DoCommand($command, $throw_exception); } catch (SshConnectException $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); $command = implode(" ", $command); $this->failed = true; throw new SshConnectException("Could not run command {$command}: Failed to connect: {$error}"); } catch (SshAuthException $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); $command = implode(" ", $command); $this->failed = true; throw new SshConnectException("Could not run command {$command}: Failed to authenticate: {$error}"); } } public function RunCommandCached($command, $throw_exception = false) { if(!isset($this->cache[serialize($command)])) { $result = $this->RunCommand($command, $throw_exception); $this->cache[serialize($command)] = $result; return $result; } else { return $this->cache[serialize($command)]; } } public function Connect() { /* TODO: TIME_WAIT status for a previous socket on the same port may cause issues * when attempting to restart the command daemon. There is currently no way * to detect this from the code, and it makes all subsequent requests fail * (silently?) because the tunnel is available but nothing is listening on * the other end. This kind of edge case should be detected and dealt with. * A browser displays a 'no data received' error in this case. */ if($this->failed) { throw new SshConnectException("A previous connection attempt failed."); } $sHost = escapeshellarg($this->host); $sUser = escapeshellarg($this->user); $sPort = $this->tunnel_port = $this->node->uTunnelPort = $this->ChoosePort(); $sKeyFile = escapeshellarg($this->key); $this->node->uTunnelKey = $this->tunnel_key = random_string(16); $sSessionKey = escapeshellarg($this->node->uTunnelKey); $command = "python /etc/cvm/ {$sHost} {$sUser} {$sPort} {$sKeyFile} {$sSessionKey}"; cphp_debug_snapshot(array( "action" => "start tunnel", "db-tunnelkey" => $this->node->sTunnelKey, "db-utunnelkey" => $this->node->uTunnelKey, "ssh-tunnelkey" => $this->tunnel_key, "arg-tunnelkey" => $sSessionKey )); exec($command, $output, $returncode); if($returncode === 0) { /* autossh returns before the SSH connection has actually been established. We'll make the * script sleep until a connection has been established, with a timeout of 10 seconds, after * which an exception is raised. The polling interval is 100ms. */ $start_time = time(); while(true) { if(time() > $start_time + 10) { throw new SshConnectException("The SSH tunnel could not be fully established within the timeout period."); } if($pollsock = @fsockopen("localhost", $this->tunnel_port, $errno, $errstr, 1)) { /* The tunnel has been fully established. */ fclose($pollsock); break; } usleep(100000); } cphp_debug_snapshot(array( "action" => "pre insert db", "db-tunnelkey" => $this->node->sTunnelKey, "db-utunnelkey" => $this->node->uTunnelKey, "ssh-tunnelkey" => $this->tunnel_key, "arg-tunnelkey" => $sSessionKey )); $this->node->InsertIntoDatabase(); cphp_debug_snapshot(array( "action" => "inserted db", "db-tunnelkey" => $this->node->sTunnelKey, "db-utunnelkey" => $this->node->uTunnelKey, "ssh-tunnelkey" => $this->tunnel_key, "arg-tunnelkey" => $sSessionKey )); return true; } else { throw new SshConnectException("Could not establish tunnel to {$this->host}:{$this->port}."); } } private function ChoosePort() { try { $sPorts = array(); foreach(Node::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE `TunnelPort` != 0") as $node) { $sPorts[] = $node->sTunnelPort; $sPorts[] = $node->sTunnelPort + 1; $sPorts[] = $node->sTunnelPort + 2; } /* TODO: Figure out a more intelligent way of choosing ports. */ $start = max($sPorts) + 1; } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $start = 2000; } $current = $start; while(true) { if($current > 65534) { /* TODO: We really need to deal with this properly... */ throw new SshConnectException("No free tunnel ports left."); } if(!$this->TestPort($current)) { if(!$this->TestPort($current + 1)) { if(!$this->TestPort($current + 2)) { break; } else { $current = $current + 3; } } else { $current = $current + 2; } } else { $current = $current + 1; } } return $current; } private function TestPort($port) { if($testsock = @fsockopen("localhost", $port, $errno, $errstr, 1)) { fclose($testsock); return true; } else { return false; } } private function DoCommand($command, $throw_exception, $allow_retry = true) { cphp_debug_snapshot(array( "action" => "pre run command", "db-tunnelkey" => $this->node->sTunnelKey, "db-utunnelkey" => $this->node->uTunnelKey, "ssh-tunnelkey" => $this->tunnel_key, "command" => $command, "allow-retry" => $allow_retry )); $cmd = urlencode(json_encode($command)); $url = "http://localhost:{$this->tunnel_port}/?key={$this->tunnel_key}&command={$cmd}"; /* Setting a HTTP timeout is going to break long-running requests. * What the hell was I thinking?! $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'timeout' => 2.0 ) ));*/ $response = @file($url, 0, $context); cphp_debug_snapshot(array( "action" => "post run command", "db-tunnelkey" => $this->node->sTunnelKey, "db-utunnelkey" => $this->node->uTunnelKey, "ssh-tunnelkey" => $this->tunnel_key, "command" => $command, "allow-retry" => $allow_retry, "response" => $response )); if($response === false) { /* Determine why the connection failed, and what we need to do to fix it. */ if($testsock = @fsockopen("localhost", $this->tunnel_port, $errno, $errstr, 1)) { /* The socket works fine. */ fclose($testsock); /* Since the socket works but we can't make a request, there is most * likely a serious problem with the command daemon (stuck, crashed, * etc.) We'll throw an exception. TODO: Log error. */ $this->failed = true; throw new SshCommandException("The command daemon is unavailable."); } else { /* The tunnel is gone for some reason. Either the connection broke * and autossh is busy reconnecting, or autossh broke entirely. We * will attempt to connect to the monitoring port to see if autossh * is still running or not. */ if($testsock = @fsockopen("localhost", ($this->tunnel_port + 2), $errno, $errstr, 1)) { /* The socket works fine. */ fclose($testsock); /* Most likely autossh is very busy trying to reconnect to the node. We'll throw a * connection exception for now. TODO: Consider waiting with a specified timeout. */ $this->failed = true; throw new SshConnectException("The SSH connection to this node is currently unavailable."); } else { if($allow_retry) { $this->Connect(); $res = $this->DoCommand($command, $throw_exception, false); } else { $this->failed = true; throw new SshConnectException("Could not connect to node."); /* TODO: Log error, this is probably very bad. */ } } } } else { $response = json_decode(implode("", $response)); } if($response->returncode != 0 && $throw_exception === true) { throw new SshExitException("Non-zero exit code returned: {$response->stderr}", $response->returncode); } return $response; } }