You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

229 lines
5.2 KiB

* CVM is more free software. It is licensed under the WTFPL, which
* allows you to do pretty much anything with it, without having to
* ask permission. Commercial use is allowed, and no attribution is
* required. We do politely request that you share your modifications
* to benefit other developers, but you are under no enforced
* obligation to do so :)
* Please read the accompanying LICENSE document for the full WTFPL
* licensing text.
if(!isset($_CVM)) { die("Unauthorized."); }
function check_fields($source, $fields, &$errors)
/* This function runs through a GET/POST value array, checks if all values are filled in,
* and adds error messages to the specified array if this is not the case. */
foreach($fields as $field_name => $field_error)
$errors[] = $field_error;
return $errors;
function array_add(&$array, $value)
/* Why use a separate function to add an item to an array if the $name[] construct exists?
* We only want to add an element to an array if the element isn't in the array yet, hence
* the need for a custom function.
* NOTE: This function works in-place. */
if(in_array($value, $array) === false)
$array[] = $value;
function validate_hostname($hostname)
if(preg_match("/^[a-z\d](-*[a-z\d])*(\.[a-z\d](-*[a-z\d])*)*$/", $hostname))
return true;
return false;
function first_unused_ctid()
/* [OpenVZ only] This function finds the first valid unused CTID and returns it. */
global $database;
$id_list = array();
$highest = 101;
/* Collect all known CTIDs and keep track of the highest CTID. */
$result = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT `InternalId` FROM containers WHERE `VirtualizationType` = 1", array(), 0);
foreach($result->data as $row)
$id = filter_var($row['InternalId'] ,FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if($id !== false)
$id_list[] = $id;
if($id > $highest)
$highest = $id;
/* Generate a list of all possible CTIDs between 101 and the highest CTID, and find
* all possible CTIDs that do not exist in the known CTID list. We use array_merge
* because otherwise the array indexes may not start from 0. */
$all_ids = range(101, $highest, 1);
$missing = array_merge(array_diff($all_ids, $id_list));
if(count($missing) > 0)
/* Return the first unused CTID. */
return $missing[0];
/* All CTIDs up to the highest CTID have been used. We'll just return the CTID
* that is one above the highest known CTID. */
return $highest + 1;
function format_size($input, $multiplier = 1024, $group = false, $decimal_places = 0, $return_array = false)
if($input > pow($multiplier, 8))
$unit = "Y";
$number = $input / pow($multiplier, 8);
elseif($input > pow($multiplier, 7))
$unit = "Z";
$number = $input / pow($multiplier, 7);
elseif($input > pow($multiplier, 6))
$unit = "E";
$number = $input / pow($multiplier, 6);
elseif($input > pow($multiplier, 5))
$unit = "P";
$number = $input / pow($multiplier, 5);
elseif($input > pow($multiplier, 4))
$unit = "T";
$number = $input / pow($multiplier, 4);
elseif($input > pow($multiplier, 3))
$unit = "G";
$number = $input / pow($multiplier, 3);
elseif($input > pow($multiplier, 2))
$unit = "M";
$number = $input / pow($multiplier, 2);
elseif($input > $multiplier)
$unit = "K";
$number = $input / $multiplier;
$unit = "";
$number = $input;
if($group === true)
$number = number_format($number, $decimal_places);
$number = round($number, $decimal_places);
if($return_array == true)
return array($number, $unit);
return $number . $unit;
function status_code($code)
$codes = array(
100 => "Continue",
101 => "Switching Protocols",
200 => "OK",
201 => "Created",
202 => "Accepted",
203 => "Non-Authoritative Information",
204 => "No Content",
205 => "Reset Content",
206 => "Partial Content",
300 => "Multiple Choices",
301 => "Moved Permanently",
302 => "Moved Temporarily",
303 => "See Other",
304 => "Not Modified",
305 => "Use Proxy",
400 => "Bad Request",
401 => "Unauthorized",
402 => "Payment Required",
403 => "Forbidden",
404 => "Not Found",
405 => "Method Not Allowed",
406 => "Not Acceptable",
407 => "Proxy Authentication Required",
408 => "Request Time-out",
409 => "Conflict",
410 => "Gone",
411 => "Length Required",
412 => "Precondition Failed",
413 => "Request Entity Too Large",
414 => "Request-URI Too Large",
415 => "Unsupported Media Type",
418 => "I'm a teapot",
500 => "Internal Server Error",
501 => "Not Implemented",
502 => "Bad Gateway",
503 => "Service Unavailable",
504 => "Gateway Time-out",
505 => "HTTP Version not supported",
if(array_key_exists($code, $codes))
$text = $codes[$code];
throw new Exception("The specified HTTP status code does not exist.");
if(strpos(php_sapi_name(), "cgi") !== false)
header("Status: {$code} {$text}");
$protocol = (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0');
header("{$protocol} {$code} {$text}");