array( 'Hostname' => "Hostname", 'InternalId' => "InternalId", 'RootPassword' => "RootPassword" ), 'numeric' => array( 'NodeId' => "NodeId", 'TemplateId' => "TemplateId", 'VirtualizationType' => "VirtualizationType", 'DiskSpace' => "DiskSpace", 'GuaranteedRam' => "GuaranteedRam", 'BurstableRam' => "BurstableRam", 'CpuCount' => "CpuCount", 'Status' => "Status", 'IncomingTrafficUsed' => "IncomingTrafficUsed", 'IncomingTrafficLast' => "IncomingTrafficLast", 'OutgoingTrafficUsed' => "OutgoingTrafficUsed", 'OutgoingTrafficLast' => "OutgoingTrafficLast", 'IncomingTrafficLimit' => "IncomingTrafficLimit", 'OutgoingTrafficLimit' => "OutgoingTrafficLimit", 'TotalTrafficLimit' => "TotalTrafficLimit" ), 'node' => array( 'Node' => "NodeId" ), 'template' => array( 'Template' => "TemplateId" ) ); public function __get($name) { switch($name) { case "sRamUsed": return $this->GetRamUsed(); break; case "sDiskUsed": return $this->GetDiskUsed(); break; case "sBandwidthUsed": return $this->GetBandwidthUsed(); break; default: return null; break; } } public function GetBandwidthUsed() { return ($this->sOutgoingTrafficUsed + $this->IncomingTrafficUsed) / (1024 * 1024); } public function Deploy($conf = array()) { $sRootPassword = random_string(20); $this->uRootPassword = $sRootPassword; $this->InsertIntoDatabase(); $command = shrink_command("vzctl create {$this->sInternalId} --ostemplate {$this->sTemplate->sTemplateName} "); //$result = $this->sNode->ssh->RunCommand($command, false); $result->returncode = 0; if($result->returncode == 0) { // TODO: set sensible defaults depending on container resource configuration // // // // $this->uStatus = CVM_STATUS_CREATED; $this->InsertIntoDatabase(); $sKMemSize = (isset($conf['sKMemSize'])) ? $conf['sKMemSize'] : $this->sGuaranteedRam * 250; $sKMemSizeLimit = (isset($conf['sKMemSizeLimit'])) ? $conf['sKMemSizeLimit'] : (int)($sKMemSize * 1.1); $sLockedPages = (isset($conf['sLockedPages'])) ? $conf['sLockedPages'] : (int)($this->sGuaranteedRam * 1.5); $sShmPages = (isset($conf['sShmPages'])) ? $conf['sShmPages'] : $sLockedPages * 64; $sOomGuarPages = (isset($conf['sOomGuarPages'])) ? $conf['sOomGuarPages'] : $this->sGuaranteedRam * 400; $sTcpSock = (isset($conf['sTcpSock'])) ? $conf['sTcpSock'] : $this->sGuaranteedRam * 3; $sOtherSock = (isset($conf['sOtherSock'])) ? $conf['sOtherSock'] : $this->sGuaranteedRam * 3; $sFLock = (isset($conf['sFLock'])) ? $conf['sFLock'] : (int)($this->sGuaranteedRam * 0.6); $sFLockLimit = (isset($conf['sFLockLimit'])) ? $conf['sFLockLimit'] : (int)($sFLock * 1.1); $sTcpSndBuf = (isset($conf['sTcpSndBuf'])) ? $conf['sTcpSndBuf'] : (int)($this->sGuaranteedRam * 20000); $sTcpRcvBuf = (isset($conf['sTcpRcvBuf'])) ? $conf['sTcpRcvBuf'] : (int)($this->sGuaranteedRam * 20000); $sOtherBuf = (isset($conf['sOtherBuf'])) ? $conf['sOtherBuf'] : (int)($this->sGuaranteedRam * 20000); $sOtherBufLimit = (isset($conf['sOtherBufLimit'])) ? $conf['sOtherBufLimit'] : (int)($sTcpSndBuf * 2); $sTcpSndBufLimit = (isset($conf['sTcpSndBufLimit'])) ? $conf['sTcpSndBufLimit'] : (int)($sTcpSndBuf * 2); $sTcpRcvBufLimit = (isset($conf['sTcpRcvBufLimit'])) ? $conf['sTcpRcvBufLimit'] : (int)($sTcpRcvBuf * 2); $sDgramBuf = (isset($conf['sDgramBuf'])) ? $conf['sDgramBuf'] : (int)($sTcpRcvBuf / 40); $sNumFile = (isset($conf['sNumFile'])) ? $conf['sNumFile'] : $this->sGuaranteedRam * 32; $sDCache = (isset($conf['sDCache'])) ? $conf['sDCache'] : $this->sGuaranteedRam * 16000; $sDCacheLimit = (isset($conf['sDCacheLimit'])) ? $conf['sDCacheLimit'] : (int)($sDCache * 1.1); $sAvgProc = (isset($conf['sAvgProc'])) ? $conf['sAvgProc'] : (int)($this->sGuaranteedRam * 1.5); $command = shrink_command("vzctl set {$this->sInternalId} --onboot yes --setmode restart --hostname {$this->sHostname} --nameserver --nameserver --numproc {$this->sCpuCount} --vmguarpages {$this->sGuaranteedRam}M:unlimited --privvmpages {$this->sBurstableRam}M:{$this->sBurstableRam}M --quotatime 0 --diskspace {$this->sDiskSpace}M:{$this->sDiskSpace}M --userpasswd root:{$sRootPassword} --kmemsize {$sKMemSize}:{$sKMemSizeLimit} --lockedpages {$sLockedPages}:{$sLockedPages} --shmpages {$sShmPages}:{$sShmPages} --physpages 0:unlimited --oomguarpages {$sOomGuarPages}:unlimited --numtcpsock {$sTcpSock}:{$sTcpSock} --numflock {$sFLock}:{$sFLockLimit} --numpty 32:32 --numsiginfo 512:512 --tcpsndbuf {$sTcpSndBuf}:{$sTcpSndBufLimit} --tcprcvbuf {$sTcpRcvBuf}:{$sTcpRcvBufLimit} --othersockbuf {$sOtherBuf}:{$sOtherBufLimit} --dgramrcvbuf {$sDgramBuf}:{$sDgramBuf} --numothersock {$sOtherSock}:{$sOtherSock} --numfile {$sNumFile}:{$sNumFile} --dcachesize {$sDCache}:{$sDCacheLimit} --numiptent 128:128 --diskinodes 200000:220000 --avnumproc {$sAvgProc}:{$sAvgProc} --save "); /* This may be useful if we turn out to have a kernel that supports vswap $command = shrink_command("vzctl set {$this->sInternalId} --onboot yes --setmode restart --hostname {$this->sHostname} --nameserver --nameserver --numproc {$this->sCpuCount} --quotatime 0 --diskspace {$this->sDiskSpace}M:{$this->sDiskSpace}M --userpasswd root:{$sRootPassword} --numtcpsock 360:360 --numflock 188:206 --numpty 16:16 --numsiginfo 256:256 --tcpsndbuf 1720320:2703360 --tcprcvbuf 1720320:2703360 --othersockbuf 1126080:2097152 --dgramrcvbuf 262144:262144 --numothersock 360:360 --numfile 9312:9312 --dcachesize 3409920:3624960 --numiptent 128:128 --diskinodes 200000:220000 --avnumproc 180:180 --ram {$this->sGuaranteedRam}M --swap {$this->sBurstableRam}M --save ");*/ pretty_dump($command); //$result = $this->sNode->ssh->RunCommand($command, false); if($result->returncode == 0) { $this->uStatus = CVM_STATUS_CONFIGURED; $this->InsertIntoDatabase(); return true; } else { throw new ContainerConfigureException($result->stderr, $result->returncode, $this->sInternalId); } } else { throw new ContainerCreateException($result->stderr, $result->returncode, $this->sInternalId); } } public function Start() { $command = "vzctl start {$this->sInternalId}"; $result = $this->sNode->ssh->RunCommand($command, false); if($result->returncode == 0) { $this->uStatus = CVM_STATUS_STARTED; $this->InsertIntoDatabase(); return true; } else { throw new ContainerStartException($result->stderr, $result->returncode, $this->sInternalId); } } public function Stop() { $command = "vzctl stop {$this->sInternalId}"; $result = $this->sNode->ssh->RunCommand($command, false); // vzctl is retarded enough to return exit status 0 when the command fails because the container isn't running, so we'll have to check the stderr for specific error string(s) as well. come on guys, it's 2012. if($result->returncode == 0 && strpos($result->stderr, "Unable to stop") === false) { $this->uStatus = CVM_STATUS_STOPPED; $this->InsertIntoDatabase(); return true; } else { throw new ContainerStopException($result->stderr, $result->returncode, $this->sInternalId); } } public function AddIp($ip) { $command = shrink_command("vzctl set {$this->sInternalId} --ipadd {$ip} --save "); $result = $this->sNode->ssh->RunCommand($command, false); if($result->returncode == 0) { return true; } else { throw new ContainerIpAddException($result->stderr, $result->returncode, $this->sInternalId); } } public function RemoveIp($ip) { $command = shrink_command("vzctl set {$this->sInternalId} --ipdel {$ip} --save "); $result = $this->sNode->ssh->RunCommand($command, false); if($result->returncode == 0) { return true; } else { throw new ContainerIpRemoveException($result->stderr, $result->returncode, $this->sInternalId); } } public function UpdateTraffic() { $result = $this->sNode->ssh->RunCommand("vzctl exec {$this->sInternalId} cat /proc/net/dev | grep venet0", false); if($result->returncode == 0) { $lines = split_lines($result->stdout); $values = split_whitespace($lines[0]); $uIncoming = $values[1]; $uOutgoing = $values[9]; if($uIncoming < (int)$this->sIncomingTrafficLast || $uOutgoing < (int)$this->sOutgoingTrafficLast) { // the counter has reset (wrap-around, reboot, etc.) $uNewIncoming = $uIncoming; $uNewOutgoing = $uOutgoing; } else { $uNewIncoming = $uIncoming - $this->sIncomingTrafficLast; $uNewOutgoing = $uOutgoing - $this->sOutgoingTrafficLast; } $this->uIncomingTrafficUsed = $this->sIncomingTrafficUsed + $uNewIncoming; $this->uOutgoingTrafficUsed = $this->sOutgoingTrafficUsed + $uNewOutgoing; $this->uIncomingTrafficLast = $uIncoming; $this->uOutgoingTrafficLast = $uOutgoing; $this->InsertIntoDatabase(); } else { throw new ContainerTrafficRetrieveException($result->stderr, $result->returncode, $this->sInternalId); } } public function EnableTunTap() { // TODO: Finish EnableTunTap function, check whether tun module is available on host $command = "vzctl set {$this->sInternalId} --devnodes net/tun:rw --save"; } } ?>