_locale; en_US.UTF-8,en_US _datetime_short; %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S _datetime_long; %A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S _date_short; %d/%m/%Y _date_long; %A %B %d, %Y _time; %H:%M:%S event-now; now event-future; in the future event-past; in the past event-1second-ago; 1 second ago event-seconds-ago; %1$d seconds ago event-1minutes-ago; 1 minute ago event-minutes-ago; %1$d minutes ago event-1hour-ago; 1 hour ago event-hours-ago; %1$d hours ago event-1day-ago; 1 day ago event-days-ago; %1$d days ago event-1week-ago; 1 week ago event-weeks-ago; %1$d weeks ago event-1month-ago; 1 month ago event-months-ago; %1$d months ago event-1year-ago; 1 year ago event-years-ago; %1$d years ago title-overview; Overview title-login; Login to your VPS panel title-reinstall; Reinstall your VPS button-login; Login button-reinstall; Reinstall notfound; The specified VPS was not found. footer; CPHP is a free and open source VPS control panel. Want to contribute? userbox-loggedin; You are logged in as <%?username>. userbox-account; Account settings userbox-list; My VPSes userbox-logout; Log out menu-overview; Overview menu-statistics; Statistics menu-reinstall; Reinstall menu-backups; Backups menu-console; Console menu-ip; IP Allocation menu-alerts; Alerts menu-api; API login-username; Username login-password; Password overview-quota-title-disk; Disk space overview-quota-title-ram; RAM overview-quota-title-traffic; Traffic overview-title-configuration; VPS configuration overview-title-status; Status overview-title-location; Server location overview-title-node; Host node overview-title-os; Operating system overview-title-ipv4; IPv4 addresses overview-title-ipv6; IPv6 addresses overview-title-guaranteed; Guaranteed RAM overview-title-burstable; Burstable RAM overview-title-disk; Disk space overview-title-traffic; Traffic overview-title-bandwidth; Bandwidth overview-status-running; Running overview-status-stopped; Stopped overview-status-suspended; Suspended overview-status-unknown; Unknown overview-button-start; Start VPS overview-button-restart; Restart VPS overview-button-stop; Stop VPS list-column-hostname; Hostname list-column-platform; Platform list-column-node; Node list-column-disk; Disk space list-column-ram; RAM list-column-template; Template list-status-running; Running list-status-stopped; Stopped list-status-suspended; Suspended reinstall-warning; I understand that by reinstalling my VPS, all data on the VPS is permanently lost and cannot be recovered. There will be no further confirmations, after clicking the Reinstall button the reinstallation process cannot be aborted. reinstall-patience; (be patient; this may take a while)