"use strict"; const Promise = require("bluebird"); const DataLoader = require("dataloader"); const mapObj = require("map-obj"); const lvm = require("../../packages/exec-lvm"); const All = require("../../packages/graphql-interface/symbols/all"); const nvmeCLI = require("../../packages/exec-nvme-cli"); const smartctl = require("../../packages/exec-smartctl"); const dlayerWrap = require("../../packages/dlayer-wrap"); const evaluateAndPick = require("../../packages/evaluate-and-pick"); function makeSingleCommand({ command, selectResult }) { return function (ids) { return Promise.map(ids, (id) => { if (id === All) { // FIXME: Have some sort of mechanism for making this possible? throw new Error(`This data source does not support fetching all entries`); } else { return command(id); } }).map((result) => { if (selectResult != null) { return selectResult(result); } else { return result; } }); }; } module.exports = function createSources() { let sources = { nvmeIdentifyController: makeSingleCommand({ command: (path) => nvmeCLI.identifyController({ devicePath: path }) }), nvmeListNamespaces: makeSingleCommand({ command: (path) => nvmeCLI.listNamespaces({ devicePath: path }) }), smartctlScan: evaluateAndPick({ command: smartctl.scan, selectID: (device) => device.path }), smartctlInfo: makeSingleCommand({ command: (path) => dlayerWrap(() => smartctl.info({ devicePath: path }), { allowedErrors: [ smartctl.InfoError ] }) }), smartctlAttributes: makeSingleCommand({ command: (path) => dlayerWrap(() => smartctl.attributes({ devicePath: path }), { allowedErrors: [ smartctl.AttributesError ] }) }), }; // TODO: Consider moving these to be inline as well, somehow let factoryModules = {}; return mapObj({ ... factoryModules, ... sources }, (name, factory) => { return [ name, new DataLoader(factory) ]; }); };