uParameters[1]); if($sContainer->sUserId != $sUser->sId && $sUser->sAccessLevel < 20) { throw new UnauthorizedException("You are not authorized to control this container."); } $sError = ""; $sPageContents = ""; $sMainClass = "shift"; $router = new CPHPRouter(); $router->ignore_query = true; $router->routes = array( 0 => array( '^/([0-9]+)/?$' => "module.vps.overview.php", '^/([0-9]+)/(start)/?$' => "module.vps.overview.php", '^/([0-9]+)/(stop)/?$' => "module.vps.overview.php", '^/([0-9]+)/(restart)/?$' => "module.vps.overview.php", '^/([0-9]+)/reinstall/?$' => "module.vps.reinstall.php", '^/([0-9]+)/password/?$' => "module.vps.password.php", '^/([0-9]+)/console/?$' => "module.vps.console.php" ) ); $router->RouteRequest(); try { $sContainer->CheckAllowed(); } catch (ContainerSuspendedException $e) { $err = new CPHPErrorHandler(CPHP_ERRORHANDLER_TYPE_WARNING, "This container is suspended", "You cannot change any configuration or perform any actions on this container. If you feel this should not be the case, please contact support."); $sMainContents .= $err->Render(); } catch (ContainerTerminatedException $e) { $err = new CPHPErrorHandler(CPHP_ERRORHANDLER_TYPE_WARNING, "This container has been terminated", "You cannot change any configuration or perform any actions on this container, as it is terminated."); $sMainContents .= $err->Render(); } $sMainContents .= Templater::AdvancedParse("main.vps", $locale->strings, array( 'error' => $sError, 'contents' => $sPageContents, 'id' => $sContainer->sId )); } catch(NotFoundException $e) { $sMainContents = Templater::AdvancedParse("error.vps.notfound"); }