$locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-node'], 'user' => $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-user'], 'diskspace' => $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-disk'], 'guaranteed' => $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-guaranteed'], 'burstable' => $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-burstable'], 'cpucount' => $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-cpucount'], 'traffic' => $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-traffic'], 'template' => $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-template'] ), $sErrors); try { $disk_space = parse_size($_POST['diskspace']); } catch(ParsingException $e) { array_add($sErrors, $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-disk']); } try { $guaranteed_ram = parse_size($_POST['guaranteed']); } catch(ParsingException $e) { array_add($sErrors, $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-guaranteed']); } try { $burstable_ram = parse_size($_POST['burstable']); } catch(ParsingException $e) { array_add($sErrors, $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-burstable']); } try { $traffic = parse_size($_POST['traffic']); } catch(ParsingException $e) { array_add($sErrors, $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-traffic']); } if(is_numeric($_POST['cpucount'])) { $cpu_count = (int) $_POST['cpucount']; } else { array_add($sErrors, $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-cpucount']); } try { $node = new Node($_POST['node']); } catch(NotFoundException $e) { array_add($sErrors, $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-node']); } try { $user = new User($_POST['user']); } catch(NotFoundException $e) { array_add($sErrors, $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-user']); } try { $template = new Template($_POST['template']); } catch(NotFoundException $e) { array_add($sErrors, $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-template']); } if(!empty($_POST['hostname'])) { if(validate_hostname($_POST['hostname'])) { $hostname = $_POST['hostname']; } else { array_add($sErrors, $locale->strings['error-admin-vpses-add-hostname']); } } else { $hostname = random_string(12); } if(empty($sErrors)) { $sVps = new Vps(0); $sVps->uHostname = $hostname; $sVps->uInternalId = first_unused_ctid(); $sVps->uNodeId = $node->sId; $sVps->uTemplateId = $template->sId; $sVps->uUserId = $user->sId; $sVps->uVirtualizationType = CVM_VIRTUALIZATION_OPENVZ; $sVps->uGuaranteedRam = ($guaranteed_ram / 1024 / 1024); /* MB */ $sVps->uBurstableRam = ($burstable_ram / 1024 / 1024); /* MB */ $sVps->uDiskSpace = ($disk_space / 1024 / 1024); /* MB */ $sVps->uCpuCount = $cpu_count; $sVps->uStatus = CVM_STATUS_BLANK; $sVps->uIncomingTrafficLimit = $traffic; $sVps->uOutgoingTrafficLimit = $traffic; $sVps->uTotalTrafficLimit = $traffic; $sVps->InsertIntoDatabase(); $sVps->Deploy(); /* TODO: Flash message. */ redirect("/admin/node/{$node->sId}/"); } } /* This is a bit hacky - there's no better method for this yet. If the node or user has to be * pre-determined (according to the requested URL), it is stored in the relevant POST variable * so that the templater will think it was an already selected option, thereby causing the * desired behaviour: pre-selecting the particular option. */ if(!empty($router->uVariables['prefilled_node'])) { $_POST['node'] = $router->uParameters[1]; } if(!empty($router->uVariables['prefilled_user'])) { $_POST['user'] = $router->uParameters[1]; } $result = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT * FROM nodes"); $sNodes = array(); foreach($result->data as $row) { $sNode = new Node($row); $sNodes[] = array( 'id' => $sNode->sId, 'name' => $sNode->sName, 'location' => $sNode->sPhysicalLocation ); } $sTemplates = array(); if($result = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT * FROM templates WHERE `Available` = 1")) { foreach($result->data as $row) { $sTemplate = new Template($row); $sTemplates[] = array( 'id' => $sTemplate->sId, 'name' => $sTemplate->sName ); } } else { /* TODO: Show an error when no templates are available. */ } $result = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE `AccessLevel` > 0"); $sUsers = array(); foreach($result->data as $row) { $sUserOption = new User($row); $sUsers[] = array( 'id' => $sUserOption->sId, 'username' => $sUserOption->sUsername ); } $sPageContents = NewTemplater::Render("{$sTheme}/admin/vps/add", $locale->strings, array( 'errors' => $sErrors, 'nodes' => $sNodes, 'users' => $sUsers, 'templates' => $sTemplates ));