import stat, os, shutil, urllib, subprocess from itertools import dropwhile def create_directory(path, ignore_failure=True, uid=-1, gid=-1, modes=""): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError, e: if ignore_failure: pass else: raise if uid != -1 or gid != -1: os.chown(path, uid, gid) if modes != "": set_modes(path, modes) def copy_file(source, destination, ignore_failure=True, uid=-1, gid=-1, modes=""): if ignore_failure == False: if os.path_exists(destination): raise Exception("Destination path already exists.") try: shutil.copy(source, destination) except IOError, e: if ignore_failure: pass else: raise if uid != -1 or gid != -1: os.chown(destination, uid, gid) if modes != "": set_modes(destination, modes) def create_file(path, contents="", uid=-1, gid=-1, modes=""): f = open(path, "w") if contents != "": f.write(contents) f.close() if uid != -1 or gid != -1: os.chown(path, uid, gid) if modes != "": set_modes(path, modes) def set_modes(path, modes): mode_map = { "u": { "r": stat.S_IRUSR, "w": stat.S_IWUSR, "x": stat.S_IXUSR }, "g": { "r": stat.S_IRGRP, "w": stat.S_IWGRP, "x": stat.S_IXGRP }, "o": { "r": stat.S_IROTH, "w": stat.S_IWOTH, "x": stat.S_IXOTH } } chunks = modes.split(" ") mode = 0 for chunk in chunks: usertype, changes = chunk.split("+") if usertype in mode_map: for change in list(changes): if change in mode_map[usertype]: mode = mode | mode_map[usertype][change] else: raise Exception("Unknown permission in modes specification.") elif usertype == "a": for change in list(changes): for i in mode_map: if change in mode_map[i]: mode = mode | mode_map[i][change] else: raise Exception("Unknown user type in modes specification.") os.chmod(path, mode) def download_file(name, mirrors): try: file_mirrors = mirrors[name] except KeyError, e: raise Exception("No such file exists in the mirror list.") for url in file_mirrors: try: urllib.urlretrieve(url, name) except: continue else: return name raise Exception("No functional mirrors found for this file.") def install_rpm(path): stfu = open("/dev/null", "wb") result =["yum", "--nogpgcheck", "install", "-y", path], stdout=stfu, stderr=stfu) stfu.close() if result != 0: raise Exception("Failed to install package.") def install_remote_rpm(name, mirrors): download_file(name, mirrors) install_rpm(name) def rindex(lst, item): # try: return dropwhile(lambda x: lst[x].strip() != item, reversed(xrange(len(lst)))).next() except StopIteration: raise ValueError, "rindex(lst, item): item not in list"