import datetime, oursql class Database(object): TOPIC = 1 COURSE = 2 VIDEO = 3 ARTICLE = 4 EXERCISE = 5 QUIZ = 6 TEST = 7 BOOK = 8 AUDIOBOOK = 9 LECTURE = 10 def __init__(self, host, user, password=None, database="learn"): self.database = oursql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=password, db=database) def topic_exists(self, provider, unique_id): c = self.database.cursor() c.execute("SELECT `Id` FROM topics WHERE `Provider` = ? AND `ProviderId` = ? LIMIT 1", (provider, unique_id)) return (len(c.fetchall()) > 0) def item_exists(self, provider, unique_id): c = self.database.cursor() c.execute("SELECT `Id` FROM items WHERE `Provider` = ? AND `ProviderId` = ? LIMIT 1", (provider, unique_id)) return (len(c.fetchall()) > 0) def insert_topic(self, provider, unique_id, title, override=False, **kwargs): defaults = { "needs_enrollment": False, "creation_date": None, "start_date": None, "end_date": None, "parent_id": 0, "description": "" } for kwarg, val in defaults.iteritems(): try: if kwargs[kwarg] == None: kwargs[kwarg] = defaults[kwarg] except KeyError, e: kwargs[kwarg] = defaults[kwarg] c = self.database.cursor() if override == True: exists = False else: c.execute("SELECT `Id` FROM topics WHERE `Provider` = ? AND `ProviderId` = ? LIMIT 1", (provider, unique_id)) results = c.fetchall() exists = (len(results) > 0) if exists == True: return (False, results[0][0]) else: c.execute("INSERT INTO topics (`ParentId`, `Provider`, `ProviderId`, `Title`, `Description`, `Created`, `NeedsEnrollment`, `StartDate`, `EndDate`)" "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (kwargs['parent_id'], provider, unique_id, title, kwargs['description'], kwargs['creation_date'], kwargs['needs_enrollment'], kwargs['start_date'], kwargs['end_date'])) return (True, c.lastrowid) def insert_item(self, provider, unique_id, has_topic, itemtype, title, item_url, override=False, **kwargs): defaults = { "views": None, "source_url": item_url, "topic_id": 0, "parent_id": 0, "description": "", "date": None, "start_date": None, "end_date": None } for kwarg, val in defaults.iteritems(): try: if kwargs[kwarg] == None: kwargs[kwarg] = defaults[kwarg] except KeyError, e: kwargs[kwarg] = defaults[kwarg] c = self.database.cursor() if override == True: exists = False else: c.execute("SELECT `Id` FROM items WHERE `Provider` = ? AND `ProviderId` = ? LIMIT 1", (provider, unique_id)) results = c.fetchall() exists = (len(results) > 0) if exists == True: return (False, results[0][0]) else: c.execute("INSERT INTO items (`HasTopic`, `Type`, `Provider`, `ProviderId`, `Title`, `Description`, `ItemUrl`, `SourceUrl`, `Views`, `TopicId`, `ParentId`, `Date`, `StartDate`, `EndDate`)" "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (has_topic, itemtype, provider, unique_id, title, kwargs["description"], item_url, kwargs["source_url"], kwargs["views"], kwargs["topic_id"], kwargs["parent_id"], kwargs["date"], kwargs["start_date"], kwargs["end_date"])) return (True, c.lastrowid)