import zlib, sys class GzipReader(object): source = None cobj = None done = False buff = "" def __init__(self, source): self.source = source self.cobj = zlib.compressobj() def read(self, size = -1): if self.done == False: if size < 0: data = return self.cobj.compress(data) + self.cobj.flush(zlib.Z_FINISH) else: # Keep reading and compressing until we have something to return. while len(self.buff) < size: data = if data == "": # Process the last data left in the compressor buffer. self.buff += self.cobj.flush(zlib.Z_FINISH) # Mark as done to prevent calling flush(zlib.Z_FINISH) twice. self.done = True return self.buff self.buff += self.cobj.compress(data) returndata = self.buff[:size] self.buff = self.buff[size:] return returndata else: return "" def flush(self): pass def write(self, data): pass def close(self): self.source.close()