You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
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'use strict';
const Promise = require("bluebird");
4 years ago
// const lsblk = require("../packages/exec-lsblk");
// const smartctl = require("../packages/exec-smartctl");
// const lvm = require("../packages/exec-lvm");
// const {B} = require("../units/bytes/iec");
4 years ago
// function getStorageDevices() {
// return Promise.try(() => {
// return lsblk();
// }).filter((device) => {
// /* FIXME: Move device type filter to GraphQL? */
// return (device.type === "disk");
// }).map((device) => {
// return Object.assign({}, device, {
// path: `/dev/${}`
// });
// }).map((device) => {
// /* FIXME: Check whether we need to iterate through child disks as well, when dealing with eg. RAID arrays */
// return Promise.try(() => {
// return Promise.all([
//{ devicePath: device.path }),
// smartctl.attributes({ devicePath: device.path })
// ]);
// }).then(([info, attributes]) => {
// return Object.assign({}, device, {
// information: info,
// smartData: attributes,
// smartStatus: getSmartStatus(attributes)
// });
// });
// }).then((blockDevices) => {
// console.log(blockDevices);
// return blockDevices;
// });
// }
4 years ago
// function sumDriveSizes(drives) {
// return drives.reduce((total, device) => {
// return total + device.size.toB().amount;
// }, 0);
// }
4 years ago
// function roundUnit(unit) {
// return Object.assign(unit, {
// amount: Math.round(unit.amount * 100) / 100
// });
// }
module.exports = function({db}) {
let router = require("express-promise-router")();
router.get("/", (req, res) => {
// return Promise.try(() => {
// return getStorageDevices();
// }).then((devices) => {
// /* FIXME: Auto-formatting of total sizes and units */
// let fixedDrives = devices.filter((drive) => drive.removable === false);
// let removableDrives = devices.filter((drive) => drive.removable === true);
// let healthyFixedDrives = fixedDrives.filter((drive) => drive.smartStatus === "healthy");
// let deterioratingFixedDrives = fixedDrives.filter((drive) => drive.smartStatus === "deteriorating");
// let failingFixedDrives = fixedDrives.filter((drive) => drive.smartStatus === "failing");
// res.render("hardware/storage-devices/list", {
// devices: devices,
// totalFixedStorage: roundUnit(B(sumDriveSizes(fixedDrives)).toTiB()),
// totalHealthyFixedStorage: roundUnit(B(sumDriveSizes(healthyFixedDrives)).toTiB()),
// totalDeterioratingFixedStorage: roundUnit(B(sumDriveSizes(deterioratingFixedDrives)).toTiB()),
// totalFailingFixedStorage: roundUnit(B(sumDriveSizes(failingFixedDrives)).toTiB()),
// totalRemovableStorage: roundUnit(B(sumDriveSizes(removableDrives)).toGiB())
// });
// });
return router;