// vzctl is retarded enough to return exit status 0 when the command fails because the container isn't running, so we'll have to check the stderr for specific error string(s) as well. come on guys, it's 2012.
if($result->returncode == 0 && strpos($result->stderr, "Unable to stop") === false)
if($this->sStatus == CVM_STATUS_SUSPENDED)
$this->uStatus = CVM_STATUS_STOPPED;
return true;
throw new ContainerSuspendedException("The container cannot be stopped as it is suspended.", 1, $this->sInternalId);
elseif($this->sStatus == CVM_STATUS_TERMINATED)
throw new ContainerTerminatedException("The container cannot be stopped as it is terminated.", 1, $this->sInternalId);
throw new ContainerStopException($result->stderr, $result->returncode, $this->sInternalId);
// vzctl is retarded enough to return exit status 0 when the command fails because the container isn't running, so we'll have to check the stderr for specific error string(s) as well. come on guys, it's 2012.
if($result->returncode == 0 && strpos($result->stderr, "Unable to stop") === false)
$this->uStatus = CVM_STATUS_STOPPED;
return true;
throw new ContainerStopException($result->stderr, $result->returncode, $this->sInternalId);