+ if len(self.contents) != 1:
+ return None
+ child = self.contents[0]
+ if isinstance(child, NavigableString):
+ return child
+ return child.string
+ @string.setter
+ def string(self, string):
+ self.clear()
+ self.append(string.__class__(string))
+ def _all_strings(self, strip=False):
+ """Yield all child strings, possibly stripping them."""
+ for descendant in self.descendants:
+ if not isinstance(descendant, NavigableString):
+ continue
+ if strip:
+ descendant = descendant.strip()
+ if len(descendant) == 0:
+ continue
+ yield descendant
+ strings = property(_all_strings)
+ @property
+ def stripped_strings(self):
+ for string in self._all_strings(True):
+ yield string
+ def get_text(self, separator=u"", strip=False):
+ """
+ Get all child strings, concatenated using the given separator.
+ """
+ return separator.join([s for s in self._all_strings(strip)])
+ getText = get_text
+ text = property(get_text)
+ def decompose(self):
+ """Recursively destroys the contents of this tree."""
+ self.extract()
+ i = self
+ while i is not None:
+ next = i.next_element
+ i.__dict__.clear()
+ i = next
+ def clear(self, decompose=False):
+ """
+ Extract all children. If decompose is True, decompose instead.
+ """
+ if decompose:
+ for element in self.contents[:]:
+ if isinstance(element, Tag):
+ element.decompose()
+ else:
+ element.extract()
+ else:
+ for element in self.contents[:]:
+ element.extract()
+ def index(self, element):
+ """
+ Find the index of a child by identity, not value. Avoids issues with
+ tag.contents.index(element) getting the index of equal elements.
+ """
+ for i, child in enumerate(self.contents):
+ if child is element:
+ return i
+ raise ValueError("Tag.index: element not in tag")
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ """Returns the value of the 'key' attribute for the tag, or
+ the value given for 'default' if it doesn't have that
+ attribute."""
+ return self.attrs.get(key, default)
+ def has_attr(self, key):
+ return key in self.attrs
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return str(self).__hash__()
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """tag[key] returns the value of the 'key' attribute for the tag,
+ and throws an exception if it's not there."""
+ return self.attrs[key]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ "Iterating over a tag iterates over its contents."
+ return iter(self.contents)
+ def __len__(self):
+ "The length of a tag is the length of its list of contents."
+ return len(self.contents)
+ def __contains__(self, x):
+ return x in self.contents
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ "A tag is non-None even if it has no contents."
+ return True
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ """Setting tag[key] sets the value of the 'key' attribute for the
+ tag."""
+ self.attrs[key] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ "Deleting tag[key] deletes all 'key' attributes for the tag."
+ self.attrs.pop(key, None)
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Calling a tag like a function is the same as calling its
+ find_all() method. Eg. tag('a') returns a list of all the A tags
+ found within this tag."""
+ return self.find_all(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __getattr__(self, tag):
+ #print "Getattr %s.%s" % (self.__class__, tag)
+ if len(tag) > 3 and tag.endswith('Tag'):
+ # BS3: soup.aTag -> "soup.find("a")
+ tag_name = tag[:-3]
+ warnings.warn(
+ '.%sTag is deprecated, use .find("%s") instead.' % (
+ tag_name, tag_name))
+ return self.find(tag_name)
+ # We special case contents to avoid recursion.
+ elif not tag.startswith("__") and not tag=="contents":
+ return self.find(tag)
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__, tag))
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """Returns true iff this tag has the same name, the same attributes,
+ and the same contents (recursively) as the given tag."""
+ if self is other:
+ return True
+ if (not hasattr(other, 'name') or
+ not hasattr(other, 'attrs') or
+ not hasattr(other, 'contents') or
+ self.name != other.name or
+ self.attrs != other.attrs or
+ len(self) != len(other)):
+ return False
+ for i, my_child in enumerate(self.contents):
+ if my_child != other.contents[i]:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ """Returns true iff this tag is not identical to the other tag,
+ as defined in __eq__."""
+ return not self == other
+ def __repr__(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING):
+ """Renders this tag as a string."""
+ return self.encode(encoding)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.decode()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.encode()
+ if PY3K:
+ __str__ = __repr__ = __unicode__
+ def encode(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING,
+ indent_level=None, formatter="minimal",
+ errors="xmlcharrefreplace"):
+ # Turn the data structure into Unicode, then encode the
+ # Unicode.
+ u = self.decode(indent_level, encoding, formatter)
+ return u.encode(encoding, errors)
+ def decode(self, indent_level=None,
+ eventual_encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING,
+ formatter="minimal"):
+ """Returns a Unicode representation of this tag and its contents.
+ :param eventual_encoding: The tag is destined to be
+ encoded into this encoding. This method is _not_
+ responsible for performing that encoding. This information
+ is passed in so that it can be substituted in if the
+ document contains a tag that mentions the document's
+ encoding.
+ """
+ attrs = []
+ if self.attrs:
+ for key, val in sorted(self.attrs.items()):
+ if val is None:
+ decoded = key
+ else:
+ if isinstance(val, list) or isinstance(val, tuple):
+ val = ' '.join(val)
+ elif not isinstance(val, basestring):
+ val = unicode(val)
+ elif (
+ isinstance(val, AttributeValueWithCharsetSubstitution)
+ and eventual_encoding is not None):
+ val = val.encode(eventual_encoding)
+ text = self.format_string(val, formatter)
+ decoded = (
+ unicode(key) + '='
+ + EntitySubstitution.quoted_attribute_value(text))
+ attrs.append(decoded)
+ close = ''
+ closeTag = ''
+ prefix = ''
+ if self.prefix:
+ prefix = self.prefix + ":"
+ if self.is_empty_element:
+ close = '/'
+ else:
+ closeTag = '%s%s>' % (prefix, self.name)
+ pretty_print = (indent_level is not None)
+ if pretty_print:
+ space = (' ' * (indent_level - 1))
+ indent_contents = indent_level + 1
+ else:
+ space = ''
+ indent_contents = None
+ contents = self.decode_contents(
+ indent_contents, eventual_encoding, formatter)
+ if self.hidden:
+ # This is the 'document root' object.
+ s = contents
+ else:
+ s = []
+ attribute_string = ''
+ if attrs:
+ attribute_string = ' ' + ' '.join(attrs)
+ if pretty_print:
+ s.append(space)
+ s.append('<%s%s%s%s>' % (
+ prefix, self.name, attribute_string, close))
+ if pretty_print:
+ s.append("\n")
+ s.append(contents)
+ if pretty_print and contents and contents[-1] != "\n":
+ s.append("\n")
+ if pretty_print and closeTag:
+ s.append(space)
+ s.append(closeTag)
+ if pretty_print and closeTag and self.next_sibling:
+ s.append("\n")
+ s = ''.join(s)
+ return s
+ def prettify(self, encoding=None, formatter="minimal"):
+ if encoding is None:
+ return self.decode(True, formatter=formatter)
+ else:
+ return self.encode(encoding, True, formatter=formatter)
+ def decode_contents(self, indent_level=None,
+ eventual_encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING,
+ formatter="minimal"):
+ """Renders the contents of this tag as a Unicode string.
+ :param eventual_encoding: The tag is destined to be
+ encoded into this encoding. This method is _not_
+ responsible for performing that encoding. This information
+ is passed in so that it can be substituted in if the
+ document contains a tag that mentions the document's
+ encoding.
+ """
+ pretty_print = (indent_level is not None)
+ s = []
+ for c in self:
+ text = None
+ if isinstance(c, NavigableString):
+ text = c.output_ready(formatter)
+ elif isinstance(c, Tag):
+ s.append(c.decode(indent_level, eventual_encoding,
+ formatter))
+ if text and indent_level:
+ text = text.strip()
+ if text:
+ if pretty_print:
+ s.append(" " * (indent_level - 1))
+ s.append(text)
+ if pretty_print:
+ s.append("\n")
+ return ''.join(s)
+ def encode_contents(
+ self, indent_level=None, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING,
+ formatter="minimal"):
+ """Renders the contents of this tag as a bytestring."""
+ contents = self.decode_contents(indent_level, encoding, formatter)
+ return contents.encode(encoding)
+ # Old method for BS3 compatibility
+ def renderContents(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING,
+ prettyPrint=False, indentLevel=0):
+ if not prettyPrint:
+ indentLevel = None
+ return self.encode_contents(
+ indent_level=indentLevel, encoding=encoding)
+ #Soup methods
+ def find(self, name=None, attrs={}, recursive=True, text=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """Return only the first child of this Tag matching the given
+ criteria."""
+ r = None
+ l = self.find_all(name, attrs, recursive, text, 1, **kwargs)
+ if l:
+ r = l[0]
+ return r
+ findChild = find
+ def find_all(self, name=None, attrs={}, recursive=True, text=None,
+ limit=None, **kwargs):
+ """Extracts a list of Tag objects that match the given
+ criteria. You can specify the name of the Tag and any
+ attributes you want the Tag to have.
+ The value of a key-value pair in the 'attrs' map can be a
+ string, a list of strings, a regular expression object, or a
+ callable that takes a string and returns whether or not the
+ string matches for some custom definition of 'matches'. The
+ same is true of the tag name."""
+ generator = self.descendants
+ if not recursive:
+ generator = self.children
+ return self._find_all(name, attrs, text, limit, generator, **kwargs)
+ findAll = find_all # BS3
+ findChildren = find_all # BS2
+ #Generator methods
+ @property
+ def children(self):
+ # return iter() to make the purpose of the method clear
+ return iter(self.contents) # XXX This seems to be untested.
+ @property
+ def descendants(self):
+ if not len(self.contents):
+ return
+ stopNode = self._last_descendant().next_element
+ current = self.contents[0]
+ while current is not stopNode:
+ yield current
+ current = current.next_element
+ # Old names for backwards compatibility
+ def childGenerator(self):
+ return self.children
+ def recursiveChildGenerator(self):
+ return self.descendants
+ # This was kind of misleading because has_key() (attributes) was
+ # different from __in__ (contents). has_key() is gone in Python 3,
+ # anyway.
+ has_key = has_attr
+# Next, a couple classes to represent queries and their results.
+class SoupStrainer(object):
+ """Encapsulates a number of ways of matching a markup element (tag or
+ text)."""
+ def __init__(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+ self.name = self._normalize_search_value(name)
+ if not isinstance(attrs, dict):
+ # Treat a non-dict value for attrs as a search for the 'class'
+ # attribute.
+ kwargs['class'] = attrs
+ attrs = None
+ if 'class_' in kwargs:
+ # Treat class_="foo" as a search for the 'class'
+ # attribute, overriding any non-dict value for attrs.
+ kwargs['class'] = kwargs['class_']
+ del kwargs['class_']
+ if kwargs:
+ if attrs:
+ attrs = attrs.copy()
+ attrs.update(kwargs)
+ else:
+ attrs = kwargs
+ normalized_attrs = {}
+ for key, value in attrs.items():
+ normalized_attrs[key] = self._normalize_search_value(value)
+ self.attrs = normalized_attrs
+ self.text = self._normalize_search_value(text)
+ def _normalize_search_value(self, value):
+ # Leave it alone if it's a Unicode string, a callable, a
+ # regular expression, a boolean, or None.
+ if (isinstance(value, unicode) or callable(value) or hasattr(value, 'match')
+ or isinstance(value, bool) or value is None):
+ return value
+ # If it's a bytestring, convert it to Unicode, treating it as UTF-8.
+ if isinstance(value, bytes):
+ return value.decode("utf8")
+ # If it's listlike, convert it into a list of strings.
+ if hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
+ new_value = []
+ for v in value:
+ if (hasattr(v, '__iter__') and not isinstance(v, bytes)
+ and not isinstance(v, unicode)):
+ # This is almost certainly the user's mistake. In the
+ # interests of avoiding infinite loops, we'll let
+ # it through as-is rather than doing a recursive call.
+ new_value.append(v)
+ else:
+ new_value.append(self._normalize_search_value(v))
+ return new_value
+ # Otherwise, convert it into a Unicode string.
+ # The unicode(str()) thing is so this will do the same thing on Python 2
+ # and Python 3.
+ return unicode(str(value))
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.text:
+ return self.text
+ else:
+ return "%s|%s" % (self.name, self.attrs)
+ def search_tag(self, markup_name=None, markup_attrs={}):
+ found = None
+ markup = None
+ if isinstance(markup_name, Tag):
+ markup = markup_name
+ markup_attrs = markup
+ call_function_with_tag_data = (
+ isinstance(self.name, collections.Callable)
+ and not isinstance(markup_name, Tag))
+ if ((not self.name)
+ or call_function_with_tag_data
+ or (markup and self._matches(markup, self.name))
+ or (not markup and self._matches(markup_name, self.name))):
+ if call_function_with_tag_data:
+ match = self.name(markup_name, markup_attrs)
+ else:
+ match = True
+ markup_attr_map = None
+ for attr, match_against in list(self.attrs.items()):
+ if not markup_attr_map:
+ if hasattr(markup_attrs, 'get'):
+ markup_attr_map = markup_attrs
+ else:
+ markup_attr_map = {}
+ for k, v in markup_attrs:
+ markup_attr_map[k] = v
+ attr_value = markup_attr_map.get(attr)
+ if not self._matches(attr_value, match_against):
+ match = False
+ break
+ if match:
+ if markup:
+ found = markup
+ else:
+ found = markup_name
+ if found and self.text and not self._matches(found.string, self.text):
+ found = None
+ return found
+ searchTag = search_tag
+ def search(self, markup):
+ # print 'looking for %s in %s' % (self, markup)
+ found = None
+ # If given a list of items, scan it for a text element that
+ # matches.
+ if hasattr(markup, '__iter__') and not isinstance(markup, (Tag, basestring)):
+ for element in markup:
+ if isinstance(element, NavigableString) \
+ and self.search(element):
+ found = element
+ break
+ # If it's a Tag, make sure its name or attributes match.
+ # Don't bother with Tags if we're searching for text.
+ elif isinstance(markup, Tag):
+ if not self.text or self.name or self.attrs:
+ found = self.search_tag(markup)
+ # If it's text, make sure the text matches.
+ elif isinstance(markup, NavigableString) or \
+ isinstance(markup, basestring):
+ if not self.name and not self.attrs and self._matches(markup, self.text):
+ found = markup
+ else:
+ raise Exception(
+ "I don't know how to match against a %s" % markup.__class__)
+ return found
+ def _matches(self, markup, match_against):
+ # print u"Matching %s against %s" % (markup, match_against)
+ result = False
+ if isinstance(markup, list) or isinstance(markup, tuple):
+ # This should only happen when searching a multi-valued attribute
+ # like 'class'.
+ if (isinstance(match_against, unicode)
+ and ' ' in match_against):
+ # A bit of a special case. If they try to match "foo
+ # bar" on a multivalue attribute's value, only accept
+ # the literal value "foo bar"
+ #
+ # XXX This is going to be pretty slow because we keep
+ # splitting match_against. But it shouldn't come up
+ # too often.
+ return (whitespace_re.split(match_against) == markup)
+ else:
+ for item in markup:
+ if self._matches(item, match_against):
+ return True
+ return False
+ if match_against is True:
+ # True matches any non-None value.
+ return markup is not None
+ if isinstance(match_against, collections.Callable):
+ return match_against(markup)
+ # Custom callables take the tag as an argument, but all
+ # other ways of matching match the tag name as a string.
+ if isinstance(markup, Tag):
+ markup = markup.name
+ # Ensure that `markup` is either a Unicode string, or None.
+ markup = self._normalize_search_value(markup)
+ if markup is None:
+ # None matches None, False, an empty string, an empty list, and so on.
+ return not match_against
+ if isinstance(match_against, unicode):
+ # Exact string match
+ return markup == match_against
+ if hasattr(match_against, 'match'):
+ # Regexp match
+ return match_against.search(markup)
+ if hasattr(match_against, '__iter__'):
+ # The markup must be an exact match against something
+ # in the iterable.
+ return markup in match_against
+class ResultSet(list):
+ """A ResultSet is just a list that keeps track of the SoupStrainer
+ that created it."""
+ def __init__(self, source):
+ list.__init__([])
+ self.source = source
diff --git a/updater/bs4/testing.py b/updater/bs4/testing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a92af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater/bs4/testing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+"""Helper classes for tests."""
+import copy
+import functools
+import unittest
+from unittest import TestCase
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from bs4.element import (
+ CharsetMetaAttributeValue,
+ Comment,
+ ContentMetaAttributeValue,
+ Doctype,
+ SoupStrainer,
+from bs4.builder import HTMLParserTreeBuilder
+default_builder = HTMLParserTreeBuilder
+class SoupTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @property
+ def default_builder(self):
+ return default_builder()
+ def soup(self, markup, **kwargs):
+ """Build a Beautiful Soup object from markup."""
+ builder = kwargs.pop('builder', self.default_builder)
+ return BeautifulSoup(markup, builder=builder, **kwargs)
+ def document_for(self, markup):
+ """Turn an HTML fragment into a document.
+ The details depend on the builder.
+ """
+ return self.default_builder.test_fragment_to_document(markup)
+ def assertSoupEquals(self, to_parse, compare_parsed_to=None):
+ builder = self.default_builder
+ obj = BeautifulSoup(to_parse, builder=builder)
+ if compare_parsed_to is None:
+ compare_parsed_to = to_parse
+ self.assertEqual(obj.decode(), self.document_for(compare_parsed_to))
+class HTMLTreeBuilderSmokeTest(object):
+ """A basic test of a treebuilder's competence.
+ Any HTML treebuilder, present or future, should be able to pass
+ these tests. With invalid markup, there's room for interpretation,
+ and different parsers can handle it differently. But with the
+ markup in these tests, there's not much room for interpretation.
+ """
+ def assertDoctypeHandled(self, doctype_fragment):
+ """Assert that a given doctype string is handled correctly."""
+ doctype_str, soup = self._document_with_doctype(doctype_fragment)
+ # Make sure a Doctype object was created.
+ doctype = soup.contents[0]
+ self.assertEqual(doctype.__class__, Doctype)
+ self.assertEqual(doctype, doctype_fragment)
+ self.assertEqual(str(soup)[:len(doctype_str)], doctype_str)
+ # Make sure that the doctype was correctly associated with the
+ # parse tree and that the rest of the document parsed.
+ self.assertEqual(soup.p.contents[0], 'foo')
+ def _document_with_doctype(self, doctype_fragment):
+ """Generate and parse a document with the given doctype."""
+ doctype = '' % doctype_fragment
+ markup = doctype + '\nfoo
+ soup = self.soup(markup)
+ return doctype, soup
+ def test_normal_doctypes(self):
+ """Make sure normal, everyday HTML doctypes are handled correctly."""
+ self.assertDoctypeHandled("html")
+ self.assertDoctypeHandled(
+ 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"')
+ def test_public_doctype_with_url(self):
+ doctype = 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"'
+ self.assertDoctypeHandled(doctype)
+ def test_system_doctype(self):
+ self.assertDoctypeHandled('foo SYSTEM "http://www.example.com/"')
+ def test_namespaced_system_doctype(self):
+ # We can handle a namespaced doctype with a system ID.
+ self.assertDoctypeHandled('xsl:stylesheet SYSTEM "htmlent.dtd"')
+ def test_namespaced_public_doctype(self):
+ # Test a namespaced doctype with a public id.
+ self.assertDoctypeHandled('xsl:stylesheet PUBLIC "htmlent.dtd"')
+ def test_real_xhtml_document(self):
+ """A real XHTML document should come out more or less the same as it went in."""
+ markup = b"""
+ soup = self.soup(markup)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ soup.encode("utf-8").replace(b"\n", b""),
+ markup.replace(b"\n", b""))
+ def test_deepcopy(self):
+ """Make sure you can copy the tree builder.
+ This is important because the builder is part of a
+ BeautifulSoup object, and we want to be able to copy that.
+ """
+ copy.deepcopy(self.default_builder)
+ def test_p_tag_is_never_empty_element(self):
+ """A tag is never designated as an empty-element tag.
+ Even if the markup shows it as an empty-element tag, it
+ shouldn't be presented that way.
+ """
+ soup = self.soup("
+ self.assertFalse(soup.p.is_empty_element)
+ self.assertEqual(str(soup.p), "")
+ def test_unclosed_tags_get_closed(self):
+ """A tag that's not closed by the end of the document should be closed.
+ This applies to all tags except empty-element tags.
+ """
+ self.assertSoupEquals("", "
+ self.assertSoupEquals("", "")
+ self.assertSoupEquals("
", "
+ def test_br_is_always_empty_element_tag(self):
+ """A
tag is designated as an empty-element tag.
+ Some parsers treat
as one
tag, some parsers as
+ two tags, but it should always be an empty-element tag.
+ """
+ soup = self.soup("
+ self.assertTrue(soup.br.is_empty_element)
+ self.assertEqual(str(soup.br), "
+ def test_nested_formatting_elements(self):
+ self.assertSoupEquals("")
+ def test_comment(self):
+ # Comments are represented as Comment objects.
+ markup = "foobaz
+ self.assertSoupEquals(markup)
+ soup = self.soup(markup)
+ comment = soup.find(text="foobar")
+ self.assertEqual(comment.__class__, Comment)
+ # The comment is properly integrated into the tree.
+ foo = soup.find(text="foo")
+ self.assertEqual(comment, foo.next_element)
+ baz = soup.find(text="baz")
+ self.assertEquals(comment, baz.previous_element)
+ def test_preserved_whitespace_in_pre_and_textarea(self):
+ """Whitespace must be preserved in and