basedir . $template . $this->extension); $template_cache[$template] = $tpl_contents; } if($tpl_contents !== false) { $this->tpl = $tpl_contents; $this->tpl_rendered = $tpl_contents; } else { Throw new Exception("Failed to load template {$template}."); } } public function Reset() { if(!is_null($this->tpl)) { $this->tpl_rendered = $this->tpl; } else { Throw new Exception("No template loaded."); } } public function Localize($strings) { if(!is_null($this->tpl)) { foreach($strings as $key => $str) { $this->tpl_rendered = str_replace("<%!{$key}>", $str, $this->tpl_rendered); $this->tpl_rendered = str_replace("{%!{$key}}", $str, $this->tpl_rendered); } } else { Throw new Exception("No template loaded."); } } /* Legacy parser code */ public function Compile($strings) { global $template_global_vars; if(!is_null($this->tpl)) { $strings = array_merge($strings, $template_global_vars); $this->tpl_rendered = $this->ParseForEach($this->tpl_rendered, $strings); $this->tpl_rendered = $this->ParseIf($this->tpl_rendered, $strings); preg_match_all("/<%\?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)>/", $this->tpl_rendered, $strlist); foreach($strlist[1] as $str) { if(isset($strings[$str])) { $this->tpl_rendered = str_replace("<%?{$str}>", $strings[$str], $this->tpl_rendered); } } } else { Throw new Exception("No template loaded."); } } public function ParseForEach($source, $data) { $templater = $this; return preg_replace_callback("/<%foreach ([a-z0-9_-]+) in ([a-z0-9_-]+)>(.*?)<%\/foreach>/si", function($matches) use($data, $templater) { $variable_name = $matches[1]; $array_name = $matches[2]; $template = $matches[3]; $returnvalue = ""; if(isset($data[$array_name])) { foreach($data[$array_name] as $item) { $rendered = $template; $rendered = $templater->ParseIf($rendered, $data, $item, $variable_name); foreach($item as $key => $value) { $rendered = str_replace("<%?{$variable_name}[{$key}]>", $value, $rendered); } $returnvalue .= $rendered; } return $returnvalue; } return false; }, $source); } public function ParseIf($source, $data, $context = null, $identifier = "") { return preg_replace_callback("/<%if ([][a-z0-9_-]+) (=|==|>|<|>=|<=|!=) ([^>]+)>(.*?)<%\/if>/si", function($matches) use($data, $context, $identifier) { $variable_name = $matches[1]; $operator = $matches[2]; $value = $matches[3]; $template = $matches[4]; if(!empty($identifier)) { if(preg_match("/{$identifier}\[([a-z0-9_-]+)\]/i", $variable_name, $submatches)) { // Local variable. $name = $submatches[1]; if(isset($context[$name])) { $variable = $context[$name]; } else { return false; } } elseif(preg_match("/[a-z0-9_-]+\[[a-z0-9_-]+\]/i", $variable_name)) { // Not the right scope. return false; } else { // Global variable. if(isset($data[$variable_name])) { $variable = $data[$variable_name]; } else { return false; } } } else { if(isset($data[$variable_name])) { $variable = $data[$variable_name]; } else { return false; } } if($variable === "true") { $variable = true; } if($variable === "false") { $variable = false; } if(is_numeric($variable)) { $variable = (int)$variable; } if($value === "true") { $value = true; } if($value === "false") { $value = false; } if(is_numeric($value)) { $value = (int)$value; } switch($operator) { case "=": case "==": $display = ($variable == $value); break; case ">": $display = ($variable > $value); break; case "<": $display = ($variable < $value); break; case ">=": $display = ($variable >= $value); break; case "<=": $display = ($variable <= $value); break; case "!=": $display = ($variable != $value); break; default: return false; break; } if($display === true) { return $template; } else { return ""; } return false; }, $source); } public function Render() { if(!is_null($this->tpl)) { return $this->tpl_rendered; } else { Throw new Exception("No template loaded."); } } public function Output() { if(!is_null($this->tpl)) { echo($this->tpl_rendered); } else { Throw new Exception("No template loaded."); } } public static function InlineRender($templatename, $localize = array(), $compile = array()) { $template = new Templater(); $template->Load($templatename); $template->Localize($localize); $template->Compile($compile); return $template->Render(); } /* New parser code */ public static function AdvancedParse($templatename, $localize = array(), $compile = array()) { $template = new Templater(); $template->templatename = $template->basedir . $templatename . $template->extension;; $template->Load($templatename); $template->Localize($localize); return $template->Parse($compile); } public function Parse($data) { global $template_global_vars; $tree = $this->BuildSyntaxTree(); $data = array_merge($data, $template_global_vars); return $this->root->Evaluate($data); } public function BuildSyntaxTree() { $content = $this->tpl_rendered; $length = strlen($content); $offset = 0; $depth = 1; $current_tag = array(); $current_element = array(); $current_text_element = null; $debug_tree = array(); $root = array(); $tag_start = 0; $tag_end = 0; $text_block = ""; $switch = CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_NONE; $type = CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_NONE; $current_element[0] = new TemplateRootElement(); while($offset < $length) { $char = $content[$offset]; if($char == "{" && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_NONE) { $switch = CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_OPEN; $tag_start = $offset; } elseif($char == "%" && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_OPEN) { if($text_block != "") { $current_text_element->text = $text_block; $text_block = ""; $current_element[$depth - 1]->children[] = $current_text_element; } // Look ahead to see whether this is going to be a variable or a logic element if($content[$offset + 1] == "?") { $switch = CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_VARNAME; $name = ""; } else { $switch = CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_IDENTIFIER; $identifier = ""; } } elseif($char != "%" && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_OPEN) { // Not a templater tag, abort. $switch = CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_NONE; $type = CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_NONE; $text_block .= "{"; } elseif($switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_IDENTIFIER && $type == CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_NONE) { if($char == "/") { $type = CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_CLOSE; } else { $type = CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_OPEN; continue; } } else { if(($char != " " && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_IDENTIFIER && $type == CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_OPEN) || ($char != "}" && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_IDENTIFIER && $type == CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_CLOSE)) { $identifier .= $char; } elseif($char != "}" && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_VARNAME) { if($char != "?" || $name != "") $name .= $char; } elseif($char == " " && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_IDENTIFIER && $type == CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_OPEN) { $switch = CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_STATEMENT; $statement = ""; } elseif($char != "}" && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_STATEMENT) { $statement .= $char; } elseif(($char == "}" && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_STATEMENT && $type == CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_OPEN) || ($char == "}" && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_IDENTIFIER && $type == CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_CLOSE)) { $tag_end = $offset + 1; if($type == CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_OPEN) { // This was an opening tag. $debug_tree[] = "[{$depth}]" . str_repeat("   ", $depth) . "{$identifier} {$statement}"; $child = $this->CreateSyntaxElement($identifier, $statement, $offset + 1); $current_element[$depth] = $child; if(isset($current_element[$depth - 1]) && !is_null($current_element[$depth - 1])) { $child->parent = $current_element[$depth - 1]; $child->parent->children[] = $current_element[$depth]; } $current_tag[$depth] = $identifier; $depth += 1; } elseif($type == CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_CLOSE) { // This was a closing tag. $depth -= 1; if($identifier == $current_tag[$depth]) { $debug_tree[] = "[{$depth}]" . str_repeat("   ", $depth) . "/{$identifier}"; } else { throw new TemplateSyntaxException("Closing tag does not match opening tag (".$current_tag[$depth]." vs. {$identifier}) at position {$tag_start}.", $this->templatename, $tag_start, $tag_end); } } else { throw new TemplateParsingException("The type of tag could not be determined.", $this->templatename, $tag_start, $tag_end); } $switch = CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_NONE; $type = CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_NONE; $identifier = ""; $statement = ""; } elseif($char == "}" && $switch == CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_TAG_VARNAME) { $debug_tree[] = "[{$depth}]" . str_repeat("   ", $depth) . "var {$name}"; $child = $this->CreateSyntaxElement("variable", $name); if(isset($current_element[$depth - 1]) && !is_null($current_element[$depth - 1])) { $child->parent = $current_element[$depth - 1]; $child->parent->children[] = $child; } $switch = CPHP_TEMPLATER_SWITCH_NONE; $type = CPHP_TEMPLATER_TYPE_TAG_NONE; $name = ""; } else { if($text_block == "") { $current_text_element = $this->CreateSyntaxElement("text", "", $offset); } $text_block .= $char; } } $offset += 1; } if($text_block != "") { $current_text_element->text = $text_block; $text_block = ""; $current_element[0]->children[] = $current_text_element; } $this->root = $current_element[0]; $this->debug_tree = $debug_tree; } function CreateSyntaxElement($identifier, $statement) { if($identifier == "if") { $element = new TemplateIfElement; } elseif($identifier == "foreach") { $element = new TemplateForEachElement; } elseif($identifier == "text") { $element = new TemplateTextElement; } elseif($identifier == "variable") { $element = new TemplateVariableElement; } else { $element = new TemplateRootElement; } if($identifier == "if" || $identifier == "foreach") { $element->statement = $statement; } if($identifier == "if") { $statement_parts = explode(" ", $statement, 3); $element->left = $statement_parts[0]; $element->operator = $statement_parts[1]; $element->right = $statement_parts[2]; } if($identifier == "foreach") { $statement_parts = explode(" ", $statement, 3); $element->varname = $statement_parts[0]; $element->source = $statement_parts[2]; } if($identifier == "variable") { $element->variable = $statement; } return $element; } } /* Syntax element definitions */ class TemplateSyntaxElement { public $parent = null; public $children = array(); public $data = array(); public function Evaluate($data) { $result = ""; foreach($this->children as $child) { $result .= $child->Evaluate($data); } return $result; } public function FetchVariable($name, $data) { if(strpos($name, "[") === false) { return $data[$name]; } else { // Variable refers to a subset of the data, traverse up the tree to find the matching dataset $open_brace = strpos($name, "["); $closing_brace = strpos($name, "]"); $source = substr($name, 0, $open_brace); $item = substr($name, $open_brace + 1, ($closing_brace - $open_brace - 1)); $current_element = $this; while(!is_null($current_element)) { $current_element = $current_element->parent; if(isset($current_element->varname)) { if($current_element->varname == $source) { if(isset($current_element->data[$item])) { return $current_element->data[$item]; } else { return false; } } } } } } } class TemplateRootElement extends TemplateSyntaxElement {} class TemplateVariableElement extends TemplateSyntaxElement { public $variable = ""; public function Evaluate($data) { return $this->FetchVariable($this->variable, $data); } } class TemplateTextElement extends TemplateSyntaxElement { public $text = ""; public function Evaluate($data) { return $this->text; } } class TemplateIfElement extends TemplateSyntaxElement { public $statement = ""; public $left = ""; public $right = ""; public $operator = ""; public function Evaluate($data) { $a = $this->FetchVariable($this->left, $data); $b = $this->right; switch($this->operator) { case "=": case "==": $result = ($a == $b); break; case ">": $result = ($a > $b); break; case "<": $result = ($a < $b); break; case ">=": $result = ($a >= $b); break; case "<=": $result = ($a <= $b); break; case "!=": $result = ($a != $b); break; default: $result = false; } if($result == true) { return parent::Evaluate($data); } } } class TemplateForEachElement extends TemplateSyntaxElement { public $statement = ""; public $source = ""; public $varname = ""; public $block = ""; public $data = array(); public function Evaluate($data) { $target = $this->FetchVariable($this->source, $data); $result = ""; foreach($target as $iteration) { $this->data = $iteration; foreach($this->children as $child) { $result .= $child->Evaluate($data); } } return $result; } }